restore an enum value


How to restore a variable with an Enum value?

enum sources_t { NO_SOURCE, TV, IPOD, RADIO, CD} sourceIn;
const char  sourcesText[6][6] = {"?", "TV", "iPod", "RADIO", "CD"};

uint8_t oldSourceIn;

void setup()
  sourceIn = CD;
  oldSourceIn = RADIO;

void loop()

Serial.print (sourcesText[sourceIn]);
  sourceIn = oldSourceIn;  //I would like that sourceIn is loaded with RADIO value


To print out through Serial you must initialize the port with

enum sources_t { NO_SOURCE, TV, IPOD, RADIO, CD} sourceIn;
const char  sourcesText[6][6] = {"?", "TV", "iPod", "RADIO", "CD"};

uint8_t oldSourceIn;

void setup()
   sourceIn = CD;
   oldSourceIn = RADIO;
   Serial.print("before ");
   Serial.print (sourcesText[sourceIn]);
   sourceIn = oldSourceIn;  //I would like that sourceIn is loaded with RADIO value
   Serial.print("    after ");

void loop()

Please post a complete sketch that shows what you are trying to do

Most of the code that you have posted makes no sense at all

oldSourceIn should be declared as sources_t, not uint8_t, that will eliminate the warning message.

oldSourceIn should be declared as sources_t, not uint8_t, that will eliminate the warning message.

Perfectly what I was looking for!!