I've created a basic circuit using a UNO, RF receiver and Key fob. The receiver is a QIACHIP Wireless 433Mhz RF Module Receiver. Simple program that turns LED on/off. Everything work until I add the antenna. As soon as I touch the antenna to the receiver it stops working. I have 2 receivers and they both do the same thing.
Is this an Arduino problem? Why are you attaching the antenna WHILE the receiver is powered?
Running out of things to try. It was working until I soldered on the antenna and then it stops receiving. When I removed the antenna it works. That's when I noticed that by touching the antenna to the receiver it stops working.
Did you uncoil the antenna? How far is the fob from the receiver when you are testing?Which of the many devices are you using? Did you ask the support people at the company for support?
The Arduino is ELEGOO UNO Project Super Starter Kit from amazon. The receiver is QIACHIP Wireless 433Mhz RF Module Receiver. I emailed Hiletgo but have not got a response yet. I only uncoiled the antenna about 100 mm. My understanding is that only effects range. It receives at about 20mm with out antenna. I will fully unwind the antenna and see if that works.
A 17 cm piece of wire, soldered to the ANT pin, will work better than anything shorter.
Which option have you programmed the receiver to use?
Just a FYI I'm very new at this and don't fully understand most of the code. It was cobbled together from other programs. When I solder on the antenna it no longer will sync with key fob.
Not sure what you mean by "option" but here is the 1st part of code.
`#include <FastLED.h>`
#define LEDVoltPin 12
#define LED_PIN 7
#define NUM_LEDS 12
#define LED_TYPE WS2811
#define IRPin 1 //PIN 3 on UNO
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#ifdef __AVR__
#include <avr/power.h>
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(12, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
`type or paste code here`
Since you did not supply a link to what you have, Google gave me this little device.
If this is NOT what you have, please supply a link to data on what you really are using.
@yankeeki Installation and Troubleshooting is for Problems with the Arduino itself NOT your project. It says so in the description of the section. Therefore I have moved your post here. Please be more careful where you post in future.
You may want to read this before you proceed:-
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Sorry, yes
And my 1st diagram is wrong. The output from D0 on receiver is going to pin 3 not pin 2 on arduino
Sorry, wont happen again.
Ok. Then I will ask for the second time, which option did you program the receiver for?
Quote for the linked page: " Multiple working modes : Momentary Mode, Toggle Mode, Latched mode ".
That is not a surprise. Basically a person is a big bag of salty water. Attaching an antenna to that is going to suck out all the RF energy and slightly warm up the water. The most disturbance occurs if you touch the "hot" end, that is the end furthest away from the antenna.
These single wire antenna work by reflecting the antenna against a ground. To improve their performance then you need to supply a good ground in the form of a "ground plane" made from a few radial wires or an area of metal plate or foil for the antenna to generate a good reflection against.
Toggle Mode
Ok. And the transmitter module has 4 buttons and you programmed the receiver to toggle "ON"while any of the 4 buttons is pressed?
Try a separate power supply for the receiver. like 6 volts form 4 AA cells in series.
It's a two button key fob. I'll try hooking up a separate power supply
6v power supply did not work
Do I understand correctly that you have a 4 channel receiver and a two button fob and you programmed the receiver to recognize each of the two buttons on the fob. Which of the four receiver pins relate to the two buttons you programmed? And do the receiver pins go low or go high when you press the fob button?