I am new to the forum and still learning about the programming side of things, Im getting better each day but I still have a massive amount to learn.
I am currently making a GPS display which will also incorporate an AutoPilot Function for my Boat.
Maybe a bit complicated for my skill level but I love a challenge
I am making really good progress but im having difficulty with the following -
I am calculating distances to waypoints and then calculating which one is closest,
I have a sample code which includes an array of distances.
I can return the lowest value with the following sample code but i would also like to return the coresponding index of that value.
eg, "The closest waypoint is 13 meteres away"
"The closest waypoint is waypoint.....WP6" // Its the waypont number I would like help with
Hopefully this all makes sense, I can provide my full code on request if its needed.
I will most likely kick myself when i find out how its done >:(
void setup() {
void loop() {
int WP1 = 43;
int WP2 = 22;
int WP3 = 234;
int WP4 = 878;
int WP5 = 678;
int WP6 = 13;
int WP7 = 654;
 int array[] = {WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7};
 int count = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
 int index = 0 ;      Â
 for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
  if (array[i] < array[index]) {
   index = i;
 Serial.print("Total Number Of WayPoints = ");
 Serial.print("Closest WayPoint is ");
 Serial.println(" Meters Away");
I need the index returned to me so I can use it in another part of my sketch to navigate with the AutoPilot to the closest waypoint.
It seems when I return the value of index (+1) i get the required WP number , which in the following example is 7 (WP7)
I am going to google my own thread title and kick myself (I was searching google prior to my post but I couldnt see anything that made sense to my pea size brain )
I will also search for "pass by reference" and do some more homework.
Even although the following example 'seems' to work, I want to understand it better before I use it in my main sketch.
Thank you for the guidance.
void setup() {
void loop() {
int WP1 = 43;
int WP2 = 22;
int WP3 = 5;
int WP4 = 878;
int WP5 = 678;
int WP6 = 13;
int WP7 = 4;
 int array[] = {WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7};
 int count = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
 int index = 0 ;      Â
 for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
  if (array[i] < array[index]) {
   index = i;
 Serial.print("Total Number Of WayPoints = ");
 Serial.print("Closest WayPoint is ");
 Serial.println(" Meters Away");
 Serial.print("Closest Waypoint is WP");
 Serial.println(index + 1);
You are not calling a function to find the smallest value, so the whole concept of "return the value" makes no sense.
If the smallest value is at position 4, using the value at position 5 makes no sense.
I Will try to explain myself a little better.
There is probably a way to do this that makes more sense (or a way that's easier) but this does what I need it to do.
Not only do I want to return the lowest value from the array but I also want to find out which element has the lowest value.
The array of distances are ZERO indexed, so the first element in this case, WP1 will be element zero, WP2 will be element 1 and so on.
eg, if I have 4 WayPoints with distances pre-calculated : -
eg, WP1=125, WP2=58, WP3=25, WP4=256
the closest waypoint is WP3 with a distance of 25 Meters.
This is element 2 of the array so if I return "index" + 1 I get the desired WayPoint Number.
As I said, I am sure there will be a more sensible approach to this but I have it working the way I need it to. But at the same time I would be really grateful if you provided the proper way of doing it. I would love for my code to have as little flaws/bugs as possible.
int WP1 = 43;
int WP2 = 22;
int WP3 = 5;
int WP4 = 878;
int WP5 = 678;
int WP6 = 13;
int WP7 = 4;
int array[] = {WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7};
int count = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
int closestWayPoint = count;
int closestWayPointValue = 32767;
void setup() {
 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
  if (array[i] < closestWayPointValue)
   closestWayPointValue = array[i];
   closestWayPoint = i;
 Serial.print("Total Number Of WayPoints = ");
 Serial.print("Closest WayPoint is ");
 Serial.println(" Meters Away");
 Serial.print("Closest Waypoint is WP");
void loop() {}
My way, you can also initialize it that way. int closestWayPointValue = array[0];Your way just saves the index, then retrieves the value later. Take your pick.
I was trying to honour your request literally:
Not only do I want to return the lowest value from the array but I also want to find out which element has the lowest value.
Apologies for the indentation too, I always remember good indentation in my main codes when its me that has to understand it, ive no excuse for forgetting it in the forum where it probably matters the most for other people looking at.
I wouldn't worry about it, I think the point has been made that a basic algorithm has variations. Sometimes you want to save the value because it's painful to go back and retrieve it later, such as when reading a sequential file. For an array, the identity is sufficient because as you show, you can use it to obtain the value.
I think your way is easier to understand if you give "index" a better name, like "indexOfClosest".