Rf Light Activation

I would love to begin a project where a series of LEDs are activated by the proximety of an rf tag with a receiver connected to the that has a simple override to disrupt the circuit manually. Is is a fesible project? Has anyone seen anything similar done that i can look to for guidance? Thank you!

The end result ideally would be a LED or series of lights light that would turn on when the room is entered by a person with the rf transmitter

Sounds like you need an RF receiver that has an RSSI (received singal strength indicator) built in. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that it will only trigger when the person is in the room.

Are you talking about an RFID tag, or something else?

An SSI on the reciever does sound ideal, I was originally intending to modulate the range of activation simply by controlling the transmitters input power. An RFID tag would be great with the ability for several users to activate the system but I think would be ultimately unnecessary as a unique signal per user is not necessarily required for simple light activation.

I should mention, at least here in the united states, I don't think that there are any bands meant for continuous transmit by an unlicensed user. If it is low power enough, it may not be a problem. If you don't need to identify a user, are you sure rf is the right solution?

Hm, I was not aware there was a lack of bands for unlicensed users. Rf may not be the right solution here, the size and power consumption of the transmitters was what initially attracted me, what would you suggest for this?

Well, first we need some more details. Does the transmitter need to be on the person, or can you use PIR or ultrasonic to detect their presence? Describe the goal of the project a little more.