reprogramming problem


i have a problem: i do try to programm my arduino mini a usally but this time it does work and i dont get any error message. I do check if the bootloader is still there (the led on pin 13 blick briefly when resseting). Despite the fact i can not reprogramm my arduino the program whitch was inside seem to work proprely! can anyones help me...?

thank you

Do you see any error messages in the Arduino GUI when you try to reprogram?
For example, you might see something like:

Binary sketch size: 4430 bytes (of a 7168 byte maximum)

Programmer is not responding.

If so, there is something wrong with your serial connection: cable is loose, or perhaps a configuration problem with the serial port on your computer. Another possibility is that you are pressing the reset button on your Arduino, then waiting too long before uploading new code. You may want to try pressing the Upload button in the GUI first, then pressing the reset button on your Arduino board, because it can take a while to compile the code before the upload actually begins.

Binary sketch size: 4126 bytes (of a 14336 byte maximum)

Atmel AVR ATmega168 is found.
Uploading: flash
Firmware Version: 1.15
Firmware Version: 1.15

I see this message when i try to re programm it! So all seem to work!
In fact test to put an big programm 13k and a small one 5k and it takes 15 sec. respectovely 5 sec to flash(i see the rx tx led blinking). But it that not flash!!!


It seems like I have experienced weird behavior before if I just press the Upload button without compiling with the Verify button first, though I do not understand why this would be the case. Maybe you can try Verify first, then Upload, and see if that works?

Also, please forgive this silly question, but... how do you know for sure that your program is not being uploaded, even though it says it is? I am assuming you changed something in the code, and the new behavior is not taking effect. That is why I made the above suggestion.

Update: I just tried making a modification to the source code for one of my sketches, then I pressed the Upload button, and it did upload something... but the code behavior did not change! Then I pressed Verify, followed by Upload, and it did change. I am still using Arduino 0006, by the way.

no no i do right! i first verify(compile) and then upload... as i have do many time before....

Eeek! I am stumped too... sorry... :frowning:

Does anyone else have a clue?

What sketches are you trying to upload? What are they supposed to do? How can you tell that they're not being run? Can you post the code?

You could try to upload the old and trusty Led_blink code and see what happens.

on what OS are you?


this is the code witch seems to be "blocked" in the chip!

int MG2 = 11; // choose the pin 
int MG1 = 10; // choose the pin D
int MotorEnable = 9; // choose the pin 
int MD2 = 12; // choose the pin
int MD1 = 13; // choose the pin 
int irD=0;
int irG=1;
int irT=2;
double r;

void setup() {
  pinMode(MotorEnable, OUTPUT);  // declare pin as output
  digitalWrite(MotorEnable, LOW);
  pinMode(MG1, OUTPUT);  // declare pin as output
  pinMode(MG2, OUTPUT);  // declare pin as output
  pinMode(MD1, OUTPUT);  // declare pin as output
  pinMode(MD2, OUTPUT);  // declare pin as output
  Serial.begin(9600);        // use the serial port to send the values back to the computer


void loop(){
  Serial.print("consumption:     "); 

  /*Serial.print("   irD:     "); 
   Serial.print("   irT:     "); 
   Serial.print("   irG:     "); 
boolean isOnTable(){
    return true;
    return false;
boolean isNearSpaceFree(){
    return true;
    return false;
void stop(){ 
  digitalWrite(MotorEnable, LOW);
void go(){
  digitalWrite(MotorEnable, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MG1, HIGH); 
  digitalWrite(MG2, LOW); 
  digitalWrite(MD1, HIGH); 
  digitalWrite(MD2, LOW); 
void goback(){
  digitalWrite(MotorEnable, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MG1, HIGH); 
  digitalWrite(MG2, LOW); 
  digitalWrite(MD1, LOW); 
  digitalWrite(MD2, HIGH);
void turnleft(){
  digitalWrite(MotorEnable, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MG1, HIGH); 
  digitalWrite(MG2, LOW); 
  digitalWrite(MD1, LOW); 
  digitalWrite(MD2, LOW);
void turnright(){
  digitalWrite(MotorEnable, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MG1, LOW); 
  digitalWrite(MG2, LOW); 
  digitalWrite(MD1, LOW); 
  digitalWrite(MD2, HIGH);
void turn(){
  digitalWrite(MotorEnable, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MG1, HIGH); 
  digitalWrite(MG2, LOW); 
  digitalWrite(MD1, HIGH); 
  digitalWrite(MD2, LOW);

Then just to make sure it was not my code, i do try to upload an exemple "blink leds" but does not work too...

thank for your interest

just to answer the question i am using window and i do try arduino 0006 and then the 0007

Hmm... the led on pin 13 flickers when you reset the board, but the same led doesn't blink when you upload the LED blink program?

exactlly, this led blink briefely 3 times, and the stays on....