I have STMPE610 controller for 4-wire restive touch screen. I got it because I need to save on analog pins and to take samples more accurately. The problem is that other than hooking up the 4 wires. I have no idea what I am doing. I don't understand the language in the data sheet and even the example sketch in the STMPE610 library requires declaring some parameters that I don't really understand. I just want to have access to x and y info. How can I get that from the STMPE610? I don't expect anyone to give me a full rundown, but if anyone can direct me to a resource i would appreciate it greatly.
This example sketch from the Adafruit library seems to make it pretty clear what your connection options are, can you ask a more specific question?
note that it does not give analog output - it's controlled over spi or i2c (though i2c happens to be on so-called "analog pins" on the uno), and you read the information on current touches from that.
In the example it mentions that I need to choose one of three wiring options. If all I want to do it get x and y coordinate info from the STEMPE610 so I can use it in my code, which these wiring configurations will work? Do I declare the configuration that I want by commenting/deleting the others. Which pin/pins can I get that info from? will I just send the output from those pins to an input pin on the Arduino and do a digital reed? Sorry that I'm so clueless.
Any of those wiring options will work.
At the bottom of each description is a single line of code, commented out options 2 and 3. You need to comment out all but one of those lines - currently, it's configured for the I2C wiring option (IME, I2C is usually less painful than SPI when you have the option - this is probably why they default to that)
You can't get the data out with digitalRead() - you need to use SPI or I2C.