RF 315 wireless communication

I'm new to this Arduino programming but I have some problem I hope I can support'm trying to make a communication with 315Mhz RF transmitters.
to see them.



The problem is your parachute does not reach the receiver data and was looking for a solution and I can not explain change the TX and RX if it was damaged and continues to show me the same.

One of my programs was to send only one value x = 15
And what comes is "00" and "FF" if I put hex. handed me if I put binary "0" and "11111111" in the value varied occasions then do other programs attached to them the last one did.

The latter sends 2 values ??and the receiver is a read if you print a measurement framework but only after a few minutes later not get anything.

I am using 2 Duemilanove

RX_RF_2.pde (868 Bytes)

Transmisor315.pde (542 Bytes)

Try sending messages with virtualwire instead.

This will ensure the transmitter sends a long enough message, even if you only need 1 byte sent out, to ensure the receiver sees enough signal to recognize it is coming from the transmitter and can pull the 1 byte out that is being sent.

The AVR example that is shown on your unit's spec page shows something similar

In that example and in virtualwire, the transmission is a bit more than 1 byte shifted out with a delay, which is all your code is doing:
rfSerial.print(x, HEX);

and the reception & data checking that goes with it is similarly more complex.

Ok thanks I'll try usign that library, when I commented my progress