Hi everyone, I got an arduino Mini (not pro) and I've been trying to program to it with an FTDI board. I'm not sure if this is possible but every time I try I get a sync error. I figured if it was at all possible, the the problem might be I need to reset the bootloader on the mini.
The problem is the only things I have is the FTDI board which I don't think will let me do it, an a arduino due. Would it be possible to install a new bootloader form the arduino due through the mini? Do the ucontrollers have to be the same? and will it do anything bad to my due?
Not familiar with the "not Pro" mini, but I would suggest checking everything else before you even think about the bootloader. If it has a bootloader, that should be sufficient.
Check the interface on the FTDI (jump Tx To Rx, see if you get line echo on the Serial Monitor). Check that Tx and RX do not need to be swapped connecting it to the Mini (as I say, I am not familiar with the "not Pro" mini), try manual reset as it is downloaded - press and release the reset not too fast (especially on Windoze) when you see "Binary sketch size:" appear.
Thanks for your reply, I think it should have a boot loader, as there is an LED that blinks at about a 1 second interval, so I would guess thats the blink sketch on it. The problem is I tried a lot of this with my FTDI board including presseing the reset at right time, as well as using a capacitor for the DTR pin, I am very much hoping it is something like that though as looking into resetting the bootloader seems quite difficult.
One thing I did notice trying what you said again just now, I do not get an echo if I connect my FTDI boards rx and tx together. Or at least I don't think so, I press a character such as 'a' or 'b' or 'hello' and instead I get ' ' just what I think is a whole lot of blanks (I can only see them by highlighting the monitor). I noticed both Rx and Tx LED flash on the board but I don't get the correct echo. Could this be a problem with the FTDI board?
Yes, well, either it works right or it doesn't. If it doesn't work right for the serial monitor (noting that it does not echo each character immediately, but waits till you have finished a line), then it isn't going to work for downloads.
Yes, well, either it works right or it doesn't. If it doesn't work right for the serial monitor (noting that it does not echo each character immediately, but waits till you have finished a line), then it isn't going to work for downloads.
Cheers heaps, so basically since I'm not getting the proper echo the most likely case is that I got a dodgy FTDI board then? And I should try buying a new working one?
so basically since I'm not getting the proper echo the most likely case is that I got a dodgy FTDI board then? And I should try buying a new working one?
I would not jump to that conclusion immediately. There are all sorts of possible matters, such as the driver in Windoze, possibly configuration options or such. Check you are selecting the right "serial" port for a start if you have other things connected. Check the System Properties =» Hardware =» Device Manager (System Properties is "Win-Pause") entries, again if you did before.
I do not have any FTDI units (or at least, I don't recall ...), I use the CP2102 module, "trash" ones modified but this one is ready to go except for the different pin configuration (and you obviously do not connect the unnecessary power connection to anything).
Oh right, I hope its okay, I had a thought that the TTL was similar as an FTDI, and figured that the FTDI did some sort of conversion, so that say I put hello through the serial, that it would convert to TTL? Which was why I don't get an echo? Is this wrong thinking?
I've checked the device manager on both computers I've tried it on, and also used two different drives from the FTDI website including Virtual COM Port (VCP) and direct (D2XX) but unfortunately I still get the same problem.
I checked out the link you sent me though for the CP2102 module and that looks really kool, I think it might be the easiest way to overcome this problem, it seems really cheap, so I reckon I'll buy it, and hopefully when I receive everything will work all as planned :D!!