Here is my sketch for greenhouse, sometimes it causes arduino to reset, for 1-2 times during a day. Wasted so much time and still dont work perfectly. Help appreciated.
Ambient02MushDS18b.ino (24.2 KB)
Here is my sketch for greenhouse, sometimes it causes arduino to reset, for 1-2 times during a day. Wasted so much time and still dont work perfectly. Help appreciated.
Ambient02MushDS18b.ino (24.2 KB)
What hardware do you have connected to the arduino?
What Arduino are you using and how much memory does the IDE say you have free?
You have a lot of text that could be moved out of RAM using the F macro.
You're using a lot of String objects. They're very bad news when you have little RAM to play with. Use C style strings instead.
Mega "robotdyn" with ESP
Have a lot of RAM:
24660 b (9%) 253952.
Global (23%)
F macro? How's that?
I2C Screen
Maybe missed smth.