I’m working on a project that will require both an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi.
The Arduino (a Mega 2560) will be responsible for recording sensor data to an SD card.
The RPi will boot once an hour to perform photography tasks involving a DSLR, manipulate the image data, and uploading images and sensor data to a server. The RPi will not be powered full time so as to conserve battery capacity. (Solar setup)
I’m struggling with finding an elegant way to have the RPi be able to access, download, and interact (delete) data on the Arduino SD card. I am open to any reasonable suggestions. The data on the card that needs to be downloaded each hour will consist primarily of a CSV text file containing the sensor data. There will also be sporadic instances of JPG files that need to be copied from the Arduino (motion activated cameras).
I’m leaning toward Ethernet as the common interconnect, but the power requirements of the various Ethernet modules is a bit much to stomach. I’m experimenting with powering off (with a relay) the Arduino Ethernet module when not needed.
Any help would be appreciated.