Dear all,
Reposting this previous post with a clearer subject line, that hopefully will attract more help.
I am trying to connect a NEO-6MGPS to a MKR1400 board. I'm an Arduino beginner and trying to use the NeoGPS example, since it is very well documented. However, some of the other pins are being used for sensors, so I also need to connect it to different pins.
I've done the following steps, but am stuck:
The first step was to use the NMEA.ino example found here: NeoGPS/NMEA.ino at master · SlashDevin/NeoGPS · GitHub
In order to get this to work on a MKR1400 board, I was hoping to reset the TX and RX pins, following this advice: NeoGPS/ at master · SlashDevin/NeoGPS · GitHub
I changed to this in the GPSport.h library:
#include <NeoSWSerial.h>
NeoSWSerial gpsPort(3, 2);
#define GPS_PORT_NAME "NeoSWSerial(3,2)"
#define DEBUG_PORT Serial
- I get this error:
ARNING: library NeoSWSerial claims to run on (avr) architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on (samd) architecture(s).
/Users/ydh/Documents/Arduino/libraries/NeoSWSerial/src/NeoSWSerial.cpp:511:6: error: #error MCU not supported by NeoSWSerial!
#error MCU not supported by NeoSWSerial!
Which seems fairly straightforward: I can't use NeoSWSerial with the MKR1400 MCU. But the board seems pretty common, and I need it for cellular connectivity.
Any suggestions on alternative software serials would be appreciated.