Require help from somebody to make a board up for load cell

I would like to find somebody that could make up a board and display to show the weight on a load cell 0-20kg for a gas bottle weighing project. I am in Hamilton and if there is anyone willing to take this on we could discuss the project in more detail

I am in Hamilton...

That's helpful. This is a global site.
There must be 30 Hamiltons in the world.

Click on "Report to moderator", and ask them to move this thread to "Gigs and Collaborations".

Hamilton New Zealand, I only know of two Hamiltons in the world

google 'load cell shield for arduino'

and you'll get lots.

I've used one based on the HX711 and it works fine.


Hamilton New Zealand, I only know of two Hamiltons in the world

Tutorial here.

Try the Gigs and Collaboration board.

Hamilton New Zealand, I only know of two Hamiltons in the world

You need to expand your reading repotoire, there is actually a book written (by someone from Hamilton NewZealand) describing a lot of the other Hamiltons in the World.


back to the beginning....

You need.

An arduino - eg nano.

The load cell.

A HX711 shield.

A display eg LED or 16x2 LCD.

Perhaps a couple of push buttons to acheive various user functions - eg tare.

A power supply.

The various (downloadable) drivers and a little bit of software.

A standard weight to calibrate.

Can you manage that?

Or you could just buy a standard set of bathroom scales.
