RF 433 MHz transmitter problem

I'm working on a wireless PIR module on ATTiny85 which send alarm signal via RF 433 Mhz. I tried my circuit on a breadboard and it worked fine (sending and receiving data worked correctly). Then I solder components to universal board and transmiter stop sending data correctly (receiving nothing).

I checked connections and voltage levels and everything is ok. PIR module and ATTiny85 works correctly. Interesting thing is that when I touch coils of RF 433 transmitter it start sending correct data (on the serial monitor of Arduino Uno where receiver is connected).


I've got this type of transmitter and receiver

what changed?

If I was a gambling man I would bet a nickel it's your antennas.

did you solder an antenna where it says ant, backwards?

You were right, I solder antenna wrong way, thanks.

Oh good to know that there's a marking on the antennas to indicate polarity.