Hello i cant for the life of me figure out how to get the e131 library to compile code for the arduino Due board. the code compiles fine for the Mega but errors out for the Due. please let me know if you can help. im trying to compile the "ethernet test" code in the examples folder of the library
- Download the file attached to this message.
- Replace C:\Users\it_laptop\Documents\Arduino\libraries\E131-master\E131.h with the downloaded file.
After doing this the code should compile.
Or if you want to edit the file yourself:
Open C:\Users\it_laptop\Documents\Arduino\libraries\E131-master\E131.h with a text editor
Change line 34 from
#elif defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR)
Save the file
Let me know how it goes. Per
E131.h (7.61 KB)
Ok, even though that change makes it compile I found some other changes that need to be made so use the attached files instead. I don't own a Due so can't test.
E131.cpp (7.46 KB)
E131.h (7.65 KB)
Hi Pert first thank you for replying to my post second what version of the arduino IDE are you using? im using 1.6.7 and heres the new error i get.. i appreciate your help
Hello i cant for the life of me figure out how to get the e131 library to compile code for the arduino Due board. the code compiles fine for the Mega but errors out for the Due. please let me know if you can help. im trying to compile the "ethernet test" code in the examples folder of the library
Hello i cant for the life of me figure out how to get the e131 library to compile code for the arduino Due board. the code compiles fine for the Mega but errors out for the Due. please let me know if you can help. im trying to compile the "ethernet test" code in the examples folder of the library
Ok, sorry about that. Turns out I had it right the first time because PROGMEM is for AVR only. So try the attached files. Compiles for me with 1.6.7 and Due.
E131.cpp (7.44 KB)
E131.h (7.57 KB)
Can you post the full text of the compile errors, the code, and the url of the libraries you're using? Also, what ethernet board?
@monoboy4, please stop cross-posting. Threads merged.
@monoboy4, please stop cross-posting. Threads merged. Again.
Pert it works beautifully with the Due board... thank you!!!
now im getting this error trying to use a Galileo board.
Glad to hear I was able to help! As for your new problem, you're probably not going to be able to use the FastLED library with your Galileo. See Would this work with an intel Galileo Gen2? · Issue #98 · FastLED/FastLED · GitHub.