How can I recreate this data structure in the arduino's language? I just need something as condensed as this table, even if its not exactly this shape and size.
I am adapting Make:'s code for their LED cube and am trying to use their data management system to scale up the size of the cube.
for use with ATtiny2313
Distributed under Creative Commons 2.5 -- Attib & Share Alike
This test firmware lights up each LED for 1/2 second, starting with the top-front-left corner LED,
and going to the bottom-rear-right corner LED.
to program the ATtiny2313, execute the following two commands:
make ledcube.hex
make program-ledcube
#include <avr/io.h> // this contains all the IO port definitions
#include <avr/interrupt.h> // definitions for interrupts
#include <avr/sleep.h> // definitions for power-down modes
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> // definitions or keeping constants in program memory
The hardware for this project is as follows:
ATtiny2313 has 20 pins:
pin 1 connects to serial port programming circuitry
pin 2 PD0 - ground for top plane of 3x3 LEDs
pin 3 PD1 - ground for middle plane of 3x3 LEDs
pin 6 PD2 - ground for bottom plane of 3x3 LEDs
pin 7 PD3 - +V for lower-left LED of each plane
pin 10 ground
pin 12 PB0 - +V for upper-right LED of each plane
pin 13 PB1 - +V for upper-middle LED of each plane
pin 14 PB2 - +V for upper-right LED of each plane
pin 15 PB3 - +V for middle-right LED of each plane
pin 16 PB4 - +V for midle-middle LED of each plane
pin 17 PB5 - +V for middle-right LED of each plane -- also connects to serial port programming circuitry
pin 18 PB6 - +V for lower-right LED of each plane -- also connects to serial port programming circuitry
pin 19 PB7 - +V for lower-middle LED of each plane -- also connects to serial port programming circuitry
pin 20 +3v
All other pins are unused
This firmware requires that the clock frequency of the ATtiny
is the default that it is shipped with: 8.0MHz internal oscillator
The C compiler creates code that will transfer all constants into RAM when the microcontroller
resets. Since this firmware has a table (brainwaveTab) that is too large to transfer into RAM,
the C compiler needs to be told to keep it in program memory space. This is accomplished by
the macro PROGMEM (this is used, below, in the definition for the brainwaveTab). Since the
C compiler assumes that constants are in RAM, rather than in program memory, when accessing
the brainwaveTab, we need to use the pgm_read_byte() and pgm_read_dword() macros, and we need
to use the brainwveTab as an address, i.e., precede it with "&". For example, to access
imageTab[3].topRow0, which is a byte, this is how to do it:
pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[3].topRow0 );
And to access imageTab[3].imageDuration, which is a double-word, this is how to do it:
pgm_read_dword( &imageTab[3].imageDuration );
// table of values for 3x3x3 LEDs
// 0 is off, 1 is on for each LED
// last element must have 0 duration
struct imageElement {
unsigned char topRow0;
unsigned char midRow0;
unsigned char botRow0;
unsigned char topRow1;
unsigned char midRow1;
unsigned char botRow1;
unsigned char topRow2;
unsigned char midRow2;
unsigned char botRow2;
unsigned long int imageDuration; // Duration for this element to be displayed before going to next element (divide by 10,000 to get seconds)
} const imageTab[] PROGMEM = {
{ 0b001, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b010, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b100, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b001, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b010, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b100, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b001, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b010, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b100, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b001, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b010, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b100, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b001, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b010, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b100, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b001, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b010, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b100, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b001, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b010, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b100, 0b000, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b001, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b010, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b100, 0b000, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b001, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b010, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b100, 50000 },
{ 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0b000, 0 }, // this is a dummy element for end of table (duration=0)
// This function delays the specified number of 1/10 milliseconds
void delay_one_tenth_ms(unsigned long int ms) {
unsigned long int timer;
const unsigned long int DelayCount=87; // this value was determined by trial and error
while (ms != 0) {
// Toggling PD6 is done here to force the compiler to do this loop, rather than optimize it away
for (timer=0; timer <= DelayCount; timer++) {PIND |= 0b01000000;};
// This function displays a 3x3x3 image by multiplexing through the images for the 3 planes.
// The multiplex rate is about 111Hz.
// This function also acts as a delay for the Duration specified.
void displayImage(int index) {
unsigned long int duration = pgm_read_dword( &imageTab[index].imageDuration );
for (int i=0; i<(duration/(9032)); i++) {
PORTB |= pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].topRow0 ) | (pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].midRow0 )<<3 ) | (pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].botRow0 )<<6 );
PORTD |= ( ( pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].botRow0 ) & 0b100 ) ) << 1;
PORTD &= ~(1<<PD0); // turn on top plane
PORTD |= (1<<PD0); // turn off top plane
PORTB &= ~( pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].topRow0 ) | (pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].midRow0 )<<3 ) | (pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].botRow0 )<<6 ) );
PORTD &= ~( ( ( pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].botRow0 ) & 0b100 ) ) << 1);
PORTB |= pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].topRow1 ) | (pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].midRow1 )<<3 ) | (pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].botRow1 )<<6 );
PORTD |= ( ( pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].botRow1 ) & 0b100 ) ) << 1;
PORTD &= ~(1<<PD1); // turn on middle plane
PORTD |= (1<<PD1); // turn off middle plane
PORTB &= ~( pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].topRow1 ) | (pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].midRow1 )<<3 ) | (pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].botRow1 )<<6 ) );
PORTD &= ~( ( ( pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].botRow1 ) & 0b100 ) ) << 1);
PORTB |= pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].topRow2 ) | (pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].midRow2 )<<3 ) | (pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].botRow2 )<<6 );
PORTD |= ( ( pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].botRow2 ) & 0b100 ) ) << 1;
PORTD &= ~(1<<PD2); // turn on bottom plane
PORTD |= (1<<PD2); // turn off bottom plane
PORTB &= ~( pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].topRow2 ) | (pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].midRow2 )<<3 ) | (pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].botRow2 )<<6 ) );
PORTD &= ~( ( ( pgm_read_byte( &imageTab[index].botRow2 ) & 0b100 ) ) << 1);
int main(void) {
DDRB = 0xFF; // set all PortB pins as outputs
DDRD = 0x7F; // set all PortD pins as outputs
PORTB = 0x00; // all PORTB output pins Off
PORTD = 0b00000111; // PORTD3 output pin Off, PORTD2 and PORTD1 and PORTD0 on (grounds)
// loop through entire Image Table of Image Elements
// each Image Element consists of a 3 planes of 3x3 LED (each LED on or off) data and a Duration
int j = 0;
do {
} while (pgm_read_byte(&imageTab[j].imageDuration) != 0); // 0 signifies end of table
// Shut down everything and put the CPU to sleep
MCUCR |= 0b00100000; // SE=1 (bit 5)
MCUCR |= 0b00010000; // SM1:0=01 to enable Power Down Sleep Mode (bits 6, 4)
delay_one_tenth_ms(10000); // wait 1 second
PORTB = 0x00; // turn off all PORTB outputs
PORTD = 0x00; // turn off all PORTD outputs
DDRB = 0x00; // make PORTB all inputs
DDRD = 0x00; // make PORTD all inputs
sleep_cpu(); // put CPU into Power Down Sleep