Retrieving data from internet


Im looking for a way to send body's of text from my phone to my arduino so that the arduino could print it for me on a thermal printer.
I have an arduino uno with ethernet shield.
Ive looked at twitter examples, wich seem great. but the restriction of 140 characters is a dealbreaker.

I was wandering what other ways there are to send a body of text to the arduino or send it to the internet so that the arduino could retrieve it.

Is email maybe suitable for it? could i send it directly via ip or something?
thanks in advance

Im looking for a way to send body's of text from my phone to my arduino so that the arduino could print it for me on a thermal printer.
I have an arduino uno with ethernet shield.

What is "body's of text"?

Please explain!
English is not my mother language and I don't know the expression "body's of text"

If you have an Arduino with Ethernet shield and you want to do that:

  • operate Arduino operates as a HTTP webserver in your home LAN network
    -operate your smartphone in the same network
  • then you could do this
  • create a HTML data entry form for your Arduino webserver
  • start the webbrowser of your smartphone and open the page on your Arduino webserver
  • enter text message as you like in the HTML form and press the submit button
  • your Arduino webserver will then see the entered data in the request and could handle the submitted text as you like

Perhaps you'd explain a bit more detailed what you want to do, precisely.

The Arduino and Ethernet shield is located in your home LAN, Or somewhere on the Internet?

The smartphone is located in your home LAN, or somewhere on the Internet?

And you want to send text from the smartphone to the Arduino?
Or do you want to retrieve text from a web pagewhich is hosted on the Internet?

a body of text is just text with multiple sentences.

the idea is that the thermal printer is at home, and im not. and then i could send reminders/messages/appointments and other stuff to the printer while im away.
something like:
"-pickup some bread from the store.
-dont forget about that appointment tomorrow"

hosting http will work, but then you would need to port forward i guess and that wont work with my ancient router..

Ive looked at dropbox, that you would upload a .txt file from your phone and the arduino could read it. but i can only find examples of writing to dropbox, not reading from it..

thanks for replying

a body of text is just text with multiple sentences.

the idea is that the thermal printer is at home, and im not. and then i could send reminders/messages/appointments and other stuff to the printer while im away.
something like:
"-pickup some bread from the store.
-dont forget about that appointment tomorrow"

hosting http will work, but then you would need to port forward i guess and that wont work with my ancient router..

OK, now I understand. That sounds doable.
But maybe main problem will be: How can your smarthone find your Arduino at home?

Is your home LAN using "an dynamic DNS service like DynDNS? In that case your home network could have an domain name, which can be used to "phone home" from anywhere on the Internet where your smartphose has acccess to the Internet.

If you don't have DynDNS at home (or similar), thenit might get a bit more complicated. In that case your Arduino at home will have to contact and tell some "service provider"about its currentInternet IP address in regular intervals. And your mobile home will then have to ask for the IP address at this service, where it can reach your Arduino. Then you could contact the Arduino).

I don't know about dropbox, but I suppose it offers services which run across secure https:/ connections. While your smartphone can easily handle secure https protocol, your Arduino cannot. So this might become a problem if you chose a "middle man service " which only offers https connections and API. programming interface.

I'm afraid there is no standard solution which works in all areas of the world the same and doesn't require encrypted https as a service protocol. except DynDNS, perhaps.

But while DynDNS was a free service in the beginning, it is a paid service nowadays.
So I can't recommend you anything which will work in all cases to contact your Arduino at home from any place in the world using your mobile phone without any efforts or spending any money.

The same happened to me. I couldn´t solve it. Perhaps there´s an incompatibility between arduino and the Internet provider. I have fibra Yoigo and it didn´t worked.