Replay magnetic card data


I'm getting a Sanguino (purely for the extra memory) for Christmas so I can play around with microprocessors. I've always found electronics fascinating!

I'm already working on my first project; a device that combines a card reader and a device that replays the magnetic data. I also hope to interface it with a simple LCD and a few buttons, etc.

I've no problem coding the application, but my only worry is that simply writing the bits over a digital pin will present all the data to the card reader faster than it can read (almost as if someone had swiped the card too quickly).

Can anyone recommend any ways of averting this issue? I believe a simple delay(x) between writing the bits will probably work, but I have no way of testing both the replay and capture functionality at the same time (unless I buy two boards!)

The program provided on the instructables article use a sample rate of 8192 to convert the data into a WAV, but I'm unsure how to relate this to a simple delay(x) call in the sketch. Any help?


ps. Rest assured I'm not going to be doing anything illegal with this, it's not like I can hand over an electromagnet and box of electronics instead of a card when paying for something!

I shouldn't worry too much about the speed.
Assume you swipe the card through in one second, then divide the second by the number of bits you are sending to get the delay between each bit. These things tend to have a wide tolerance due to having to cope with different swipe speeds.

Brilliant, that's just what I'd hoped.

I'll post pictures and document my build, I'll post it up when I'm done.
