Required 0 -10V DC Not Signalling 24V AC Actuator (Grounding Problem I Think)

Hi Guys

I am having a hard time using an Arduino Uno to control a 0V - 10V Damper actuator.

Below is the link to the specified actuator.

I have the actuator running off a 24V AC transformer and it does drive when manually adjusted so that hopefully rules out any problems with the actuator itself. The transformer output is then converted into DC via a rectifier and associated components. The final output Voltage is 24V DC. I then take that 24V DC and drop it down to 12V DC with a L7812CV. This 12V DC supplies the Arduino on the Vin & GND pins as well as the Op-amp.

I have managed to generate the 0 -10V DC signal by means of a Filter, Op-amp and a NPN transistor. The output voltage (0 - 10V) are are then sent to the actuator signal wire and it should move.

Do I have to ground the 0 to 10V signal with the AC 24V that powers the actuator?

Any help will be appreciated.


I have found this data sheet as well.

I have managed to find a "Wiring Schematic"

Still not winning though.

Below is a schematic.

Please note, the voltage regulator is a L7812CV and not a LM7812 :roll_eyes:
