i use the:
TWS-BS transmitter (433kHz)
RWS-371 Reciever (433kHz)
2x 10.8cm Antenna's
& the VirtualWire lib
i've set my modules up following the VirtualWire's datasheet, i also use these codes (so bitrates are set at 2000bit/sec)
Problem: i have about 5cm range and the signel is extremly sensitive to noise (even my finger getting about 20 cm's away of antennas will stop the incomming data to be recived)
i've tryed to search for any solution but i cant think of any and since i only have about 5cm range (even without the antennas) im thinking somthing my be wrong..
The receiver should have no trouble with 32mW from the transmitter, especially from only 5cm away. One or both of them isn't connected properly.
Make absolutely sure that the transmitter and receiver connections to their antenna are correct.
well, im new to antenna's, its the first time i had to manufacture these
just skip this part if you dont think it will be the antenna's design:
i used solid core wire all coated, only the top and bottom are stripped 1cm (bottom a little less so it can fit perfecly into the breadboard)
the're +/- 10 cm
i've hooked up the antenna's into the breadbord, at the recever connected to pin 8, and at transmitter connected to pin 4,
i've read the datasheets over and over, i almost seen all google links on rf modules and their antenna's so yah i am about as sure as i can get that i've hooked them up propperly.
furthere more i'd like to mention the power suply wich is 5V and that i hooked data IN pin for transmitter to a 10k resistor
i've changed baurrate to 100bit/s, and it increaced my range dramaticly.
currently, im up to 2 meters, is this normel range for these kind of modules or could i recive far mor than 2m?
i've changed baurrate to 100bit/s, and it increaced my range dramaticly.
currently, im up to 2 meters, is this normel range for these kind of modules or could i recive far mor than 2m?
if so, please explain where i should look into
thank you very much,
Let me say 433 mhz is not the optimum band.
Lots of interference sources and its heavily shared with many services.
But still 2m is not normal. It should have the capability to go atleast 15m.