Resistors, many and cheap

Amazon, Amazing. I bought that 3400 1% Metal Film resistor assortment. I am looking at 7 bundles of 13 values each X 50 resistors all for $29.00 (7bundles X 13values X 50 pieces = 4550 total resistors from 0 ohms to 10 Mohms... it came in a 10 X 4 X 3" box and weighs almost a pound... It's from Veroboard Too... quite a buy, I think... (free 2nd day shipping too with Prime)...


Fine, you convinced me. Good thing I have Prime too...

Isn't that a pile of resistors... I have 7 bundles of resistors, 13 values in each bundle and 50 resistors per value... 4550 resistors... All 1% Metal Film. I don't even have room to put them anywhere... At All.
On another note... Entirely...
I bought 1734 ic's today... a LOT of EL2157CN's, a 125 Mhz 12V 100 Ma Op-Amp... Anyone remember that power amp Elektor built a while ago... the one that used 64 NE5532's per channel, Very Clean Very Low Noise power Amp... But 100's of chips... Bet I could build a better one with these... I'm going to make an "Op-Amp" board for this forum... Programmable gain, ability to amplify down to DC and do 1/2 Vcc inputs with ground referenced outputs... I included a data sheet for them. I also bought 50 or so 24V to 5V 3W isolated switchers that have a spec'd 18V min voltage and guaranteed to "Start" @ 12V... great for things like meters for power supplies... Most of the older A/D converter/driver ic's ICL7105 or 6??? and all the knockoff's need an isolated supply because the input ground is at 1/2 Vcc... Fries the chip every time you try to "Ground" the input ground.
There are a lot of digital meters sold on Ebay that have that issue... Also very cool for isolated reference sources for A/D stuff, isolated from ground good for 600 mA and really clean and @ 300KHz easy to filter for the most sensitive of applications although ripple @ 300KHz isn't much to worry about... It's too high in frequency to really matter unless it's like a volt or more (100 MV worst case) and a .1uF will fix that nicely.
I also got 15 LAS300 LEM current transformers... 300A but good from dc to 50 Khz @ 1% or better... So 30 to 60 turns of some 16 or 18 Ga solid wire would fill the hole nicely and with a +/- 15V supply would make a highly accurate 10 - 15 A full scale ammeter... lower values are possible if some loss in the coil is acceptable. I bought them because of their accuracy, I've used them before and they were great, accurate stable and easy to use... no temp comp necessary like the transformer types and no minimum load for accurate calibration, these devices also have cal and zero pots open to the world for easy "Adjustment"...


EL2157CN.pdf (494 KB)

You know Doc, like you, I'm always tempted to buy these deals, even if I'm not going to use them ever.

My wife says I'm like a mouse (Mickey or Ratatouille, she didn't say) that just gathers things and stowes them away.

I also collect movies and I have exactly 7,934 titles (no joke). Today I'm 66 (8/25), the Q is when am I going to watch all of them? ==> Elementary my dear Watson, I don't care! Just when I feel like it. I know I have them and that's comfortable enough for me. Isn't it? 8)

I collect books... I have about 30K books... Probably 1/3 duplicates... Am I going to read them all... Yeah, If I live long enough... I'm the same age as you...


Ha,ha,ha, 30.E+03 books,

Doc, you'll finish reading them when I finish watching my movies but before you finish using all those resistors and the 3 solder sucks. ]:smiley:

I'll send you a Faranheit 451 squad to your library so, you'd better start hiding them, ROFLOL XD

I have a friend who places his unread books upside down. And I always tell him, hey Arturo that's why I always hve to enter your library walking on my hands !!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Heh, heh, Heh... Truly did you get me... that time, through the eyes and mine were open when I wrote... although= I must confess some misgivings when I hit the post button and them I remembered... in reality neither will be accomplished... likely... God Willing, there's a lot of those books I have no intention of re-reading and sometimes you have to read a third to remember why you disliked it the first time. Very probably movies for you as well... I know I'd not be at all offended if no one ever asked me to watch a "Rockie" movie... The guy goes and gets his lunch eaten... Then He goes and eats the first guy's lunch and somehow his battered, Ugly face is the ... Gaaah. We Digress Again... sometime,s it is what a thread really is for. Many are for asking and answering real and many times very challenging issues come to light... And are dealt with, sometimes quickly... There is though a certain value in some of these threads as a means of forging a continuity with those younger than us through talking about "The Day" and how much it is the same, as it is different in comparison with current times and situations... I remember liking myself, to listen to technical discussions... I didn't, when I was young necessarily understand all I heard but I forgot little of what I heard. Those things became the basis of a lifetime long search for answers to the questions left me and the challenges a day can bring.
There is a certain Zest and a Zeal in pursuing it, Life, its questions of you and of you, it.


Ha, ha, ha!

I'll never finish to watch my movies because I keep watching the vintage stuff, my faves, over and over again. So tell me, when am I going to finish watching thousands of hours of recording material. What a mess for my inheritors. XD

I think I'm just like you, in order to stay young you need to enjoy life, be happy and have a good sense of humor!

Like you, I've been soldering all my life with Kester regular lead based solder and no, I do not wash my hands after soldering. And, I'm still here! ]:slight_smile:

I also hate the non-lead crap. Thank to that I lost my daughter's Compaq Presario as other thousands of owners of the same did. All thanks to the lead-free stuff. Thanks, but no thanks.

BTW: My favorite fun park is still Disneyland (since 1957 and many times later), @ Anaheim, of course! :slight_smile:

I'm sorry but the place boor's me to tears... @ 9:30 every night... possibly excepting Christmas the Fireworks go off 7 days a week and I live about 1 mile east of the place... It's really a whole city unto itself and a major annoyance as the driving tourists have no idea of how to drive there... really dangerous sometimes... But it's OK really I have my memories of Disneyland and in the end they're all I need... All I really want, I went back once with the last wife and wrecked a bunch of memories because things had changed so much. So now for the past 15 - 20 years I have made it it a point not to go to the special ones, like the ones my wife and I used to go... this is really off topic...


True, true, Doc.

Everything has changed. I liked it better back when I was only 11. But now I have a retro copy of the original map of Disneyland by Sam McKim, original author. I found it on eBay and its now framed and displayed by my hobby room "The Bunker" door. New Orleans Square id depicted there. Pirates, Haunted Mansion and Small World, ain't (sic).

Yes we're off-topic and I feel HAL9000 is coming soon to move us to bar-sport. Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?

Well, ... I'm disconnecting the grounds, HAL(ibm). :fearful:

True, true, Doc.

Everything has changed. I liked it better back when I was only 11. But now I have a retro copy of the original map of Disneyland by Sam McKim, original author. I found it on eBay and its now framed and displayed by my hobby room "The Bunker" door. New Orleans Square id depicted there. Pirates, Haunted Mansion and Small World, ain't (sic).

Yes we're off-topic and I feel HAL9000 is coming soon to move us to bar-sport. Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?

Well, ... I'm disconnecting the grounds, HAL(ibm). :fearful:

Now that is great geek humor, without having to result to some obscure C++ reference. :wink:

Thank you;

It's not a widely known thing But Walt was a smoker... I remember him alongside a barely nubile Annette Funicello... on The Mickey Mouse Club... Smoking a cigarette or a pipe... Memories, I spoke of was buying a pipe from the Tobacco Shop on Main Street... when I was 22 or 23 years old... for many years I was a baby faced young lad... and a baby faces Auld Phart... Too. I still get a KICK out of remembering what I must have looked like... desperately trying to look older. I did enjoy the pipe for many years and I bought more than a few pouches of tobacco from that little tobacco store on main street...
