Returning arguments from cpp file

Hello everyone. I am trying to build a device that asks the user 5 random true or false questions. If the questions are answered correctly it actuates a solenoid that unlocks a storage box. I've got most everything working but the last thing I'm trying to do is return questions and answers from a list of questions and answers. I was able to make it function by separating the questions and answers into separate functions in a cpp file, but it is clunky and hard to add questions and answers to. I know there must be a better way to do this. Please look at my code and tell me the better way. I will say that this is my first arduino project and I am using an ESP8266 (specifically WiFi Kit 8 by Heltec) to accomplish the necessary tasks. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

ino file code

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <U8g2lib.h>
#include "questions.h"

#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI
#include <SPI.h>
#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C
#include <Wire.h>

U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ 16, /* clock=*/ SCL, /* data=*/ SDA);   // pin remapping with ESP8266 HW I2C

// End of constructor list

u8g2_uint_t offset;    
u8g2_uint_t width;      

int drawPoint = 12;
int correctCount = 0;
int responseTimer = 0;
long questionNumber;

int buttonTrue = 15;
int buttonFalse = 13;
int solenoid = 12;
int lockout = TX;
bool locked = false;

int buttonTrueState = 0;
int buttonFalseState = 0;

const char *text;
bool answer;
bool newQuestion = true;

void setup(void) {
  pinMode(buttonTrue, INPUT);
  pinMode(buttonFalse, INPUT);
  pinMode(solenoid, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(lockout, OUTPUT);

void loop(void) {
  u8g2_uint_t x;
  digitalWrite(lockout, HIGH);

  do {
    if (newQuestion == true) {
    text = "";
    width = u8g2.getUTF8Width(text);    // calculate the pixel width of the text
    x = offset;
    // draw the scrolling text at current offset 
    buttonTrueState = digitalRead(buttonTrue);
    buttonFalseState = digitalRead(buttonFalse);
    if (buttonTrueState == LOW and buttonFalseState == HIGH) {
      text = questionSelect(questionNumber);
      answer = answerSelect(questionNumber);
      width = u8g2.getUTF8Width(text);    // calculate the pixel width of the text
      drawPoint = 12;
    else if (buttonTrueState == HIGH and answer == true) {
    else if (buttonFalseState == LOW and answer == false) {
    else if (buttonTrueState == HIGH and answer == false) {
    else if (buttonFalseState == LOW and answer == true) {
    else if (buttonTrueState == HIGH and buttonFalseState == LOW) {

    if (correctCount == 5) {
    digitalWrite(solenoid, LOW);
      do {                // repeated drawing of the scrolling text...
        u8g2.drawUTF8(x, drawPoint, text);     // draw the scolling text
        x += width;
      } while ( x < u8g2.getDisplayWidth() );   // draw again until the complete display is filled
    if (drawPoint == 12) {
      u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_luRS12_tf);   // draw the current pixel width
      u8g2.setCursor(0, 32);
      u8g2.print("True or False");          // this value must be lesser than 128 unless U8G2_16BIT is set     
  } while ( u8g2.nextPage() );
  offset -= 1; // scroll by one pixel
  if ( (u8g2_uint_t)offset < (u8g2_uint_t) - width )
    offset = 0;
  responseTimer ++;
  if (responseTimer == 6000) {
    responseTimer = 0;
    digitalWrite(lockout, HIGH);

void hello(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 32);
  u8g2.print("Hello. ");   

void correctAnswer(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 30);
  u8g2.print("Correct. ");   
  correctCount ++;
  responseTimer = 0;
  newQuestion = true;
  offset = 0;   

void incorrectAnswer(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 27);
  u8g2.print("Incorrect. ");   
  digitalWrite(lockout, LOW);
  correctCount = 0;
  responseTimer = 0;
  newQuestion = true;
  offset = 0;

void invalidAnswer(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 25);
  u8g2.print("Invalid response. ");   
  correctCount = 0;
  responseTimer = 0; 
  newQuestion = true;  
  offset = 0;

void unlockSolenoid(void) {
  digitalWrite(solenoid, HIGH);
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 27);
  u8g2.print("Unlocked. ");   
  correctCount = 0;
  responseTimer = 0;
  newQuestion = true;

void getQuestionNumber(void) {
  questionNumber = random(0,15);
  newQuestion = false;

questions.h code

#include <Arduino.h>

const char* questionSelect(int questionNumber);
bool answerSelect(int questionNumber);


questions.cpp code

#include "questions.h"

const char* questionSelect(int questionNumber)
  if (questionNumber == 0) {    
    return "     In the animated film Finding Nemo, the protagonist is a clownfish. ";
  if (questionNumber == 1) {
    return "     Sharks are mammals. ";
  if (questionNumber == 2) {
    return "     Sea otters have a favorite rock they use to break open food. ";
  if (questionNumber == 3) {
    return "     The blue whale is the biggest animal to have ever lived. ";
  if (questionNumber == 4) {
    return "     A dog sweats by panting its tongue. ";
  if (questionNumber == 5) {
    return "     The hummingbird egg is the world's smallest bird egg. ";
  if (questionNumber == 6) {
    return "     Pigs roll in the mud because they don’t like being clean. ";
  if (questionNumber == 7) {
    return "     Bats are blind. ";
  if (questionNumber == 8) {
    return "     The largest living frog is the Goliath frog of West Africa. ";
  if (questionNumber == 9) {
    return "     An ant can lift 5,000 times its body weight. ";
  if (questionNumber == 10) {
    return "     When exiting a cave, bats always go in the direction of the wind. ";
  if (questionNumber == 11) {
    return "     Galapagos tortoises sleep up to 16 hours a day. ";
  if (questionNumber == 12) {
    return "     An octopus has seven hearts. ";
  if (questionNumber == 13) {
    return "     The goat is the national animal of Scotland. ";
  if (questionNumber == 14) {
    return "     A monkey was the first non-human to go into space. ";
  else {
    return "     Apples are good. ";

bool answerSelect(int answerNumber)
  if (answerNumber == 0) {
    return true;
  if (answerNumber == 1) {
    return false;
  if (answerNumber == 2) {
    return true;
  if (answerNumber == 3) {
    return true;
  if (answerNumber == 4) {
    return false;
  if (answerNumber == 5) {
    return true;
  if (answerNumber == 6) {
    return false;
  if (answerNumber == 7) {
    return false;
  if (answerNumber == 8) {
    return true;
  if (answerNumber == 9) {
    return true;
  if (answerNumber == 10) {
    return false;
  if (answerNumber == 11) {
    return true;
  if (answerNumber == 12) {
    return false;
  if (answerNumber == 13) {
    return false;
  if (answerNumber == 14) {
    return false;
  else {
    return false;

I think you should store the answers in an array of char*.

const number_of_questions = 14;
char* answers[nr_of_questions] = {
    "Bla bla",

Now you can use

char* answer = answers[0];

Same for correct answer, make it an array of bool.

bool correct_answers[14] = {


Or put both in an array of structs (maybe a bit too much for newbee, but would keep question and answer together).

Thank you for your help. This is a much more readable way to deal with the data. I would eventually like to have several hundred questions for it to choose from. I will look into the "array of structs" idea and see if I can figure it out too.

Maybe you should consider to put all your text in PROGMEM.
On UNO you will run out of RAM very rapidly.

Not sure if the ESP8266 has the same issue but I will keep that in mind.

I settled on making an array of structs as follows:

struct question{
  const char* question;
  bool answer;
} questions [] = {
  {"     In the animated film Finding Nemo, the protagonist is a clownfish. ", true},
  {"     Sharks are mammals. ", false},
  {"     Sea otters have a favorite rock they use to break open food. ", true},
  {"     The blue whale is the biggest animal to have ever lived. ", true},
  {"     A dog sweats by panting its tongue. ", false},
  {"     The hummingbird egg is the world's smallest bird egg. ", true},
  {"     Pigs roll in the mud because they don’t like being clean. ", false},
  {"     Bats are blind. ", false},
  {"     The largest living frog is the Goliath frog of West Africa. ", true},
  {"     An ant can lift 5,000 times its body weight. ", true},
  {"     When exiting a cave, bats always go in the direction of the wind. ", false},
  {"     Galapagos tortoises sleep up to 16 hours a day. ", true},
  {"     An octopus has seven hearts. ", false},
  {"     The goat is the national animal of Scotland. ", false},
  {"     A monkey was the first non-human to go into space. ", false},
  {"     South Africa has three capital cities. ", true},
  {"     The Atlantic Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth. ", false},
  {"     Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. ", true},
  {"     The Desert of Death is in California. ", false},
  {"     The total length of the Great Wall of China adds up to 13,171 miles. ", true},
  {"     The two longest rivers in the world are the Mississippi and the Nile. ", false},
  {"     The Chunnel between England and France is 31.5 miles long. ", true},
  {"     Greenland is the largest island in the world. ", true},
  {"     There are more countries in South America than Africa. ", false},
  {"     Alaska has the most active volcanoes of any state in the United States. ", true},
  {"     China has the longest coastline in the world. ", false},
  {"     Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. ", true},
  {"     Venezuela is home to the world’s highest waterfall. ", true}

I think this works much better as the questions and answers are grouped together.

Well done!

ESP has much more RAM indeed.
Maybe also SPIFFs?
But if you really plan to extend the array to range of long int, I guess you will hit the limit...
Int on esp is a 32 bit number, that should be enough questions...

1 Like

The array of structs model has been working fine up until now. I currently have 413 questions and answers in my array and the poor ESP8266 modules is low on memory (78% used). Is there another way I can build this data set to be more memory friendly?

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <U8g2lib.h>

#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI
#include <SPI.h>
#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C
#include <Wire.h>

U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ 16, /* clock=*/ SCL, /* data=*/ SDA);   
u8g2_uint_t offset;     
u8g2_uint_t width;      

int drawPoint = 12;
int correctCount = 0;
int responseTimer = 0;
int questionNumber;

int buttonTrue = 15;
int buttonFalse = 13;
int solenoid = 12;
int lockout = TX;
long lockoutTime = 30000;
bool locked = false;

int buttonTrueState = 0;
int buttonFalseState = 0;

const char *text;
bool ansr;
bool newQuestion = true;

struct question{
  const char* question;
  bool answer;
} questions [] = {
  {"                  In the animated film Finding Nemo, the protagonist is a clownfish. ", true},
  {"                  Sharks are mammals. ", false},
  {"                  Sea otters have a favorite rock they use to break open food. ", true},
  {"                  The blue whale is the biggest animal to have ever lived. ", true},
  {"                  A dog sweats by panting its tongue. ", false},
  {"                  The hummingbird egg is the world's smallest bird egg. ", true},
  {"                  Pigs roll in the mud because they don’t like being clean. ", false},
  {"                  Bats are blind. ", false},
  {"                  The largest living frog is the Goliath frog of West Africa. ", true},
  {"                  An ant can lift 5,000 times its body weight. ", true},
  {"                  When exiting a cave, bats always go in the direction of the wind. ", false},
  {"                  Galapagos tortoises sleep up to 16 hours a day. ", true},
  {"                  An octopus has seven hearts. ", false},
  {"                  The goat is the national animal of Scotland. ", false},
  {"                  A monkey was the first non-human to go into space. ", false},
  {"                  South Africa has three capital cities. ", true},
  {"                  The Atlantic Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth. ", false},
  {"                  Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. ", true},
  {"                  The Desert of Death is in California. ", false},
  {"                  The total length of the Great Wall of China adds up to 13,171 miles. ", true},
  {"                  The two longest rivers in the world are the Mississippi and the Nile. ", false},
  {"                  The Chunnel between England and France is 31.5 miles long. ", true},
  {"                  Greenland is the largest island in the world. ", true},
  {"                  There are more countries in South America than Africa. ", false},
  {"                  Alaska has the most active volcanoes of any state in the United States. ", true},
  {"                  China has the longest coastline in the world. ", false},
  {"                  Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. ", true},
  {"                  Venezuela is home to the world’s highest waterfall. ", true},
  {"                  The human body has four lungs. ", false},
  {"                  Human skin regenerates every week. ", false},
  {"                  The average human sneeze can be clocked at 100 miles an hour. ", true},
  {"                  Humans lose an average of 75 strands of hair a day. ", true},
  {"                  Infants have more bones than adults. ", true},
  {"                  The heart is the largest internal organ in the body. ", false},
  {"                  Most of the human brain is made of muscle. ", false},
  {"                  Taste buds can only be found on the tongue. ", false},
  {"                  The human eye can distinguish 10 million different colors. ", true},
  {"                  Humans lose more than 80% of heat from their feet. ", false},
  {"                  The human body is about 60% water. ", true},
  {"                  The most common blood type is 0- negative. ", true},
  {"                  Aladdin's character was based on Brad Pitt. ", false},
  {"                  It took eight months from start to finish to produce the 1959 Disney film, Sleeping Beauty. ", false},
  {"                  Pinocchio was the first animated, full-color Walt Disney feature film. ", false},
  {"                  Toy Story was Pixar’s first movie. ", true},
  {"                  Dumbo is the shortest Disney film. ", true},
  {"                  The Aristocats was the first Disney film to be made after Walt Disney’s death. ", true},
  {"                  Pepperoni is the most popular pizza topping in the US. ", true},
  {"                  Cheesecake comes from Italy. ", false},
  {"                  Pineapples grow on trees. ", false},
  {"                  A potato was the first vegetable to be planted on the space shuttle. ", true},
  {"                  Hawaiian pizza comes from Canada. ", true},
  {"                  French fries originated from France. ", false},
  {"                  Pizza was the first food consumed in space. ", false},
  {"                  Caesar Salad originates from Italy. ", false},
  {"                  Ears of corn have an even number of rows. ", true},
  {"                  The names of the mascots for Rice Krispies are Snap, Crackle, & Pop. ", true},
  {"                  Vanilla is the world’s most expensive spice. ", false},
  {"                  The Chinese New Year is celebrated on the same day every year. ", false},
  {"                  Punxsutawney Phil is just a nickname for the famous groundhog. ", true},
  {"                  The first St. Patrick’s Day parade in the United States was held in New York City. ", false},
  {"                  The tradition of dyeing Easter eggs started in the United States. ", false},
  {"                  Only two men signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. ", true},
  {"                  The U.S. and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving on the same day. ", false},
  {"                  There are seven nights in Kwanzaa. ", true},
  {"                  Memorial Day has a special set of instructions regarding raising and lowering the U.S. flag. ", true},
  {"                  The sport Polo takes up the largest amount of space in terms of land area. ", true},
  {"                  Every golf ball has the same number of dimples. ", false},
  {"                  Football players started wearing helmets in 1943. ", true},
  {"                  Brazil is the only nation to have played in every World Cup finals tournament. ", true},
  {"                  World-renowned jeweler Tiffany & Co. is the maker of the Vince Lombardi trophy. ", true},
  {"                  There are 30 NFL teams. ", false},
  {"                  The New York Marathon is the largest in the world. ", true},
  {"                  Three strikes in a row in bowling is called a chicken. ", false},
  {"                  An astronaut has played golf on the moon. ", true},
  {"                  The Tour de France always finishes in Italy. ", false},
  {"                  President George Washington brought macaroni and cheese to the USA. ", false},
  {"                  Marvel published its first comic in October 1939. ", true},
  {"                  The letter T is the most common in the English Language. ", false},
  {"                  People who have chiclephobia are afraid of cats. ", false},
  {"                  John Glenn became the oldest astronaut when he traveled to space at the age of 77. ", true},
  {"                  All the kings in a standard deck of cards have a mustache. ", false},
  {"                  Pepsi was the first soft drink to be enjoyed in outer space. ", false},
  {"                  The name of Batman’s butler is Albert. ", false},
  {"                  Fortune cookies were invented in China. ", false},
  {"                  Henry VIII had eight wives. ", false},
  {"                  The letter J is the only letter in the alphabet not included in the periodic table. ", true},
  {"                  Every country in the world has a rectangular flag. ", false},
  {"                  The official color of the Golden Gate Bridge in California is Tennessee Orange. ", false},
  {"                  Dr. Pepper is the oldest soft drink in America. ", true},
  {"                  The atomic number for lithium is 17. ", false},
  {"                  A cross between a horse and a zebra is called a Hobra. ", false},
  {"                  The black box in a plane is black. ", false},
  {"                  Alliumphobia is a fear of garlic. ", true},
  {"                  X-Files star Gillian Anderson was born in Chicago, Illinois. ", true},
  {"                  Prince Harry is taller than Prince William. ", false},
  {"                  The star sign Aquarius is represented by a tiger. ", false},
  {"                  Meryl Streep has won three Academy Awards. ", true},
  {"                  Marrakesh is the capital of Morocco. ", false},
  {"                  Idina Menzel sings 'let it go' 21 times in 'Let It Go' from Frozen. ", true},
  {"                  Waterloo has the greatest number of tube platforms in London. ", true},
  {"                  M&M stands for Mars and Moordale. ", false},
  {"                  Gin is typically included in a Long Island Iced Tea. ", true},
  {"                  The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland. ", true},
  {"                  There are two parts of the body that can't heal themselves. ", false},
  {"                  Howard Donald is the oldest member of Take That. ", true},
  {"                  The Great Wall of China is longer than the distance between London and Beijing. ", true},
  {"                  There are 236 episodes of Friends. ", true},
  {"                  A lion's roar can be heard up to eight kilometres away. ", true},
  {"                  The river Seine in Paris is longer than the river Thames in London. ", true},
  {"                  The Battle Of Hastings took place in 1066. ", true},
  {"                  K is worth four points in Scrabble. ", false},
  {"                  Australia is wider than the moon. ", true},
  {"                  Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. ", true},
  {"                  The small intestine is about three-and-a-half times the length of your body. ", true},
  {"                  Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. ", true},
  {"                  Bananas are curved because they grow upwards towards the sun. ", true},
  {"                  Friends star Lisa Kudrow was originally cast in Frasier. ", true},
  {"                  Goldfish have a two second memory. ", false},
  {"                  Hot and cold water sound the same when poured. ", false},
  {"                  When the two numbers on opposite sides of a dice are added together it always equals 7. ", true},
  {"                  Hippos sweat a red substance. ", true},
  {"                  Vitamin C is also known by the chemical name of Ascorbic Acid. ", true},
  {"                  The Nobel prize-winning novel ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ was written by the American author John Steinbeck. ", false},
  {"                  In theory, it takes over 5,000 helium balloons to lift an average-sized human from the ground. ", true},
  {"                  Transylvania is a historical region located in central Romania. ", true},
  {"                  Glass is manufactured mainly from processed sand. ", true},
  {"                  There are 7 naturally occurring noble gases in the periodic table of elements. ", false},
  {"                  The world’s earliest surviving motion-picture film dates back to 1888. ", true},
  {"                  Insulin was discovered by physiologist and professor of medicine Nicolae Paulescu. ", true},
  {"                  After you drink alcohol, it takes your brain 6 minutes to start reacting to it. ", true},
  {"                  Thomas Jefferson was the second president of the U.S.A. ", false},
  {"                  Manchester United football club has never won the UEFA Champions League trophy. ", false},
  {"                  Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. ", true},
  {"                  Steak contains more protein than a regular-sized broccoli. ", false},
  {"                  Indira Gandhi was the first female Prime Minister of India. ", true},
  {"                  The lighter was invented before the matches. ", true},
  {"                  The oldest educational establishment in the world is the University of Al Quaraouiyine in Morocco. ", true},
  {"                  The first football in the world was manufactured from a pig’s bladder. ", true},
  {"                  Just like humans, dogs can be left-pawed or right-pawed. ", true},
  {"                  Rio de Janeiro is the capital city of Brazil. ", false},
  {"                  Although they love to drink it, cats are lactose intolerant to cow’s milk. ", true},
  {"                  Grapefruit can cause poisoning if consumed with some prescribed drugs. ", true},
  {"                  Except for humans, crows and ravens are the most intelligent creatures in the world. ", true},
  {"                  The spiral shapes of sunflowers follow the Fibonacci sequence to maximize sunlight intake. ", true},
  {"                  Evita Perón was the first female president of Argentina. ", false},
  {"                  A human being can live up to 3 weeks without drinking water. ", false},
  {"                  Writer Agatha Christie’s real name is Mary Westmacott. ", true},
  {"                  A person’s fingernails and hair continue to grow after they die. ", false},
  {"                  The movie 'The Birds' was directed by Steven Spielberg. ", false},
  {"                  It is illegal to feed pigeons in the Italian city of Venice. ", true},
  {"                  The Quetzalcóatl Pyramid in Mexico is bigger than the Great Egyptian Pyramid of Giza. ", true},
  {"                  Human teeth are just as strong as the teeth of a mature shark. ", true},
  {"                  The Big Apple is a nickname given to Washington D.C in 1971. ", false},
  {"                  Peanuts are legumes, not nuts. ", true},
  {"                  Emus cannot fly. ", true},
  {"                  Electrons move faster than the speed of light. ", false},
  {"                  The Mona Liza was stolen from the Louvre in 1911. ", true},
  {"                  An ISTP personality stands for introverted, sensual, thoughtful, and proactive. ", false},
  {"                  Hamilton the musical is the first Broadway show ever written about Hamilton. ", false},
  {"                  The percentage of students in the US who have taken loans to get through college is declining. ", false},
  {"                  The term inflation refers to a general fall in the prices of most products and services. ", false},
  {"                  Almost 30% of Americans are self-employed. ", true},
  {"                  There are three rivers in Saudi Arabia. ", false},
  {"                  The Great Wall of China is visible from space. ", false},
  {"                  The Atlantic Ocean is the warmest ocean in the world. ", false},
  {"                  When the Eiffel Tower was unveiled, the Parisian art community hated it. ", true},
  {"                  There are more ancient pyramids in Sudan than in Egypt. ", true},
  {"                  Gisborne, New Zealand was the first city in the world to enter the new millennium. ", true},
  {"                  Dogs can understand up to 250 hand gestures. ", true},
  {"                  The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird in the world. ", true},
  {"                  The granny smith apple originates from Australia. ", true},
  {"                  The USA grows the most maize. ", true},
  {"                  Electrical conductors have low resistance. ", true},
  {"                  Human skeleton consists of 205 bones. ", false},
  {"                  Molecules are smaller than electrons. ", false},
  {"                  Saturn is the largest planet in the solar system. ", false},
  {"                  You cannot cry in space. ", true},
  {"                  Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark. ", true},
  {"                  Canada is the second-largest country in the world. ", true},
  {"                  Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. ", true},
  {"                  Crocodiles have 8 sweat glands. ", false},
  {"                  An object at rest has inertia. ", true},
  {"                  Zimbabwe is also known as Rhodesia. ", true},
  {"                  French is the official language of Brazil. ", false},
  {"                  The hardest natural mineral is diamond. ", true},
  {"                  Dogs have 42 teeth. ", true},
  {"                  The thalamus is not the largest part of the brain. ", true},
  {"                  The largest artery in the human body is the aorta. ", true},
  {"                  Omnivores feed only on plants. ", false},
  {"                  Zebrafish can suffer from the problem of insomnia. ", true},
  {"                  Abraham Lincoln had no middle name. ", true},
  {"                  Camels can store water in their humps. ", false},
  {"                  The Amazon river has native dolphins. ", true},
  {"                  Earthquakes are measured using the Richter scale. ", true},
  {"                  Horses can sleep while standing. ", true},
  {"                  Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. ", true},
  {"                  Russia has 11 time zones. ", true},
  {"                  Nassau is the capital city of Bahrain. ", false},
  {"                  The construction of the Eiffel tower was completed on March 31, 1887. ", false},
  {"                  Melbourne is the capital of Australia. ", false},
  {"                  Penicillin was discovered in Vietnam to treat malaria. ", false},
  {"                  Broccoli contains more vitamin C than lemons. ", true},
  {"                  The skull is the strongest bone in the human body. ", false},
  {"                  Google was initially called BackRub. ", true},
  {"                  Tomatoes are fruit. ", true},
  {"                  Mercury’s atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide. ", false},
  {"                  Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. ", true},
  {"                  Cleopatra was of Egyptian descent. ", false},
  {"                  You can sneeze while asleep. ", false},
  {"                  It’s impossible to sneeze while you open your eyes. ", true},
  {"                  Bananas are technically berries. ", true},
  {"                  Scallops can’t see. ", false},
  {"                  Your nose produces almost one litre of mucus a day. ", true},
  {"                  Coca Cola exists in every country around the world. ", false},
  {"                  Spider silk was once used to make guitar strings. ", false},
  {"                  Humans share 60 percent of their DNA with bananas. ", true},
  {"                  In Tuszyn Poland, Winnie the Pooh is banned from children’s playgrounds. ", true},
  {"                  Being scared of clouds is called Coulrophobia. ", false},
  {"                  Edward Smith was the name of the captain of Titanic. ", true},
  {"                  It takes two weeks for a sloth to digest a single meal. ", true},
  {"                  The moving sidewalk was invented in 1893. " , true},
  {"                  Compared to a hydrogen atom, a carbon atom is lighter. ", false},
  {"                  There are over 2,500 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. ", true},
  {"                  Nicolas Cage and Michael Jackson both married the same woman. ", true},
  {"                  The mathematical name for the shape of a Pringle is hyperbolic paraboloid. ", true},
  {"                  A meter is further than a yard. ", true},
  {"                  Walmart sells more bananas than any other item in thier stores. ", true},
  {"                  Pennies cost more to make than they are worth. ", true}, 
  {"                  Cheese filled with live maggots is a Mediterranean delicacy. ", true},
  {"                  Ancient Romans used to use urine to whiten their teeth. ", true},
  {"                  There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. ", true},
  {"                  Rats cannot laugh. ", false},
  {"                  Queen ants can live up to 40 years. ", false},
  {"                  The show 'Breaking Bad' was initially rejected by the HBO, Showtime, and FX networks. ", true},
  {"                  In terms of surface area, Russia is larger than Pluto. ", true},
  {"                  OJ Simpson's father was transgender. ", false},
  {"                  30% of the bones in the human body are in the feet. ", false},
  {"                  Paul is acutally the middle name of Sir Paul McCartney. ", true},
  {"                  Mickey Mouse's middle name is Fauntleroy. ", false},
  {"                  Sesame Street character Elmo once testified before Congress. ", true},
  {"                  Slugs have green blood because of a high magnesium content. ", false},
  {"                  J.K. Rowling is the first author to become a billionare. ", true},
  {"                  Kingston is the capital of Jamaica. ", true},
  {"                  Christian Bale based his character for the film 'American Psycho' on actor Tom Cruise. ", true},
  {"                  A hendecagon is a shape with 11 sides. ", true},
  {"                  An otter's home is called a lodge. ", false},
  {"                  Nutella was invented in 1964 during an international shortage of cocoa. ", true},
  {"                  Eight out of the ten tallest mountains in the world are in the country of Nepal. ", true},
  {"                  Venus was the first planet to be discovered via telescope. ", false},
  {"                  Dead people can not get goose bumps. ", false},
  {"                  Ostriches stick their heads in the sand when they feel threatened. ", false},
  {"                  The state sport of Maryland is jousting. ", true},
  {"                  Lightning never strikes in the same place twice. ", false},
  {"                  The capital of Libya is Benghazi. ", true},
  {"                  Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. ", false},
  {"                  Baby koalas are called joeys. ", false},
  {"                  Humans can distinguish between over a trillion different smells. ", true},
  {"                  The Spanish national anthem has no words. ", true},
  {"                  The first name of Kramer in Seinfeld is Cosmo. ", true},
  {"                  It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sucking once, to completely drain the average human of blood. ", true},
  {"                  It can take a photon 40,000 years to travel from the core of the sun to the surface. ", true},
  {"                  There are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the known universe. ", true},
  {"                  A right triangle can never be equilateral. ", true},
  {"                  The Ford Edsel was named after Henry Ford’s father. ", false},
  {"                  The Bill of Rights contains 10 amendments to the Constitution. ", true},
  {"                  Vaccines cause autism. ", false},
  {"                  The name Sylvia Plath was a pseudonym. ", false},
  {"                  There are more cells of bacteria in your body than there are human cells. ", true},
  {"                  Birds are dinosaurs. ", true},
  {"                  Buzz Aldrin was the first man to urinate on the moon. ", true},
  {"                  Twinkies have an infinite shelf life. ", false},
  {"                  Humans can’t breathe and swallow at the same time. ", true},
  {"                  Vitamin C stops you from getting a cold. ", false},
  {"                  It's possible to get sick or even die from drinking too much water. ", true},
  {"                  Lobster blood is colorless until it is exposed to air. ", true},
  {"                  Goldfish eyes perceive not only the visible spectrum but also infrared and ultraviolet light. ", true},
  {"                  If you exposed a glass of water to space, it would boil rather than freeze. ", true},
  {"                  A fresh egg will float in freshwater, a stale egg will sink. ", false},
  {"                  Sound travels 4.3 times faster in water than in air. ", true},
  {"                  About 78% of the average human brain consists of water. ", true},
  {"                  Macadamia nuts are not toxic to dogs. ", false},
  {"                  A lightning strike can reach a temperature of 30,000 degrees Celsius or 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit. ", true},
  {"                  Fire typically spreads downhill more quickly than uphill. ", false},
  {"                  Frogs don't need to drink water since they can absorb it through their skin. ", true},
  {"                  Humans have waterproofing proteins in their skin to help prevent water loss. ", true},
  {"                  Urine fluoresces or glows under ultraviolet light. ", true},
  {"                  Pearls, bones, and teeth will dissolve in vinegar, which contains weak acetic acid. ", true},
  {"                  The chemical name for water is dihydrogen monoxide. ", true},
  {"                  The ethylene gas produced by a ripening apple ripens other apples as well as many other types of produce. ", true},
  {"                  Water expands about 19% when it freezes into ice. ", false},
  {"                  It's possible for hot water to freeze more quickly than cold water. ", true},
  {"                  A soccer ball is made up of 32 leather panels, held together by 642 stitches. ", true},
  {"                  There is only one even prime number. ", true},
  {"                  The square root of two is called Pythagoras' Constant. ", true},
  {"                  Zero is the only number that can't be represented in Roman numerals. ", true},
  {"                  Broccoli is actually a flower. ", true},
  {"                  Several centuries ago in Holland, tulips were more valuable than gold. ", true},
  {"                  A person burns more calories when they are asleep than when they watch TV. ", true},
  {"                  The path of a light ray can be bent as it travels past a massive object. ", true},
  {"                  The wavelength of red light is shorter than that of blue light. ", false},
  {"                  A rubber band stores potential energy when stretched. ", true},
  {"                  Human skin cells divide only once. ", false},
  {"                  Earth’s oldest known rock is about 4 billion years old. ", true},
  {"                  An elephant has 100 muscles in its trunk. ", false},
  {"                  Water is the most common element on Earth. ", false},
  {"                  Electrical energy can be transmitted wirelessly. ", true},
  {"                  There are stars made of diamonds. ", true},
  {"                  Iron is the most abundant metal in Earth’s crust. ", false},
  {"                  Walking up stairs uses more energy than walking on level ground. ", true},
  {"                  There are 500 stars visible to the naked eye from Earth. ", false},
  {"                  The speed of sound is constant. ", false},
  {"                  The plants dinosaurs ate do not exist today. ", false},
  {"                  Helium gives off a pungent odor. ", false},
  {"                  Hair helps us humans hear. ", true},
  {"                  Snowmelt is the source of most of the world’s drinking water. ", false},
  {"                  In the human body, food energy is stored in the hair. ", false},
  {"                  Galaxies are classified by their shape. ", true},
  {"                  Silver is the most conductive of metals. ", true},
  {"                  There are more than 2,000 kinds of mosquitoes. ", true},
  {"                  Apes cannot laugh. ", false},
  {"                  A heptagon has nine sides. ", false},
  {"                  The star sign Capricorn is represented by a goat. ", true},
  {"                  Seahorses have no teeth or stomach. ", true},
  {"                  Nepal is the only country in the world which does not have a rectangular flag. ", true},
  {"                  Last Christmas by Wham! reached number one during the 1984 festive season. ", false},
  {"                  The oldest wooden wheel still in existence is over 5000 years old. ", true},
  {"                  The majority of household dust is made of dirt. ", false},
  {"                  The smallest mammal in the world is the bumblebee bat weighing just 0.05 ounces. ", true},
  {"                  On a typical world map, Africa touches all four quadrants of the globe. ", true},
  {"                  The cornea of the eye houses more blood vessels than your fingers. ", false},
  {"                  The first fully animated feature film was created in Argentina. ", true},
  {"                  German chocolate cake was invented in Belgium. ", false},
  {"                  Actress Marla Gibbs who played Florence on The Jeffersons continued working as a flight attendant during the first 2 years of the show. ", true},
  {"                  The Phillipines consists of over 7000 islands. ", true},
  {"                  The Trans-Siberian Railway crosses ten different time zones. ", false},
  {"                  Producers of The Golden Girls wanted to use the song Friends by Bette Midler as the theme for the show. ", true},
  {"                  Cleveland, Ohio was once the third largest city in America. ", false},
  {"                  Less than 1 percent of the world's water is fresh water. ", false},
  {"                  The brand name SPAM is named as a conjunction of 'spice' and 'ham'. ", true},
  {"                  It takes 100 days for a drop of water to travel the entire Mississippi river. ", false},
  {"                  In the 19th century arsenic was consumed to promote clear skin. ", true},
  {"                  The first person ever processed at Ellis Island was a 15 year old girl from Ireland. ", true},
  {"                  Japan has one vending machine for every 25 people. ", false},
  {"                  The first time the word 'period' was used on TV in reference to menstruation was in 1985. ", true}, 
  {"                  McDonald's once developed a broccoli flavored chewing gum. ", true},
  {"                  There is a tropical fungus that can grow in the brain of a snake and cause the snake to eat itself. ", false},
  {"                  Oranges are a hybrid of the mandarin and the pomelo. ", true},
  {"                  Q is the only letter that does not appear in the name of any US state. ", true},
  {"                  The apple seeds planted by Johnny Appleseed were actually bitter apples for use in the production of hard cider. ", true},
  {"                  Scotland has over 500 words for snow. ", false},
  {"                  Samsung tests the durability of thier phones by crushing them with a robot shaped like a human butt. ", true},
  {"                  Chicago is nicknamed The Windy City because of its weather. ", false},
  {"                  Kleenex tissue was originally invented for use in gas mask filters. ", true},
  {"                  The small pocket in your jeans was created just for loose change. ", false},
  {"                  Only one quarter of the Sahara Desert is sandy. ", true},
  {"                  A giraffe's tongue can grow to over 36 inches in length. ", false},
  {"                  The inventor of the microwave oven received $46,500 in 1945 when he sold the invention to The American Appliance Company. ", false},
  {"                  The summer heat in France can cause the Eiffel Tower to grow as much as 6 inches due to thermal expansion. ", true},
  {"                  Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the US. ", true},
  {"                  Giraffes have more neck bones than any other animal. ", false},
  {"                  In ancient Egypt it was common practice to place a dead mouse in one's mouth to alleviate a toothache. ", true},
  {"                  In the 19th century paint was commonly stored in a pig's bladder. ", true},
  {"                  Abraham Lincoln was a licensed bartender. ", true},
  {"                  Baseball umpires have are issued undergarments they must wear to officiate a game. ", false},
  {"                  The man who discovered penicilin originally called the compound 'mold juice'. ", true},
  {"                  Nikola Tesla once sent his secretary home for wearing pearls to work. ", true},
  {"                  Bananas will glow red under black light. ", false},
  {"                  Tapeworms can grow to as long as 80 feet in length. ", true},
  {"                  Ketchup was sold as medicine in the 1830s. ", true},
  {"                  The time required for any mammal to defacate is proportional to the mammal's weight. ", false},
  {"                  Miami is the only major US city to be founded by a woman. ", true},
  {"                  Lemmings will often follow eachother off a cliff to thier deaths. ", false},
  {"                  Woodpeckers wrap their tongues around their brain to protect them during pecks. ", true},
  {"                  Lightning strikes kill more people per year than shark attacks. ", false},
  {"                  Roughly 90% of people struck by lightning survive. ", true},
  {"                  In Singapore, anyone caught chewing, importing, or selling gum could face a fine or jail time. ", true},
  {"                  Crows are unable to distinguish the differences between human faces. ", false},
  {"                  Pigs sweat more than any other farm animal. ", false},
  {"                  A blue whale's tongue weighs more than most elephants. ", true},
  {"                  Every wife of Tom Cruise has divorced him at the age of 38. ", false},
  {"                  Raw pistachios have been known to spontaneously combust when stored in large quantities. ", true},
  {"                  Owls are able to move thier eyes in thier sockets further than any other bird. ", false},
  {"                  Jennifer Lawrence learned how to skin a squirrel for her role in Winter's Bone. ", true},
  {"                  The first college football game was played on Nov. 6, 1869, between Stockton and Princeton. ", false},
  {"                  Flamingos can only eat when their heads are upside down. ", true},
  {"                  Pound cake got its name because the original recipe called for the dough to be forcefully pressed several times before baking. ", false},
  {"                  Madonna was once fired from a Dunkin' Donuts for squirting jelly on a customer. ", true},
  {"                  Walt Disney's favorite cartoon character was Goofy. ", false},
  {"                  Thailand holds an annual Monkey Buffet Festival where an excess of 3000 monkeys are fed 4.5 tons of fruit. ", true},
  {"                  Shakira was a star student in high school choir. ", false},
  {"                  Dr. Seuss wrote Green Eggs and Ham to win a bet. ", true},
  {"                  More twins are born per capita in Malaysia than any other country. ", false},
  {"                  Paul Newman taught Jake Gyllenhaal how to drive. ", true},
  {"                  The first text message ever sent read, 'Hello world!' ", false},
  {"                  In 1953 Swanson invented the TV dinner becuase of a surplus of frozen Thanksgiving turkeys. ", true},
  {"                  The first song to sell 1 million digital copies was Barbie Girl by Aqua. ", false},
  {"                  The word 'meme' was coined in Richard Dawkins' 1976 book The Selfish Gene. ", true},
  {"                  The first book ever sold on Amazon was The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans. ", false},
  {"                  McDonald's created Chicken McNuggets as a healthy menu option in the 1970's. ", true},
  {"                  Popcorn was first served in movie theaters in 1923. ", false},
  {"                  The first Disney Channel Original Movie was 1997's Northern Lights, starring Diane Keaton. ", true},
  {"                  Lightning strikes earth approximately 240 times per second. ", false},
  {"                  Mars makes a continuous humming sound. ", true},
  {"                  Bats communicate with each other by scratching surfaces that make various noises. ", false},
  {"                  The Great Barrier Reef has some sections of reef taller than the Empire State Building. ", true},
  {"                  Some tropical songbirds only reproduce during a drought. ", false},
  {"                  After sea turtles lay eggs, they create decoy nests to fool predators. ", true},
  {"                  Pope Urban VIII tried to ban coughing in the 17th century. ", false},
  {"                  There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar. ", true},
  {"                  A dime has 122 ridges on the outside edge. ", false},
  {"                  The first Pokemon to be created was Rhydon. ", true},
  {"                  The dot over a lower case 'i' is called a tilte. ", false},
  {"                  X-rays cannot penetrate diamond. ", true}
  // 413 questions

void setup(void) {
  u8g2.setFontMode(0);    // enable transparent mode, which is faster
  pinMode(buttonTrue, INPUT);
  pinMode(buttonFalse, INPUT);
  pinMode(solenoid, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(lockout, OUTPUT);

void loop(void) {
  u8g2_uint_t x;
  digitalWrite(lockout, HIGH);

  do {
    if (newQuestion == true) {
    text = "";
    width = u8g2.getUTF8Width(text);    // calculate the pixel width of the text
    x = offset;
    // draw the scrolling text at current offset 
    buttonTrueState = digitalRead(buttonTrue);
    buttonFalseState = digitalRead(buttonFalse);
    if (buttonTrueState == LOW and buttonFalseState == HIGH) {
      char questionQuery = questionNumber;
      text = questions[questionNumber].question;
      ansr = questions[questionNumber].answer;
      width = u8g2.getUTF8Width(text);    // calculate the pixel width of the text
      drawPoint = 12;
    else if (buttonTrueState == HIGH and ansr == true) {
    else if (buttonFalseState == LOW and ansr == false) {
    else if (buttonTrueState == HIGH and ansr == false) {
    else if (buttonFalseState == LOW and ansr == true) {
    else if (buttonTrueState == HIGH and buttonFalseState == LOW) {

    if (correctCount == 7) {
    digitalWrite(solenoid, LOW);
      do {                // repeated drawing of the scrolling text...
        u8g2.drawUTF8(x, drawPoint, text);     // draw the scolling text
        x += width;
      } while ( x < u8g2.getDisplayWidth() );   // draw again until the complete display is filled
    if (drawPoint == 12) {
      u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_luRS12_tf);   // draw the current pixel width
      u8g2.setCursor(0, 32);
      u8g2.print("True or False");          // this value must be lesser than 128 unless U8G2_16BIT is set     
  } while ( u8g2.nextPage() );
  offset -= 1; // scroll by one pixel
  if ( (u8g2_uint_t)offset < (u8g2_uint_t) - width )
    offset = 0;
  responseTimer ++;
  if (responseTimer == 6000) {
    responseTimer = 0;
    digitalWrite(lockout, HIGH);

void hello(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 32);
  u8g2.print("Hello. ");   

void correctAnswer(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 30);
  u8g2.print("Correct. ");   
  correctCount ++;
  responseTimer = 0;
  newQuestion = true;
  offset = 0;   

void incorrectAnswer(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 27);
  digitalWrite(lockout, LOW);
  u8g2.print("Incorrect. ");   
  correctCount = 0;
  responseTimer = 0;
  newQuestion = true;
  lockoutTime = lockoutTime * 2;
  offset = 0;

void invalidAnswer(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 25);
  u8g2.print("Invalid response. ");   
  correctCount = 0;
  responseTimer = 0; 
  newQuestion = true;  
  offset = 0;

void unlockSolenoid(void) {
  digitalWrite(solenoid, HIGH);
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 27);
  u8g2.print("Unlocked. ");   
  correctCount = 0;
  responseTimer = 0;
  lockoutTime = 30000;
  newQuestion = true;

void getQuestionNumber(void) {
  questionNumber = random(0,413);
  newQuestion = false;

Leave out the 10 spaces and add a print(" ");
before the question...
That would save 400x10 bytes (4k).

1 Like

I changed the way the questions are put together by defining a variable leadingBlanks and appending the question on to that back of it. Also I changed several of my integers to bytes and even a few bools. The combined result has freed up a significant amount of memory, down to 69% used from 78% before. Thank you for all your help so far build_1971. Now I have room to add some more questions.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <U8g2lib.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI
#include <SPI.h>
#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C
#include <Wire.h>

U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ 16, /* clock=*/ SCL, /* data=*/ SDA);   

u8g2_uint_t offset;     
u8g2_uint_t width;      

byte drawPoint = 12;
byte correctCount = 0;
int responseTimer = 0;
int questionNumber;
String completeMsg;
bool msgComplete = false;

byte buttonTrue = 15;
byte buttonFalse = 13;
byte solenoid = 12;
byte lockout = TX;
long lockoutTime = 30000;
bool locked = false;

bool buttonTrueState = 0;
bool buttonFalseState = 0;

const char *text;
bool ansr;
bool newQuestion = true;

const char *leadingBlanks ="           ";

struct question{
  const char *question;
  bool answer;
} questions [] = {
  {"In the animated film Finding Nemo, the protagonist is a clownfish.", true},
  {"Sharks are mammals.", false},
  {"Sea otters have a favorite rock they use to break open food.", true},
  {"The blue whale is the biggest animal to have ever lived.", true},
  {"A dog sweats by panting its tongue.", false},
  {"The hummingbird egg is the world's smallest bird egg.", true},
  {"Pigs roll in the mud because they don’t like being clean.", false},
  {"Bats are blind.", false},
  {"The largest living frog is the Goliath frog of West Africa.", true},
  {"An ant can lift 5,000 times its body weight.", true},
  {"When exiting a cave, bats always go in the direction of the wind.", false},
  {"Galapagos tortoises sleep up to 16 hours a day.", true},
  {"An octopus has seven hearts.", false},
  {"The goat is the national animal of Scotland.", false},
  {"A monkey was the first non-human to go into space.", false},
  {"South Africa has three capital cities.", true},
  {"The Atlantic Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth.", false},
  {"Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.", true},
  {"The Desert of Death is in California.", false},
  {"The total length of the Great Wall of China adds up to 13,171 miles.", true},
  {"The two longest rivers in the world are the Mississippi and the Nile.", false},
  {"The Chunnel between England and France is 31.5 miles long.", true},
  {"Greenland is the largest island in the world.", true},
  {"There are more countries in South America than Africa.", false},
  {"Alaska has the most active volcanoes of any state in the United States.", true},
  {"China has the longest coastline in the world.", false},
  {"Vatican City is the smallest country in the world.", true},
  {"Venezuela is home to the world’s highest waterfall.", true},
  {"The human body has four lungs.", false},
  {"Human skin regenerates every week.", false},
  {"The average human sneeze can be clocked at 100 miles an hour.", true},
  {"Humans lose an average of 75 strands of hair a day.", true},
  {"Infants have more bones than adults.", true},
  {"The heart is the largest internal organ in the body.", false},
  {"Most of the human brain is made of muscle.", false},
  {"Taste buds can only be found on the tongue.", false},
  {"The human eye can distinguish 10 million different colors.", true},
  {"Humans lose more than 80% of heat from their feet.", false},
  {"The human body is about 60% water.", true},
  {"The most common blood type is 0- negative.", true},
  {"Aladdin's character was based on Brad Pitt.", false},
  {"It took eight months from start to finish to produce the 1959 Disney film, Sleeping Beauty.", false},
  {"Pinocchio was the first animated, full-color Walt Disney feature film.", false},
  {"Toy Story was Pixar’s first movie.", true},
  {"Dumbo is the shortest Disney film.", true},
  {"The Aristocats was the first Disney film to be made after Walt Disney’s death.", true},
  {"Pepperoni is the most popular pizza topping in the US.", true},
  {"Cheesecake comes from Italy.", false},
  {"Pineapples grow on trees.", false},
  {"A potato was the first vegetable to be planted on the space shuttle.", true},
  {"Hawaiian pizza comes from Canada.", true},
  {"French fries originated from France.", false},
  {"Pizza was the first food consumed in space.", false},
  {"Caesar Salad originates from Italy.", false},
  {"Ears of corn have an even number of rows.", true},
  {"The names of the mascots for Rice Krispies are Snap, Crackle, & Pop.", true},
  {"Vanilla is the world’s most expensive spice.", false},
  {"The Chinese New Year is celebrated on the same day every year.", false},
  {"Punxsutawney Phil is just a nickname for the famous groundhog.", true},
  {"The first St. Patrick’s Day parade in the United States was held in New York City.", false},
  {"The tradition of dyeing Easter eggs started in the United States.", false},
  {"Only two men signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.", true},
  {"The U.S. and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving on the same day.", false},
  {"There are seven nights in Kwanzaa.", true},
  {"Memorial Day has a special set of instructions regarding raising and lowering the U.S. flag.", true},
  {"The sport Polo takes up the largest amount of space in terms of land area.", true},
  {"Every golf ball has the same number of dimples.", false},
  {"Football players started wearing helmets in 1943.", true},
  {"Brazil is the only nation to have played in every World Cup finals tournament.", true},
  {"World-renowned jeweler Tiffany & Co. is the maker of the Vince Lombardi trophy.", true},
  {"There are 30 NFL teams.", false},
  {"The New York Marathon is the largest in the world.", true},
  {"Three strikes in a row in bowling is called a chicken.", false},
  {"An astronaut has played golf on the moon.", true},
  {"The Tour de France always finishes in Italy.", false},
  {"President George Washington brought macaroni and cheese to the USA.", false},
  {"Marvel published its first comic in October 1939.", true},
  {"The letter T is the most common in the English Language.", false},
  {"People who have chiclephobia are afraid of cats.", false},
  {"John Glenn became the oldest astronaut when he traveled to space at the age of 77.", true},
  {"All the kings in a standard deck of cards have a mustache.", false},
  {"Pepsi was the first soft drink to be enjoyed in outer space.", false},
  {"The name of Batman’s butler is Albert.", false},
  {"Fortune cookies were invented in China.", false},
  {"Henry VIII had eight wives.", false},
  {"The letter J is the only letter in the alphabet not included in the periodic table.", true},
  {"Every country in the world has a rectangular flag.", false},
  {"The official color of the Golden Gate Bridge in California is Tennessee Orange.", false},
  {"Dr. Pepper is the oldest soft drink in America.", true},
  {"The atomic number for lithium is 17.", false},
  {"A cross between a horse and a zebra is called a Hobra.", false},
  {"The black box in a plane is black.", false},
  {"Alliumphobia is a fear of garlic.", true},
  {"X-Files star Gillian Anderson was born in Chicago, Illinois.", true},
  {"Prince Harry is taller than Prince William.", false},
  {"The star sign Aquarius is represented by a tiger.", false},
  {"Meryl Streep has won three Academy Awards.", true},
  {"Marrakesh is the capital of Morocco.", false},
  {"Idina Menzel sings 'let it go' 21 times in 'Let It Go' from Frozen.", true},
  {"Waterloo has the greatest number of tube platforms in London.", true},
  {"M&M stands for Mars and Moordale.", false},
  {"Gin is typically included in a Long Island Iced Tea.", true},
  {"The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.", true},
  {"There are two parts of the body that can't heal themselves.", false},
  {"Howard Donald is the oldest member of Take That.", true},
  {"The Great Wall of China is longer than the distance between London and Beijing.", true},
  {"There are 236 episodes of Friends.", true},
  {"A lion's roar can be heard up to eight kilometres away.", true},
  {"The river Seine in Paris is longer than the river Thames in London.", true},
  {"The Battle Of Hastings took place in 1066.", true},
  {"K is worth four points in Scrabble.", false},
  {"Australia is wider than the moon.", true},
  {"Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.", true},
  {"The small intestine is about three-and-a-half times the length of your body.", true},
  {"Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system.", true},
  {"Bananas are curved because they grow upwards towards the sun.", true},
  {"Friends star Lisa Kudrow was originally cast in Frasier.", true},
  {"Goldfish have a two second memory.", false},
  {"Hot and cold water sound the same when poured.", false},
  {"When the two numbers on opposite sides of a dice are added together it always equals 7.", true},
  {"Hippos sweat a red substance.", true},
  {"Vitamin C is also known by the chemical name of Ascorbic Acid.", true},
  {"The Nobel prize-winning novel ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ was written by the American author John Steinbeck.", false},
  {"In theory, it takes over 5,000 helium balloons to lift an average-sized human from the ground.", true},
  {"Transylvania is a historical region located in central Romania.", true},
  {"Glass is manufactured mainly from processed sand.", true},
  {"There are 7 naturally occurring noble gases in the periodic table of elements.", false},
  {"The world’s earliest surviving motion-picture film dates back to 1888.", true},
  {"Insulin was discovered by physiologist and professor of medicine Nicolae Paulescu.", true},
  {"After you drink alcohol, it takes your brain 6 minutes to start reacting to it.", true},
  {"Thomas Jefferson was the second president of the U.S.A.", false},
  {"Manchester United football club has never won the UEFA Champions League trophy.", false},
  {"Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan.", true},
  {"Steak contains more protein per ounce than broccoli.", false},
  {"Indira Gandhi was the first female Prime Minister of India.", true},
  {"The lighter was invented before the match.", true},
  {"The oldest educational establishment in the world is the University of Al Quaraouiyine in Morocco.", true},
  {"The first football in the world was manufactured from a pig’s bladder.", true},
  {"Just like humans, dogs can be left-pawed or right-pawed.", true},
  {"Rio de Janeiro is the capital city of Brazil.", false},
  {"Although they love to drink it, cats are lactose intolerant to cow’s milk.", true},
  {"Grapefruit can cause poisoning if consumed with some prescribed drugs.", true},
  {"Except for humans, crows and ravens are the most intelligent creatures in the world.", true},
  {"The spiral shapes of sunflowers follow the Fibonacci sequence to maximize sunlight intake.", true},
  {"Evita Perón was the first female president of Argentina.", false},
  {"A human being can live up to 3 weeks without drinking water.", false},
  {"Writer Agatha Christie’s real name is Mary Westmacott.", true},
  {"A person’s fingernails and hair continue to grow after they die.", false},
  {"The movie 'The Birds' was directed by Steven Spielberg.", false},
  {"It is illegal to feed pigeons in the Italian city of Venice.", true},
  {"The Quetzalcóatl Pyramid in Mexico is bigger than the Great Egyptian Pyramid of Giza.", true},
  {"Human teeth are just as strong as the teeth of a mature shark.", true},
  {"The Big Apple is a nickname given to Washington D.C in 1971.", false},
  {"Peanuts are legumes, not nuts.", true},
  {"Emus cannot fly.", true},
  {"Electrons move faster than the speed of light.", false},
  {"The Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in 1911.", true},
  {"An ISTP personality stands for introverted, sensual, thoughtful, and proactive.", false},
  {"Hamilton the musical is the first Broadway show ever written about Hamilton.", false},
  {"The percentage of students in the US who have taken loans to get through college is declining.", false},
  {"The term inflation refers to a general fall in the prices of most products and services.", false},
  {"Almost 30% of Americans are self-employed.", true},
  {"There are three rivers in Saudi Arabia.", false},
  {"The Great Wall of China is visible from space.", false},
  {"The Atlantic Ocean is the warmest ocean in the world.", false},
  {"When the Eiffel Tower was unveiled, the Parisian art community hated it.", true},
  {"There are more ancient pyramids in Sudan than in Egypt.", true},
  {"Gisborne, New Zealand was the first city in the world to enter the new millennium.", true},
  {"Dogs can understand up to 250 hand gestures.", true},
  {"The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird in the world.", true},
  {"The granny smith apple originates from Australia.", true},
  {"The USA grows the most maize.", true},
  {"Electrical conductors have low resistance.", true},
  {"Human skeleton consists of 205 bones.", false},
  {"Molecules are smaller than electrons.", false},
  {"Saturn is the largest planet in the solar system.", false},
  {"You cannot cry in space.", true},
  {"Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.", true},
  {"Canada is the second-largest country in the world.", true},
  {"Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system.", true},
  {"Crocodiles have 8 sweat glands.", false},
  {"An object at rest has inertia.", true},
  {"Zimbabwe is also known as Rhodesia.", true},
  {"French is the official language of Brazil.", false},
  {"The hardest natural mineral is diamond.", true},
  {"Dogs have 42 teeth.", true},
  {"The thalamus is not the largest part of the brain.", true},
  {"The largest artery in the human body is the aorta.", true},
  {"Omnivores feed only on plants.", false},
  {"Zebrafish can suffer from the problem of insomnia.", true},
  {"Abraham Lincoln had no middle name.", true},
  {"Camels can store water in their humps.", false},
  {"The Amazon river has native dolphins.", true},
  {"Earthquakes are measured using the Richter scale.", true},
  {"Horses can sleep while standing.", true},
  {"Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.", true},
  {"Russia has 11 time zones.", true},
  {"Nassau is the capital city of Bahrain.", false},
  {"The construction of the Eiffel tower was completed on March 31, 1887.", false},
  {"Melbourne is the capital of Australia.", false},
  {"Penicillin was discovered in Vietnam to treat malaria.", false},
  {"Broccoli contains more vitamin C than lemons.", true},
  {"The skull is the strongest bone in the human body.", false},
  {"Google was initially called BackRub.", true},
  {"Tomatoes are fruit.", true},
  {"Mercury’s atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide.", false},
  {"Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.", true},
  {"Cleopatra was of Egyptian descent.", false},
  {"You can sneeze while asleep.", false},
  {"It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.", true},
  {"Bananas are technically berries.", true},
  {"Scallops can’t see.", false},
  {"Your nose produces almost one litre of mucus a day.", true},
  {"Coca Cola exists in every country around the world.", false},
  {"Spider silk was once used to make guitar strings.", false},
  {"Humans share 60 percent of their DNA with bananas.", true},
  {"In Tuszyn Poland, Winnie the Pooh is banned from children’s playgrounds.", true},
  {"Being scared of clouds is called Coulrophobia.", false},
  {"Edward Smith was the name of the captain of Titanic.", true},
  {"It takes two weeks for a sloth to digest a single meal.", true},
  {"The moving sidewalk was invented in 1893." , true},
  {"Compared to a hydrogen atom, a carbon atom is lighter.", false},
  {"There are over 2,500 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.", true},
  {"Nicolas Cage and Michael Jackson both married the same woman.", true},
  {"The mathematical name for the shape of a Pringle is hyperbolic paraboloid.", true},
  {"A meter is further than a yard.", true},
  {"Walmart sells more bananas than any other item in thier stores.", true},
  {"Pennies cost more to make than they are worth.", true}, 
  {"Cheese filled with live maggots is a Mediterranean delicacy.", true},
  {"Ancient Romans used to use urine to whiten their teeth.", true},
  {"There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.", true},
  {"Rats cannot laugh.", false},
  {"Queen ants can live up to 40 years.", false},
  {"The show 'Breaking Bad' was initially rejected by the HBO, Showtime, and FX networks.", true},
  {"In terms of surface area, Russia is larger than Pluto.", true},
  {"OJ Simpson's father was transgender.", false},
  {"30% of the bones in the human body are in the feet.", false},
  {"Paul is acutally the middle name of Sir Paul McCartney.", true},
  {"Mickey Mouse's middle name is Fauntleroy.", false},
  {"Sesame Street character Elmo once testified before Congress.", true},
  {"Slugs have green blood because of a high magnesium content.", false},
  {"J.K. Rowling is the first author to become a billionare.", true},
  {"Kingston is the capital of Jamaica.", true},
  {"Christian Bale based his character for the film 'American Psycho' on actor Tom Cruise.", true},
  {"A hendecagon is a shape with 11 sides.", true},
  {"An otter's home is called a lodge.", false},
  {"Nutella was invented in 1964 during an international shortage of cocoa.", true},
  {"Eight out of the ten tallest mountains in the world are in the country of Nepal.", true},
  {"Venus was the first planet to be discovered via telescope.", false},
  {"Dead people can not get goose bumps.", false},
  {"Ostriches stick their heads in the sand when they feel threatened.", false},
  {"The state sport of Maryland is jousting.", true},
  {"Lightning never strikes in the same place twice.", false},
  {"The capital of Libya is Benghazi.", true},
  {"Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.", false},
  {"Baby koalas are called joeys.", false},
  {"Humans can distinguish between over a trillion different smells.", true},
  {"The Spanish national anthem has no words.", true},
  {"The first name of Kramer in Seinfeld is Cosmo.", true},
  {"It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sucking once, to completely drain the average human of blood.", true},
  {"It can take a photon 40,000 years to travel from the core of the sun to the surface.", true},
  {"There are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the known universe.", true},
  {"A right triangle can never be equilateral.", true},
  {"The Ford Edsel was named after Henry Ford’s father.", false},
  {"The Bill of Rights contains 10 amendments to the Constitution.", true},
  {"Vaccines cause autism.", false},
  {"The name Sylvia Plath was a pseudonym.", false},
  {"There are more cells of bacteria in your body than there are human cells.", true},
  {"Birds are dinosaurs.", true},
  {"Buzz Aldrin was the first man to urinate on the moon.", true},
  {"Twinkies have an infinite shelf life.", false},
  {"Humans can’t breathe and swallow at the same time.", true},
  {"Vitamin C stops you from getting a cold.", false},
  {"It's possible to get sick or even die from drinking too much water.", true},
  {"Lobster blood is colorless until it is exposed to air.", true},
  {"Goldfish eyes perceive not only the visible spectrum but also infrared and ultraviolet light.", true},
  {"If you exposed a glass of water to space, it would boil rather than freeze.", true},
  {"A fresh egg will float in freshwater, a stale egg will sink.", false},
  {"Sound travels 4.3 times faster in water than in air.", true},
  {"About 78% of the average human brain consists of water.", true},
  {"Macadamia nuts are not toxic to dogs.", false},
  {"A lightning strike can reach a temperature of 30,000 degrees Celsius or 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit.", true},
  {"Fire typically spreads downhill more quickly than uphill.", false},
  {"Frogs don't need to drink water since they can absorb it through their skin.", true},
  {"Humans have waterproofing proteins in their skin to help prevent water loss.", true},
  {"Urine fluoresces or glows under ultraviolet light.", true},
  {"Pearls, bones, and teeth will dissolve in vinegar, which contains weak acetic acid.", true},
  {"The chemical name for water is dihydrogen monoxide.", true},
  {"The ethylene gas produced by a ripening apple ripens other apples as well as many other types of produce.", true},
  {"Water expands about 19% when it freezes into ice.", false},
  {"It's possible for hot water to freeze more quickly than cold water.", true},
  {"A soccer ball is made up of 32 leather panels, held together by 642 stitches.", true},
  {"There is only one even prime number.", true},
  {"The square root of two is called Pythagoras' Constant.", true},
  {"Zero is the only number that can't be represented in Roman numerals.", true},
  {"Broccoli is actually a flower.", true},
  {"Several centuries ago in Holland, tulips were more valuable than gold.", true},
  {"A person burns more calories when they are asleep than when they watch TV.", true},
  {"The path of a light ray can be bent as it travels past a massive object.", true},
  {"The wavelength of red light is shorter than that of blue light.", false},
  {"A rubber band stores potential energy when stretched.", true},
  {"Human skin cells divide only once.", false},
  {"Earth’s oldest known rock is about 4 billion years old.", true},
  {"An elephant has 100 muscles in its trunk.", false},
  {"Water is the most common element on Earth.", false},
  {"Electrical energy can be transmitted wirelessly.", true},
  {"There are stars made of diamonds.", true},
  {"Iron is the most abundant metal in Earth’s crust.", false},
  {"Walking up stairs uses more energy than walking on level ground.", true},
  {"There are 500 stars visible to the naked eye from Earth.", false},
  {"The speed of sound is constant.", false},
  {"The plants dinosaurs ate do not exist today.", false},
  {"Helium gives off a pungent odor.", false},
  {"Hair helps us humans hear.", true},
  {"Snowmelt is the source of most of the world’s drinking water.", false},
  {"In the human body, food energy is stored in the hair.", false},
  {"Galaxies are classified by their shape.", true},
  {"Silver is the most conductive of metals.", true},
  {"There are more than 2,000 kinds of mosquitoes.", true},
  {"Apes cannot laugh.", false},
  {"A heptagon has nine sides.", false},
  {"The star sign Capricorn is represented by a goat.", true},
  {"Seahorses have no teeth or stomach.", true},
  {"Nepal is the only country in the world which does not have a rectangular flag.", true},
  {"Last Christmas by Wham! reached number one during the 1984 festive season.", false},
  {"The oldest wooden wheel still in existence is over 5000 years old.", true},
  {"The majority of household dust is made of dirt.", false},
  {"The smallest mammal in the world is the bumblebee bat weighing just 0.05 ounces.", true},
  {"On a typical world map, Africa touches all four quadrants of the globe.", true},
  {"The cornea of the eye houses more blood vessels than your fingers.", false},
  {"The first fully animated feature film was created in Argentina.", true},
  {"German chocolate cake was invented in Belgium.", false},
  {"Actress Marla Gibbs who played Florence on The Jeffersons continued working as a flight attendant during the first 2 years of the show.", true},
  {"The Phillipines consists of over 7000 islands.", true},
  {"The Trans-Siberian Railway crosses ten different time zones.", false},
  {"Producers of The Golden Girls wanted to use the song Friends by Bette Midler as the theme for the show.", true},
  {"Cleveland, Ohio was once the third largest city in America.", false},
  {"Less than 1 percent of the world's water is fresh water.", false},
  {"The brand name SPAM is named as a conjunction of 'spice' and 'ham'.", true},
  {"It takes 100 days for a drop of water to travel the entire Mississippi river.", false},
  {"In the 19th century arsenic was consumed to promote clear skin.", true},
  {"The first person ever processed at Ellis Island was a 15 year old girl from Ireland.", true},
  {"Japan has one vending machine for every 25 people.", false},
  {"The first time the word 'period' was used on TV in reference to menstruation was in 1985.", true}, 
  {"McDonald's once developed a broccoli flavored chewing gum.", true},
  {"There is a tropical fungus that can grow in the brain of a snake and cause the snake to eat itself.", false},
  {"Oranges are a hybrid of the mandarin and the pomelo.", true},
  {"Q is the only letter that does not appear in the name of any US state.", true},
  {"The apple seeds planted by Johnny Appleseed were actually bitter apples for use in the production of hard cider.", true},
  {"Scotland has over 500 words for snow.", false},
  {"Samsung tests the durability of thier phones by crushing them with a robot shaped like a human butt.", true},
  {"Chicago is nicknamed The Windy City because of its weather.", false},
  {"Kleenex tissue was originally invented for use in gas mask filters.", true},
  {"The small pocket in your jeans was created just for loose change.", false},
  {"Only one quarter of the Sahara Desert is sandy.", true},
  {"A giraffe's tongue can grow to over 36 inches in length.", false},
  {"The inventor of the microwave oven received $46,500 in 1945 when he sold the invention to The American Appliance Company.", false},
  {"The summer heat in France can cause the Eiffel Tower to grow as much as 6 inches due to thermal expansion.", true},
  {"Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the US.", true},
  {"Giraffes have more neck bones than any other animal.", false},
  {"In ancient Egypt it was common practice to place a dead mouse in one's mouth to alleviate a toothache.", true},
  {"In the 19th century paint was commonly stored in a pig's bladder.", true},
  {"Abraham Lincoln was a licensed bartender.", true},
  {"Baseball umpires have are issued undergarments they must wear to officiate a game.", false},
  {"The man who discovered penicilin originally called the compound 'mold juice'.", true},
  {"Nikola Tesla once sent his secretary home for wearing pearls to work.", true},
  {"Bananas will glow red under black light.", false},
  {"Tapeworms can grow to as long as 80 feet in length.", true},
  {"Ketchup was sold as medicine in the 1830s.", true},
  {"The time required for any mammal to defacate is proportional to the mammal's weight.", false},
  {"Miami is the only major US city to be founded by a woman.", true},
  {"Lemmings will often follow eachother off a cliff to thier deaths.", false},
  {"Woodpeckers wrap their tongues around their brain to protect them during pecks.", true},
  {"Lightning strikes kill more people per year than shark attacks.", false},
  {"Roughly 90% of people struck by lightning survive.", true},
  {"In Singapore, anyone caught chewing, importing, or selling gum could face a fine or jail time.", true},
  {"Crows are unable to distinguish the differences between human faces.", false},
  {"Pigs sweat more than any other farm animal.", false},
  {"A blue whale's tongue weighs more than most elephants.", true},
  {"Every wife of Tom Cruise has divorced him at the age of 38.", false},
  {"Raw pistachios have been known to spontaneously combust when stored in large quantities.", true},
  {"Owls are able to move thier eyes in thier sockets further than any other bird.", false},
  {"Jennifer Lawrence learned how to skin a squirrel for her role in Winter's Bone.", true},
  {"The first college football game was played on Nov. 6, 1869, between Stockton and Princeton.", false},
  {"Flamingos can only eat when their heads are upside down.", true},
  {"Pound cake got its name because the original recipe called for the dough to be forcefully pressed several times before baking.", false},
  {"Madonna was once fired from a Dunkin' Donuts for squirting jelly on a customer.", true},
  {"Walt Disney's favorite cartoon character was Goofy.", false},
  {"Thailand holds an annual Monkey Buffet Festival where an excess of 3000 monkeys are fed 4.5 tons of fruit.", true},
  {"Shakira was a star student in high school choir.", false},
  {"Dr. Seuss wrote Green Eggs and Ham to win a bet.", true},
  {"More twins are born per capita in Malaysia than any other country.", false},
  {"Paul Newman taught Jake Gyllenhaal how to drive.", true},
  {"The first text message ever sent read, 'Hello world!'", false},
  {"In 1953 Swanson invented the TV dinner becuase of a surplus of frozen Thanksgiving turkeys.", true},
  {"The first song to sell 1 million digital copies was Barbie Girl by Aqua.", false},
  {"The word 'meme' was coined in Richard Dawkins' 1976 book The Selfish Gene.", true},
  {"The first book ever sold on Amazon was The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans.", false},
  {"McDonald's created Chicken McNuggets as a healthy menu option in the 1970's.", true},
  {"Popcorn was first served in movie theaters in 1923.", false},
  {"The first Disney Channel Original Movie was 1997's Northern Lights, starring Diane Keaton.", true},
  {"Lightning strikes earth approximately 240 times per second.", false},
  {"Mars makes a continuous humming sound.", true},
  {"Bats communicate with each other by scratching surfaces that make various noises.", false},
  {"The Great Barrier Reef has some sections of reef taller than the Empire State Building.", true},
  {"Some tropical songbirds only reproduce during a drought.", false},
  {"After sea turtles lay eggs, they create decoy nests to fool predators.", true},
  {"Pope Urban VIII tried to ban coughing in the 17th century.", false},
  {"There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.", true},
  {"A dime has 122 ridges on the outside edge.", false},
  {"The first Pokemon to be created was Rhydon.", true},
  {"The dot over a lower case 'i' is called a tilte.", false},
  {"X-rays cannot penetrate diamond.", true}
  // 413 questions

void setup(void) {
  u8g2.setFontMode(0);    // enable transparent mode, which is faster
  pinMode(buttonTrue, INPUT);
  pinMode(buttonFalse, INPUT);
  pinMode(solenoid, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(lockout, OUTPUT);

void loop(void) {
  u8g2_uint_t x;
  digitalWrite(lockout, HIGH);

  do {
    if (newQuestion == true) {
      msgComplete = false;
      completeMsg ="";
    x = offset;
    // draw the scrolling text at current offset 
    buttonTrueState = digitalRead(buttonTrue);
    buttonFalseState = digitalRead(buttonFalse);
    if (buttonTrueState == LOW and buttonFalseState == HIGH) {
      if (msgComplete == false) {
        text = completeMsg.c_str();
        msgComplete = true; 
      ansr = questions[questionNumber].answer;
      width = u8g2.getUTF8Width(text);    // calculate the pixel width of the text
      drawPoint = 12;
    else if (buttonTrueState == HIGH and ansr == true) {
    else if (buttonFalseState == LOW and ansr == false) {
    else if (buttonTrueState == HIGH and ansr == false) {
    else if (buttonFalseState == LOW and ansr == true) {
    else if (buttonTrueState == HIGH and buttonFalseState == LOW) {

    if (correctCount == 7) {
    digitalWrite(solenoid, LOW);
      do {                // repeated drawing of the scrolling text...
        u8g2.drawUTF8(x, drawPoint, text);     // draw the scolling text
        x += width;
      } while ( x < u8g2.getDisplayWidth() );   // draw again until the complete display is filled
    if (drawPoint == 12) {
      u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_luRS12_tf);   // draw the current pixel width
      u8g2.setCursor(0, 32);
      u8g2.print("True or False");          // this value must be lesser than 128 unless U8G2_16BIT is set     
  } while ( u8g2.nextPage() );
  offset -= 1; // scroll by one pixel
  if ( (u8g2_uint_t)offset < (u8g2_uint_t) - width )
    offset = 0;
  responseTimer ++;
  if (responseTimer == 6000) {
    responseTimer = 0;
    digitalWrite(lockout, HIGH);

void hello(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 32);

void correctAnswer(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 30);
  correctCount ++;
  responseTimer = 0;
  newQuestion = true;
  offset = 0;   

void incorrectAnswer(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 27);
  digitalWrite(lockout, LOW);
  correctCount = 0;
  responseTimer = 0;
  newQuestion = true;
  lockoutTime = lockoutTime * 2;
  offset = 0;

void invalidAnswer(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 25);
  u8g2.print("Invalid response.");   
  correctCount = 0;
  responseTimer = 0; 
  newQuestion = true;  
  offset = 0;

void unlockSolenoid(void) {
  digitalWrite(solenoid, HIGH);
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 27);
  correctCount = 0;
  responseTimer = 0;
  lockoutTime = 30000;
  newQuestion = true;

void getQuestionNumber(void) {
  questionNumber = random(0,413);
  newQuestion = false;

I finally opened the can of worms that is SPIFFS / LittleFS. Which effectively reduced memory usage to just 36%. I would definitely say it has made a massive improvement in both performance and storage space as a text file is relatively tiny compared to the size of the flash partition.

Sketch code

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <U8g2lib.h>
#include "LittleFS.h"

#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI
#include <SPI.h>
#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C
#include <Wire.h>

U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ 16, /* clock=*/ SCL, /* data=*/ SDA);   

u8g2_uint_t offset;     
u8g2_uint_t width;      

byte drawPoint = 12;
byte correctCount = 0;
int responseTimer = 0;
int questionNumber;
String completeMsg;
bool msgComplete = false;

void readData();
bool stringRead;
char qNumBuf[6];
String leadZeros;
String answer;
String question;

byte buttonTrue = 15;
byte buttonFalse = 13;
byte solenoid = 12;
byte lockout = 0;
long lockoutTime = 30000;

bool buttonTrueState;
bool buttonFalseState;

const char *text;
bool ansr;
bool newQuestion = true;

const char *leadingBlanks ="                         ";

void setup(void) {
  u8g2.setFontMode(0);    // enable transparent mode, which is faster
  pinMode(buttonTrue, INPUT);
  pinMode(buttonFalse, INPUT);
  pinMode(solenoid, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(lockout, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(lockout, HIGH);

void loop(void) {
  u8g2_uint_t x;
  do {
    if (newQuestion == true) {
      stringRead = false;
      if (answer == "true") {
        ansr = true;
      else {
        ansr = false;
      msgComplete = false;
      completeMsg ="";
    x = offset;
    buttonTrueState = digitalRead(buttonTrue);
    buttonFalseState = digitalRead(buttonFalse);

    if (msgComplete == false) {
      text = completeMsg.c_str();
      width = u8g2.getUTF8Width(text);    // calculate the pixel width of the text
      drawPoint = 12;
      msgComplete = true; 
    if (buttonTrueState == HIGH and ansr == true and msgComplete == true) {
    else if (buttonFalseState == LOW and ansr == false and msgComplete == true) {
    else if (buttonTrueState == HIGH and ansr == false and msgComplete == true) {
    else if (buttonFalseState == LOW and ansr == true and msgComplete == true) {
    else if (buttonTrueState == HIGH and buttonFalseState == LOW and msgComplete == true) {

    if (correctCount == 7) {
    digitalWrite(solenoid, LOW);
      do {                // repeated drawing of the scrolling text...
        u8g2.drawUTF8(x, drawPoint, text);     // draw the scolling text
        x += width;
      } while ( x < u8g2.getDisplayWidth() );   // draw again until the complete display is filled
    if (drawPoint == 12) {
      u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_luRS12_tf);   // draw the current pixel width
      u8g2.setCursor(0, 32);
      u8g2.print("True or False");          // this value must be lesser than 128 unless U8G2_16BIT is set     
  } while ( u8g2.nextPage() );
  offset -= 1; // scroll by one pixel
  if ( (u8g2_uint_t)offset < (u8g2_uint_t) - width )
    offset = 0;
  responseTimer ++;
  if (responseTimer == 6000) {
    responseTimer = 0;
    digitalWrite(lockout, HIGH);

void hello(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 32);

void correctAnswer(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 30);
  completeMsg ="";
  correctCount ++;
  responseTimer = 0;
  newQuestion = true;
  offset = 0;   

void incorrectAnswer(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 27);
  digitalWrite(lockout, LOW);
  completeMsg ="";
  correctCount = 0;
  responseTimer = 0;
  newQuestion = true;
  lockoutTime = lockoutTime * 2;
  offset = 0;
  digitalWrite(lockout, HIGH);

void invalidAnswer(void) {
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 25);
  u8g2.print("Invalid response");   
  completeMsg ="";
  correctCount = 0;
  responseTimer = 0; 
  newQuestion = true;  
  offset = 0;

void unlockSolenoid(void) {
  digitalWrite(solenoid, HIGH);
  u8g2.setCursor(0, 27);
  correctCount = 0;
  responseTimer = 0;
  lockoutTime = 30000;
  newQuestion = true;

void readData()
  File file ="/questions.txt", "r");
  while(stringRead == false){
    question = file.readStringUntil('|');
    answer = file.readStringUntil('`');
    stringRead = true;

void getQuestionNumber(void) {
  questionNumber = random(1,544);
  if (questionNumber < 10) {
    leadZeros = "000";
  else if (questionNumber >= 10 and questionNumber < 100) {
    leadZeros = "00";
  else if (questionNumber >= 100 and questionNumber < 1000) {
    leadZeros = "0";
  else {
    leadZeros = "";
  newQuestion = false;


0001:In the animated film Finding Nemo, the protagonist is a clownfish|true`
0002:Sharks are mammals|false`
0003:Sea otters have a favorite rock they use to break open food|true`
0004:The blue whale is the biggest animal to have ever lived|true`
0005:Dogs sweat by panting|false`
0006:The hummingbird egg is the world's smallest bird egg|true`
0007:Pigs roll in the mud because they don't like being clean|false`
0008:Bats are blind|false`
0009:The largest living frog is the Goliath frog of West Africa|true`
0010:Ants can lift 5,000 times their body weight|true`
0011:When exiting a cave bats always go in the direction of the wind|false`
0012:Galapagos tortoises sleep up to 16 hours a day|true`
0013:An octopus has 7 hearts|false`
0014:The goat is the national animal of Scotland|false`
0015:A monkey was the first non-human to go into space|false`
0016:South Africa has 3 capital cities|true`
0017:The Atlantic Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth|false`
0018:Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world|true`
0019:The Desert of Death is in California|false`
0020:The total length of the Great Wall of China adds up to 13,171 miles|true`
0021:The 2 longest rivers in the world are the Mississippi and the Nile|false`
0022:The Chunnel between England and France is 31.5 miles long|true`
0023:Greenland is the largest island in the world|true`
0024:There are more countries in South America than Africa|false`
0025:Alaska has the most active volcanoes of any state in the United States|true`
0026:China has the longest coastline in the world|false`
0027:Vatican City is the smallest country in the world|true`
0028:Venezuela is home to the world's highest waterfall|true`
0029:Cows have 4 lungs|false`
0030:Human skin regenerates every week|false`
0031:The average human sneeze can be clocked at 100 mph|true`
0032:Humans lose an average of 75 strands of hair a day|true`
0033:Infants have more bones than adults|true`
0034:The heart is the largest internal organ in the body|false`
0035:Most of the human brain is made of muscle|false`
0036:Taste buds can only be found on the tongue|false`
0037:The human eye can distinguish 10 million different colors|true`
0038:Humans lose more than 80% of heat from their feet|false`
0039:The human body is about 60% water|true`
0040:The most common blood type is 0- negative|true`
0041:Aladdin's character was based on Harrison Ford|false`
0042:It took 8 months from start to finish to produce the 1959 Disney film, Sleeping Beauty|false`
0043:Pinocchio was the first animated, full-color Walt Disney feature film|false`
0044:Toy Story was Pixar's first movie|true`
0045:Dumbo is the shortest Disney film|true`
0046:The Aristocats was the first Disney film to be made after Walt Disney's death|true`
0047:Pepperoni is the most popular pizza topping in the US|true`
0048:Cheesecake comes from Italy|false`
0049:Pineapples grow on trees|false`
0050:A potato was the first vegetable to be planted on the space shuttle|true`
0051:Hawaiian pizza comes from Canada|true`
0052:French fries originated from France|false`
0053:Pizza was the first food consumed in space|false`
0054:Caesar Salad originates from Italy|false`
0055:Ears of corn always have an even number of rows|true`
0056:The names of the mascots for Rice Krispies are Snap, Crackle, & Pop|true`
0057:Vanilla is the world's most expensive spice|false`
0058:The Chinese New Year is celebrated on the same day every year|false`
0059:Punxsutawney Phil is just a nickname for the famous groundhog|true`
0060:The first St. Patrick's Day parade in the United States was held in New York City|false`
0061:The tradition of dyeing Easter eggs started in the United States|false`
0062:Only 2 men signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776|true`
0063:The US and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving on the same day|false`
0064:There are 7 nights in Kwanzaa|true`
0065:Memorial Day has a special set of instructions regarding raising and lowering the US flag|true`
0066:The sport Polo takes up the largest amount of space in terms of land area|true`
0067:Every golf ball has the same number of dimples|false`
0068:Football players started wearing helmets in 1943|true`
0069:Brazil is the only nation to have played in every World Cup finals tournament|true`
0070:World-renowned jeweler Tiffany & Co. is the maker of the Vince Lombardi trophy|true`
0071:There are 30 NFL teams|false`
0072:The New York Marathon is the largest in the world|true`
0073:3 strikes in a row in bowling is called a "chicken"|false`
0074:An astronaut has played golf on the moon|true`
0075:The Tour de France always finishes in Italy|false`
0076:President George Washington brought macaroni and cheese to the US|false`
0077:Marvel published its first comic in October 1939|true`
0078:The letter T is the most common in the English Language|false`
0079:People who have chiclephobia are afraid of cats|false`
0080:John Glenn became the oldest astronaut when he traveled to space at the age of 77|true`
0081:All the kings in a standard deck of cards have a mustache|false`
0082:Pepsi was the first soft drink to be enjoyed in outer space|false`
0083:The name of Batman's butler is Albert|false`
0084:Fortune cookies were invented in China|false`
0085:Henry VIII had 8 wives|false`
0086:The letter J is the only letter not included in the periodic table|true`
0087:Every country in the world has a rectangular flag|false`
0088:The official color of the Golden Gate Bridge in California is Tennessee Orange|false`
0089:Dr Pepper is the oldest soft drink in America|true`
0090:The atomic number for lithium is 17|false`
0091:A cross between a horse and a zebra is called a Hobra|false`
0092:The black box in a plane is black|false`
0093:Alliumphobia is a fear of garlic|true`
0094:X-Files star Gillian Anderson was born in Chicago, Illinois|true`
0095:Prince Harry is taller than Prince William|false`
0096:The star sign Aquarius is represented by a tiger|false`
0097:Meryl Streep has won 3 Academy Awards|true`
0098:Marrakesh is the capital of Morocco|false`
0099:Idina Menzel sings "let it go" 21 times in Let It Go from Frozen|true`
0100:Waterloo has the greatest number of subway platforms in London|true`
0101:M&M stands for Mars and Moordale|false`
0102:Gin is typically included in a Long Island Iced Tea|true`
0103:The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland|true`
0104:There are 2 parts of the body that can't heal themselves|false`
0105:Howard Donald is the oldest member of Take That|true`
0106:The Great Wall of China is longer than the distance between London and Beijing|true`
0107:There are 236 episodes of Friends|true`
0108:A lion's roar can be heard up to 8 kilometres away|true`
0109:The river Seine in Paris is longer than the river Thames in London|true`
0110:The Battle Of Hastings took place in 1066|true`
0111:K is worth 4 points in Scrabble|false`
0112:Australia is wider than the moon|true`
0113:Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin|true`
0114:The small intestine is about 3.5 times the length of your body|true`
0115:Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system|true`
0116:Bananas are curved because they grow upwards towards the sun|true`
0117:Friends star Lisa Kudrow was originally cast in Frasier|true`
0118:Goldfish have a 2 second memory|false`
0119:Hot and cold water sound the same when poured|false`
0120:When the 2 numbers on opposite sides of a standard 6-sided dice are added together it always equals 7|true`
0121:Hippos sweat a red substance|true`
0122:Vitamin C is also known by the chemical name of Ascorbic Acid|true`
0123:The Nobel prize-winning novel ‘The Old Man and the Sea' was written by the American author John Steinbeck|false`
0124:In theory, it takes over 5,000 helium balloons to lift an average-sized human from the ground|true`
0125:Transylvania is a historical region located in central Romania|true`
0126:Glass is manufactured mainly from processed sand|true`
0127:There are 7 naturally occurring noble gases in the periodic table of elements|false`
0128:The largest artery in the human body is the aorta|true`
0129:Insulin was discovered by physiologist and professor of medicine Nicolae Paulescu|true`
0130:After you drink alcohol, it takes your brain 6 minutes to start reacting to it|true`
0131:Thomas Jefferson was the second president of the US|false`
0132:Manchester United football club has never won the UEFA Champions League trophy|false`
0133:Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan|true`
0134:Steak contains more protein per ounce than broccoli|false`
0135:Indira Gandhi was the first female Prime Minister of India|true`
0136:The lighter was invented before the match|true`
0137:The oldest educational establishment in the world is the University of Al Quaraouiyine in Morocco|true`
0138:The first football in the world was manufactured from a pig's bladder|true`
0139:Just like humans, dogs can be left-pawed or right-pawed|true`
0140:Rio de Janeiro is the capital city of Brazil|false`
0141:Although they love to drink it, cats are lactose intolerant to cow's milk|true`
0142:Grapefruit can cause poisoning if consumed with some prescribed drugs|true`
0143:Except for humans, crows and ravens are the most intelligent creatures in the world|true`
0144:The spiral shapes of sunflowers follow the Fibonacci sequence to maximize sunlight intake|true`
0145:Evita Perón was the first female president of Argentina|false`
0146:A human being can live up to 3 weeks without drinking water|false`
0147:Writer Agatha Christie's real name is Mary Westmacott|true`
0148:A person's fingernails and hair continue to grow after they die|false`
0149:The movie The Birds was directed by Stanley Kubrick|false`
0150:It is illegal to feed pigeons in the Italian city of Venice|true`
0151:The Quetzalcóatl Pyramid in Mexico is bigger than the Great Egyptian Pyramid of Giza|true`
0152:Human teeth are just as strong as the teeth of a mature shark|true`
0153:The Big Apple is a nickname given to Washington D.C in 1971|false`
0154:Peanuts are legumes, not nuts|true`
0155:Emus cannot fly|true`
0156:Electrons move faster than the speed of light|false`
0157:The Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in 1911|true`
0158:An ISTP personality stands for introverted, sensing, thinking, and proactive|false`
0159:Hamilton the musical is the first Broadway show ever written about Hamilton|false`
0160:The percentage of students in the US who have taken loans to get through college is declining|false`
0161:The term inflation refers to a general fall in the prices of most products and services|false`
0162:Almost 30% of Americans are self-employed|true`
0163:There are 3 rivers in Saudi Arabia|false`
0164:The Great Wall of China is visible from space|false`
0165:The Atlantic Ocean is the warmest ocean in the world|false`
0166:When the Eiffel Tower was unveiled the Parisian art community hated it|true`
0167:There are more ancient pyramids in Sudan than in Egypt|true`
0168:Gisborne, New Zealand was the first city in the world to enter the new millennium|true`
0169:Dogs can understand up to 250 hand gestures|true`
0170:The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird in the world|true`
0171:The granny smith apple originates from Australia|true`
0172:The US grows the most maize|true`
0173:Electrical conductors have low resistance|true`
0174:Human skeleton consists of 205 bones|false`
0175:Molecules are smaller than electrons|false`
0176:Saturn is the largest planet in the solar system|false`
0177:You cannot cry in space|true`
0178:Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark|true`
0179:Canada is the second-largest country in the world|true`
0180:Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system|true`
0181:Crocodiles have 8 sweat glands|false`
0182:An object at rest has inertia|true`
0183:Zimbabwe is also known as Rhodesia|true`
0184:French is the official language of Brazil|false`
0185:The hardest natural mineral is diamond|true`
0186:Dogs have 42 teeth|true`
0187:The thalamus is not the largest part of the brain|true`
0188:The world's earliest surviving motion-picture film dates back to 1888|true`
0189:Omnivores feed only on plants|false`
0190:Zebrafish can suffer from the problem of insomnia|true`
0191:Abraham Lincoln had no middle name|true`
0192:Camels can store water in their humps|false`
0193:The Amazon river has native dolphins|true`
0194:Earthquakes are measured using the Richter scale|true`
0195:Horses can sleep while standing|true`
0196:Wellington is the capital of New Zealand|true`
0197:Russia has 11 time zones|true`
0198:Nassau is the capital city of Bahrain|false`
0199:The construction of the Eiffel tower was completed on March 31, 1887|false`
0200:Melbourne is the capital of Australia|false`
0201:Penicillin was discovered in Vietnam to treat malaria|false`
0202:Broccoli contains more vitamin C than lemons|true`
0203:The skull is the strongest bone in the human body|false`
0204:Google was initially called BackRub|true`
0205:Tomatoes are fruit|true`
0206:Mercury's atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide|false`
0207:Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide|true`
0208:Cleopatra was of Egyptian descent|false`
0209:You can sneeze while asleep|false`
0210:It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open|true`
0211:Bananas are technically berries|true`
0212:Scallops can't see|false`
0213:Your nose produces almost 1 liter of mucus a day|true`
0214:Coca Cola exists in every country around the world|false`
0215:Spider silk was once used to make guitar strings|false`
0216:Humans share 60% of their DNA with bananas|true`
0217:In Tuszyn Poland, Winnie the Pooh is banned from children's playgrounds|true`
0218:Being scared of clouds is called Coulrophobia|false`
0219:Edward Smith was the name of the captain of Titanic|true`
0220:It takes 2 weeks for a sloth to digest a single meal|true`
0221:The moving sidewalk was invented in 1893|true`
0222:Compared to a hydrogen atom, a carbon atom is lighter|false`
0223:There are over 2,500 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame|true`
0224:Nicolas Cage and Michael Jackson both married the same woman|true`
0225:The mathematical name for the shape of a Pringle is a hyperbolic paraboloid|true`
0226:A meter is further than a yard|true`
0227:Walmart sells more bananas than any other item in their stores|true`
0228:Pennies cost more to make than they are worth|true` 
0229:Cheese filled with live maggots is a Mediterranean delicacy|true`
0230:Ancient Romans used to use urine to whiten their teeth|true`
0231:There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body|true`
0232:Rats cannot laugh|false`
0233:Queen ants can live up to 40 years|false`
0234:The show Breaking Bad was initially rejected by HBO, Showtime, and the FX networks|true`
0235:In terms of surface area, Russia is larger than Pluto|true`
0236:OJ Simpson's father was transgender|false`
0237:Woodpeckers wrap their tongues around their brain to protect them during pecks|true`
0238:Paul is actually the middle name of Sir Paul McCartney|true`
0239:Mickey Mouse's middle name is Fauntleroy|false`
0240:Sesame Street character Elmo once testified before Congress|true`
0241:Slugs have green blood because of a high magnesium content|false`
0242:J.K. Rowling is the first author to become a billionaire|true`
0243:Kingston is the capital of Jamaica|true`
0244:Christian Bale based his character for the film American Psycho on actor Tom Cruise|true`
0245:A hendecagon is a shape with 11 sides|true`
0246:An otter's home is called a lodge|false`
0247:Nutella was invented in 1964 during an international shortage of cocoa|true`
0248:8 out of the 10 tallest mountains in the world are in the country of Nepal|true`
0249:Venus was the first planet to be discovered via telescope|false`
0250:Dead people can not get goose bumps|false`
0251:Ostriches stick their heads in the sand when they feel threatened|false`
0252:The state sport of Maryland is jousting|true`
0253:Lightning never strikes in the same place twice|false`
0254:The capital of Libya is Benghazi|true`
0255:Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry|false`
0256:Baby koalas are called joeys|false`
0257:Humans can distinguish between over a trillion different smells|true`
0258:The Spanish national anthem has no words|true`
0259:The first name of Kramer in Seinfeld is Cosmo|true`
0260:It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sucking once, to completely drain the average human of blood|true`
0261:It can take a photon 40,000 years to travel from the core of the sun to the surface|true`
0262:There are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the known universe|true`
0263:A right triangle can never be equilateral|true`
0264:The Ford Edsel was named after Henry Ford's father|false`
0265:The Bill of Rights contains 10 amendments to the Constitution|true`
0266:Vaccines cause autism|false`
0267:The name Sylvia Plath was a pseudonym|false`
0268:There are more cells of bacteria in your body than there are human cells|true`
0269:Birds are dinosaurs|true`
0270:Buzz Aldrin was the first man to urinate on the moon|true`
0271:Twinkies have an infinite shelf life|false`
0272:Humans can't breathe and swallow at the same time|true`
0273:Vitamin C stops you from getting a cold|false`
0274:It's possible to get sick or even die from drinking too much water|true`
0275:Lobster blood is colorless until it is exposed to air|true`
0276:Goldfish eyes perceive not only the visible spectrum but also infrared and ultraviolet light|true`
0277:If you exposed a glass of water to space, it would boil rather than freeze|true`
0278:A fresh egg will float in freshwater, a stale egg will sink|false`
0279:Sound travels 4.3 times faster in water than in air|true`
0280:About 78% of the average human brain consists of water|true`
0281:Macadamia nuts are not toxic to dogs|false`
0282:A lightning strike can reach a temperature of 30,000 degrees Celsius|true`
0283:Fire typically spreads downhill more quickly than uphill|false`
0284:Frogs don't need to drink water since they can absorb it through their skin|true`
0285:Humans have waterproofing proteins in their skin to help prevent water loss|true`
0286:Urine fluoresces or glows under ultraviolet light|true`
0287:Pearls, bones, and teeth will dissolve in vinegar, which contains weak acetic acid|true`
0288:The chemical name for water is dihydrogen monoxide|true`
0289:The ethylene gas produced by a ripening apple ripens other apples as well as many other types of produce|true`
0290:Water expands about 19% when it freezes into ice|false`
0291:It's possible for hot water to freeze more quickly than cold water|true`
0292:A soccer ball is made up of 32 leather panels, held together by 642 stitches|true`
0293:There is only 1 even prime number|true`
0294:The square root of 2 is called Pythagoras' Constant|true`
0295:Zero is the only number that can't be represented in Roman numerals|true`
0296:Broccoli is actually a flower|true`
0297:Several centuries ago in Holland, tulips were more valuable than gold|true`
0298:A person burns more calories when they are asleep than when they watch TV|true`
0299:The path of a light ray can be bent as it travels past a massive object|true`
0300:The wavelength of red light is shorter than that of blue light|false`
0301:A rubber band stores potential energy when stretched|true`
0302:Human skin cells divide only once|false`
0303:Earth's oldest known rock is about 4 billion years old|true`
0304:An elephant has 100 muscles in its trunk|false`
0305:Water is the most common element on Earth|false`
0306:Electrical energy can be transmitted wirelessly|true`
0307:There are stars made of diamonds|true`
0308:Iron is the most abundant metal in Earth's crust|false`
0309:Walking up stairs uses more energy than walking on level ground|true`
0310:There are 500 stars visible to the naked eye from Earth|false`
0311:The speed of sound is constant|false`
0312:The plants dinosaurs ate do not exist today|false`
0313:Helium gives off a pungent odor|false`
0314:Hair helps us humans hear|true`
0315:Snowmelt is the source of most of the world's drinking water|false`
0316:In the human body, food energy is stored in the kidneys|false`
0317:Galaxies are classified by their shape|true`
0318:Silver is the most electrically conductive of metal|true`
0319:There are more than 2,000 kinds of mosquitoes|true`
0320:Apes cannot laugh|false`
0321:A heptagon has 9 sides|false`
0322:The star sign Capricorn is represented by a goat|true`
0323:Seahorses have no teeth or stomach|true`
0324:Nepal is the only country in the world which does not have a rectangular flag|true`
0325:Last Christmas by Wham! reached number 1 during the 1984 festive season|false`
0326:The oldest wooden wheel still in existence is over 5000 years old|true`
0327:The majority of household dust is made of dead insect particles|false`
0328:The smallest mammal in the world is the bumblebee bat weighing just 0.05 ounces|true`
0329:On a typical world map, Africa touches all 4 quadrants of the globe|true`
0330:The cornea of the eye houses more blood vessels than your fingers|false`
0331:The first fully animated feature film was created in Argentina|true`
0332:German chocolate cake was invented in Belgium|false`
0333:Actress Marla Gibbs who played Florence on The Jeffersons continued working as a flight attendant during the first 2 years of the show|true`
0334:The Philippines consists of over 7000 islands|true`
0335:The Trans-Siberian Railway crosses 10 different time zones|false`
0336:Producers of The Golden Girls wanted to use the song Friends by Bette Midler as the theme for the show|true`
0337:Cleveland, Ohio was once the third largest city in America|false`
0338:Less than 1% of the world's water is fresh water|false`
0339:The brand name SPAM is named as a conjunction of "spice" and "ham"|true`
0340:It takes 100 days for a drop of water to travel the entire Mississippi river|false`
0341:In the 19th century arsenic was consumed to promote clear skin|true`
0342:The first person ever processed at Ellis Island was a 15 year old girl from Ireland|true`
0343:Japan has 1 vending machine for every 25 people|false`
0344:The first time the word "period" was used on TV in reference to menstruation was in 1985|true` 
0345:McDonald's once developed a bubble-gum flavored broccoli|true`
0346:There is a tropical fungus that can grow in the brain of a snake and cause the snake to eat itself|false`
0347:Oranges are a hybrid of the mandarin and the pomelo|true`
0348:Q is the only letter that does not appear in the name of any US state|true`
0349:The apple seeds planted by Johnny Appleseed were actually bitter apples for use in the production of hard cider|true`
0350:Scotland has over 500 words for snow|false`
0351:Samsung tests the durability of their phones by crushing them with a robot shaped like a human butt|true`
0352:Chicago is nicknamed The Windy City because of its weather|false`
0353:Kleenex tissue was originally invented for use in gas mask filters|true`
0354:The small pocket in your jeans was created just for loose change|false`
0355:Only ¼ of the Sahara Desert is sandy|true`
0356:A giraffe's tongue can grow to over 36 inches in length|false`
0357:The inventor of the microwave oven received $46,500 in 1945 when he sold the invention to The American Appliance Company|false`
0358:The summer heat in France can cause the Eiffel Tower to grow as much as 6 inches due to thermal expansion|true`
0359:Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the US|true`
0360:Giraffes have more neck bones than any other animal|false`
0361:In ancient Egypt it was common practice to place a dead mouse in one's mouth to alleviate a toothache|true`
0362:In the 19th century paint was commonly stored in a pig's bladder|true`
0363:Abraham Lincoln was a licensed bartender|true`
0364:Baseball umpires have are issued undergarments they must wear to officiate a game|false`
0365:The man who discovered penicillin originally called the compound "mold juice"|true`
0366:Nikola Tesla once sent his secretary home for wearing pearls to work|true`
0367:Bananas will glow red under black light|false`
0368:Tapeworms can grow to as long as 80 feet in length|true`
0369:Ketchup was sold as medicine in the 1830s|true`
0370:The time required for any mammal to defecate is proportional to the mammal's weight|false`
0371:Miami is the only major US city to be founded by a woman|true`
0372:Lemmings will often follow each other off a cliff to their deaths|false`
0373:30% of the bones in the human body are in the feet|false`
0374:Lightning strikes kill more people per year than shark attacks|false`
0375:Roughly 90% of people struck by lightning survive|true`
0376:In Singapore, anyone caught chewing, importing, or selling gum could face a fine or jail time|true`
0377:Crows are unable to distinguish the differences between human faces|false`
0378:Pigs sweat more than any other farm animal|false`
0379:A blue whale's tongue weighs more than most elephants|true`
0380:Every wife of Tom Cruise has divorced him at the age of 38|false`
0381:Raw pistachios have been known to spontaneously combust when stored in large quantities|true`
0382:Owls are able to move their eyes in their sockets further than any other bird|false`
0383:Jennifer Lawrence learned how to skin a squirrel for her role in Winter's Bone|true`
0384:The first college football game was played on Nov. 6, 1869, between Stockton and Princeton|false`
0385:Flamingos can only eat when their heads are upside down|true`
0386:Pound cake got its name because the original recipe called for the dough to be forcefully pressed several times before baking|false`
0387:Madonna was once fired from a Dunkin' Donuts for squirting jelly on a customer|true`
0388:Walt Disney's favorite cartoon character was Goofy|false`
0389:Thailand holds an annual Monkey Buffet Festival where an excess of 3000 monkeys are fed 4.5 tons of fruit|true`
0390:Shakira was a star student in her school's choir|false`
0391:Dr. Seuss wrote Green Eggs and Ham to win a bet|true`
0392:More twins are born per capita in Malaysia than any other country|false`
0393:Paul Newman taught Jake Gyllenhaal how to drive|true`
0394:The first text message ever sent read, "Hello world!"|false`
0395:In 1953 Swanson invented the TV dinner because of a surplus of frozen Thanksgiving turkeys|true`
0396:The first song to sell 1 million digital copies was Barbie Girl by Aqua|false`
0397:The word "meme" was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene|true`
0398:The first book ever sold on Amazon was The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans|false`
0399:McDonald's created Chicken McNuggets as a healthy menu option in the 1970's|true`
0400:Popcorn was first served in movie theaters in 1923|false`
0401:The first Disney Channel Original Movie was 1997's Northern Lights, starring Diane Keaton|true`
0402:Lightning strikes earth approximately 240 times per second|false`
0403:Mars makes a continuous humming sound|true`
0404:Bats communicate with each other by scratching surfaces that make various noises|false`
0405:The Great Barrier Reef has some sections of reef taller than the Empire State Building|true`
0406:Some tropical songbirds only reproduce during a drought|false`
0407:After sea turtles lay eggs, they create decoy nests to fool predators|true`
0408:Pope Urban VIII tried to ban coughing in the 17th century|false`
0409:There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar|true`
0410:A dime has 122 ridges on the outside edge|false`
0411:The first Pokémon to be created was Rhydon|true`
0412:The dot over a lower case "i" is called a tilte|false`
0413:X-rays cannot penetrate diamond|true`
0414:Libya's flag is just the color green|false`
0415:The plastic tips of shoelaces are called aglets|true`
0416:Penguins can reach up to 35 mph underwater|false`
0417:A jiffy is an actual unit of time measuring 1/100th of a second|true`
0418:Tiramisu translates to "cocoa delight" in Italian|false`
0419:Brunch was invented as a way of curing hangovers|true`
0420:Sailors in the Royal Navy are allowed to grow any facial hair they choose|false`
0421:There are fewer stars in the known universe than there are trees on Earth|true`
0422:Mary and John are the most popular names worldwide|false`
0423:75 burgers are sold by McDonald's every second|true`
0424:You are more likely to have a nightmare when sleeping on your side|false`
0425:Male bees can only mate once|true`
0426:Snails have no teeth|false`
0427:Children's book author, Roald Dahl was a spy|true`
0428:India has the most illiterate people per capita|false`
0429:The most widely printed book in the world is the catalog for IKEA|true`
0430:1 member of The Beatles died from a brain hemmorage|true`
0431:Bacon tastes salty because pigs store more sodium than any other type of livestock|false`
0432:The funny bone is actually a nerve|true`
0433:Pineapples were named as such because they grow larger when planted near pine trees|false`
0434:There are more than 200 flavors of Kit Kat in Japan|true`
0435:American Airlines saves $40,000 a year by not including lemon wedges in their Caesar salads|false`
0436:A janitor for Frito-Lay invented Flaming Hot Cheetos|true`
0437:Taxis in London are taller than other vehicles to allow riders to look ahead in traffic|false`
0438:There is a German word for the weight gained during emotional eating that roughly translates to "grief bacon"|true`
0439:Hot water gets things more clean than cold water|false`
0440:David Bowie helped tear down the Berlin wall|true`
0441:Bottled water never goes bad|false`
0442:Wealthy people in Russia can rent a fake ambulance as a taxi to get to their destination faster|true`
0443:Lions succeed in capturing their prey more than any other land based animal|false`
0444:Biologists discovered a new ant species between 63rd and 76th street in Manhattan, New York|true`
0445:Weight loss can cause memory loss because our brains are nearly 60% fat|false`
0446:The odds of getting a royal flush is 1 in 649,740|true`
0447:Sleep deprivation causes a release of leptin, a chemical that make you feel full and less interested in food|false`
0448:Teeth have common shapes and sizes that make them hard to distinguish from person to person|false`
0449:Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13|true`
0450:US paper money is 25% wool|false`
0451:The only diseases we have completely eradicated are smallpox and rinderpest|true`
0452:You are least likely to die on your birthday|false`
0453:In some regions of South America oranges grow green|true`
0454:The record for most T-shirts worn at once is 263|false`
0455:Queen Elizabeth was a trained mechanic|true`
0456:The most common password used today is "password"|false`
0457:Chickens are the closest living relatives to the T-Rex|true`
0458:Dolphins can hold their breath longer than any other animal" , false`
0459:The US Navy uses Xbox controllers for their periscopes|true`
0460:Teen pregnancies went up 7% after the release of the show 16 and Pregnant|false`
0461:The Antarctic glaciers are made up of 3% penguin urine|true`
0462:Social media websites are most popular in China|false`
0463:People who post their fitness routine on social media are more likely to have psychological problems|true`
0464:The average 150-pound person can burn 180 calories an hour just by standing still|false`
0465:Flossing your teeth improves memory|true`
0466:There are only 3 countries named after women|false`
0467:The average gift from the tooth fairy is just $3.70|true`
0468:A single spaghetti noodle is called a tagliatello|false`
0469:A Polish doctor once faked an outbreak of typhus to keep the Nazi's away|true`
0470:Jack Daniels was killed by a falling rock|false`
0471:The first service animals were established in Germany|true`
0472:"Tsundoku" is a Japanese word that means "messy eater"|false`
0473:The release of Pokémon GO increased game-related accidents by 26.5%|true`
0474:Starfish blood is a green viscous fluid|false`
0475:Adult cats will only meow at humans|true`
0476:Regular therapy is more effective at fighting depression than playing video games|false`
0477:Adding all the numbers together on a roulette wheel totals 666|true`
0478:The average horse can only produce ¾ of 1 horsepower|false`
0479:Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the sun|true`
0480:The shape of a 26 sided dice is known as a icosidodecahedron|false`
0481:The largest living thing on Earth is a Giant Sequoia tree named General Sherman|true`
0482:Tanning beds are safer to use than conventional outdoor tanning|false`
0483:20% of the oxygen we breathe in is used by our brain|true`
0484:Kangaroos stop growing at the age of 4|false`
0485:It only takes 20 seconds for a red blood cell to travel through your entire circulatory system|true`
0486:The fur of a polar bear is more white than most human teeth|false`
0487:The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows because decades of cleaning has eroded the paint|true`
0488:Ants never rest|false`
0489:The moon's gravitational pull makes you slightly lighter when it appears over your head|true`
0490:Camels are able to squint to protect their eyes from sand|false`
0491:-40 degrees Celsius is the same temperature as -40 degrees Fahrenheit|true`
0492:Women blink twice as much as men|false`
0493:"Rhythm" is the longest English word with no vowels|true`
0494:All polar bears are left-handed|false`
0495:Elephants are the only animals that can't jump|true`
0496:Newborn pandas are about the size of a softball|false`
0497:The largest known prime number has 17,425,170 digits|true`
0498:The lead singer of The Offspring has a Ph.D in biochemistry|false`
0499:Elvis was naturally blonde but started coloring his hair black for an edgier look|true`
0500:Octopus teeth are harder than high carbon steel|false`
0501:75% of the world's diet is produced from just 12 plants and 5 different animal species|true`
0502:Star Wars is the second highest grossing film of all time|false`
0503:There are less than 30 ships in the Royal Canadian Navy|true`
0504:Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64 was created by a team of developers from 16 different countries|false`
0505:The Flintstones was the first animated show to be played during primetime|true`
0506:Maintenence are repair on the world's GPS satellites is paid for by the Chinese government|false`
0507:Lettuce is a member of the sunflower family|true`
0508:A cluster of bananas is called a "bunch"|false`
0509:Mercury and Venus are the only 2 planets in our solar system that do not have any moons|true`
0510:The O'Shea Jackson foundation for at-risk and disadvantaged youth was founded by rapper Ice Cube|false`
0511:The word "kimono" literally means "thing to wear"|true`
0512:Julius Caesar's daughter died due to an untreated infection|false`
0513:On average 46.1% of Americans have less than $10,000 in assets when they die|true`
0514:Despite the well known phrase bees do not have knees at all|false`
0515:The spikes at the end of a stegosaurus tail is called the "thagomizer"|true`
0516:There are more stars in the known universe than there are possible shuffle orders in a single deck of cards|false`
0517:Volvo invented the 3-point seatbelt then gave the invention away for free|true`
0518:Garlic can ward off leeches|false`
0519:The US military has used silly string to detect tripwires in Iraq|true`
0520:Orlando Bloom has scoptophobia, a fear of being stared at|false`
0521:8 of the 10 largest statues in the world are of Buddha's|true`
0522:A group of lemurs is called a "band"|false`
0523:Albert Einstein mastered calculus at the age of 15|true`
0524:On average 1.3% of people flagged by the TSA are arrested|false` 
0525:Feeding curry to a sheep reduces the amount of methane in its farts by up to 40%|true`
0526:Hot showers have more health benefits than cold showers|false`
0527:The voice of Stargazer in Mass Effect 3 was done by Buzz Aldrin|true`
0528:The US purchased Alaska from Russia for just under 5 million dollars in 1866|false`
0529:The USDA defines a sandwich as being at least 35% cooked meat and no more than 50% bread|true`
0530:Kosher salt is exactly the same as regular table salt|false`
0531:Surgeons who play video games at least 3 hours a week perform 27% faster and make 37% fewer errors|true`
0532:Alexander Graham Bell is responsible for the invention of the tattoo gun|false`
0533:The founder of Pringles, Fredric Baur, was cremated then buried in a Pringles can|true`
0534:The original Nintendo Game Boy had a battery life of just 6 hours|false`
0535:Only 2% of the world's population has green eyes|true`
0536:Movie theaters earn approximately 60% of their money from ticket sales|false`
0537:People who donate blood in Sweden are sent a text message each time their blood saves a life|true`
0538:All blood pumped by the heart flows through the kidneys before being distributed through the body|false`
0539:An adult's kidney weighs about 5 ounces and is the size of a fist|true`
0540:After Christianity, the largest religious affiliation in the US is Catholicism|false`
0541:The smallest thing ever photographed is the shadow of an atom|true`
0542:Cookie Monster's real name is Sal|false`
0543:The pilot episode of Lost was so expensive to make that the Chairman of ABC was fired for green-lighting the project|true`
0544:Kraft singles are 53% real cheese|false`

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