Is there any way to reset arduino pins that have been blow. I thought I heard somewhere that you could do something with internal fuses or something.
Peter Davenport
Is there any way to reset arduino pins that have been blow. I thought I heard somewhere that you could do something with internal fuses or something.
Nope, the only fix for a chip with a blown pin is to replace the chip. $6 or so for a 328 w/bootloader.
Nope, the only fix for a chip with a blown pin is to replace the chip. $6 or so for a 328 w/bootloader.
Yes indeed. You can get it even cheaper if you can load the bootloader yourself.
It's best to stock up on extra '328s
While there are fuses within the AtMega chip, they are setting controls along the lines of how ROM chips would be programmed by fusing memory cells. Though they aren't really such because they can be reset with an HV programmer if you muck them up bad enough to brick the chip.
They have nothing to do with the generally defined fuse that burns out to prevent overcurrent damage.
The term fuse is a hang over from the days when it was actually a fuse within the chip. Like a real fuse when the metal turned to liquid the wire broke and there was nothing to do to replace it. Nowadays it is not actually a fuse but a none volatile memory location. But as said there isn't a fuse that protects your input lines so you have to buy a new chip.