Retrieve data and save it in access database

Hi everybody,

For my work I have created a barcode database (Ms Access) where all data such as used materials, measurement data, operators and start and end times are stored. The record contains a unique number of the component. The product is a braided rocker bar for a carbon fiber car.
Now I can determine the cycle time at which the operator has created and closed the record, but this means I can not calculate any occupancy rate and log any errors in the process, such as a broken carbon wire.
The production of the components regulated by a recipe where I can set 24v outputs high. A wire break can also be an input.

It is now important that I can determine the actual production time but also the downtime in the process (desired stop and unwanted).
This can be done with an optocoupler in an Arduino or ESP 8266.
The point is that I need the current component number to relate it to the process again.
It may be that the process has already started and later the component is entered into the database.
At the time of entry, the component number must be sent to Arduino (serial or ethernet).
I know that PLXDAC exists but this is for Exel.

If the serial number has been received and all data has been collected, the result must be written in MS Access in order to calculate an OEE (Overall equipment effectiveness) index.

I am looking for a direct solution and not through a mysql database and php scripts.
I found this [movie](Data Collection From Arduino Using Microsoft Access - YouTube and Ms access lab arduino uno - YouTube) on the internet where a direct communication is between Arduino and MS Access. Unfortunately no further explanation is given.

I have a little knowledge of Raspberry, Node Red and Arduino IDE.

Does anyone know a route to solve this?
Examples are of course even better :wink:



If I understand you, are you asking for free help with a commercial product?


Hi Paul,

The company is mine :wink:

It will be used only for internal use.