Arduino IDE 1.x
Making Themes
Information about making a custom theme or modifying existing themes:
Pre-Made 3rd Party Themes
If you would like to try some pre-made 3rd party themes, these are the ones I'm aware of:
- GitHub - jeffThompson/DarkArduinoTheme: A dark theme for the Arduino IDE – no longer maintained :(
- GitHub - konrad91/OneDarkArduino: Dark theme for the Arduino IDE, inspired by One Dark Pro for VSCode by binaryify
- GitHub - revolt-randy/Arduino-Gray-Theme: A gray theme for the arduino IDE
- Discussion: New Gray IDE theme! - Libraries - Arduino Forum
- How to change the theme (colors) in Arduino IDE 1.x - Introductory Tutorials - Arduino Forum
- GitHub - taunoe/arduino-dark-theme: Arduino dark theme!
- GitHub - per1234/ino-themes: Arduino IDE themes
Instructions for installing custom or 3rd party themes:
Arduino IDE 2.x
Making Themes
Information about making a custom theme:
Pre-Made 3rd Party Themes
Instructions for installing custom or 3rd party themes: