Hello all, just after some advice.
Am reading a 3 axes joystick with 5K pots on it. Am trying to calibrate the joystick readings to a speed value from 0 - 8 for all directions ie pan left/right and tilt up/down that I have working and got serial prints saying pan right 1 to 8 but my issue is my min joystick value is 377 and my max joystick value is around 644 with a centre point of around 511. My pan right has a bigger scale then pan left so I get an uneven spread of speeds from left to right. Any ideas on how I can get more even spread of speeds from left to right? Would lowering my aref voltage give me a bigger range to work with since my joystick don't use full I - 1023 range?
Thank you.
Ps. I can't post my code because for some reason I can't access the forum from my laptop so post from my phone.