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I am building a Quadcopter with my Arduino UNO and I got 10 of your DC motors for chistmas. The problem is when I said Arduino, he went to the online store and got them. but what I really wanted was Sunnysky X2207S KV2100 Brushless Motors. I opened the package once to see what was inside.I don't have the receipt ,but I was wondering if i could send them back and you could refund them.


Who are you asking? No one here can do that for you.

This is a Forum for helping people with programming problems. The people here have nothing to do with the Arduino store (assuming that is what you are talking about).


Don't mean to be rude. But arduino told me to post in the forum so I did.

.....But arduino told me to post in the forum so I did.

Who do you mean by "Arduino told me"?

This is a forum of users and enthusiasts, we have no access to the shops.


Don't mean to be rude. But arduino told me to post in the forum so I did.

There is nothing rude about your comment. But, as @weedpharma said, you need to tell us exactly who asked you to do that.

I do hope it was not someone trying to fob you off rather than deal with your problem.
