Reverse question marks and square symbols even with matching baudrate

Hi, in the scratch written by somebody else, they have:


I changed it to 2000000 for 2Mbps. In the serial monitor, I also set it to 2000000.

However, it keeps showing strange symbols such as reverse question marks and box-like symbols. Lowering the bps on both does not help.

They use commands such as: DEBUG_SERIAL.println, DEBUG_SERIAL.print to print out somethings.

Could you please let me know how to fix it?

You're probably printing non-printable characters (0x00 .. 0x1F and 0x80 .. 0xFF).

Please provide details as to where the data comes from and please provide your sketch or an example that shows the behaviour.

Thank you. Not non-printable characters. For example, I printed text message such as: DEBUG_SERIAL.print("Hello World "); and got reversed question marks also.

You should be using a STANDARD serial rate not some arbitrary number.

Usually the best max would be around 115200


Using non standard rates will cause the types of problem you are seeing.

You should be using a STANDARD serial rate not some arbitrary number.

Usually the best max would be around 115200


Using non standard rates will cause the types of problem you are seeing.

Thanks. Tried 115200 and 9600. Problem remains.

Also ensure you have the matching stop bits, parity etc etc. at BOTH ends !

Most common would be 8,N,1

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And post your SKETCH after reading those links.

Also ensure you have the matching stop bits, parity etc etc. at BOTH ends !

Most common would be 8,N,1

Where do I see these settings?

If only we had some details of your project, here, in the programming section of the forum. {Sigh}

@bbqq: Please read and follow the directions in the "How to use the forum" post.