Today I got given a nice laser crap to attempt to fix. After opening it up the problem soon came clear. It seems one of the motors is nearly dead and to get it spinning up you need give it a little push like the motor has to much drag inside. because it doesnt move it draws a lot of current inside so the laser doesnt shine unless this motor spins (there are two motors and a laser)
The motor is a wrf-130ch and I have been unable to be able to buy it any where online. Is there any one who could help me.
I have seen capacitors over the motor and maybe if I select a load resistor I could trick the device into thinking it is working. Or could I use a similar motor with the same specs? Thank you all for your help! Trevor Boultwood
Looks like the WRF-130CH comes in 1.5V (WRF-130CH-2860) and 6V (WRF-130CH-12250).
What voltage does your laser thing use?
Thank you for the reply, The unit itself is supplied with 9v, then regulated fown to 5v. The motor I think is 1.5 v.... But that's with full voltage on and I am not to sure. I wouldn't mine purchasing both if I could....
Thank you for the reply, cannot wait for another one!
found some very hard to see markings (glue over the top of them) but part of it was 'D/V3.5'
Thanks again
I have not been able to find a retail outlet yet. You probably don't want to order 5000 of them but if you do... This product is no longer available.
Looks like maybe the Japanese company Mabuchi made the motor originally and companies in China cloned it but now Mabuchi only makes the 6V version (RF-130CH-12250).