RF Receiver Module Not Reading in Project


I have recently bought a RF receiver and am having troubles implementing it with my current project. I have gotten the RF receiver to receive signals when not implemented with the project. But, when its added into the project I cannot pick up a signal.

Please see photo attached, I am simply just trying to get the LED turned on when I press my key fob.

I think might have to add a capacitor. But I am not sure.

RF Receiver


Your question is unclear.
Did you buy the keyfob with the receiver, and what is the project that it wont work with.

Your question is unclear.
Did you buy the keyfob with the receiver, and what is the project that it wont work with.

Yes I have got a key fob that works with the module. The problem occurs when I hook it up to my own personal project that contains a LED Matrix and buttons. VERY rarely the light will turn on for like a split second. Will not constantly stay on when pressed and held.

A curcuit diagram would help


Seems like two independent projects.
The receiver with one LED, and the Arduino with the buttons and LED matrix.
They only share the 5volt supply.

Receivers like that are sensitive to interference (e.g. from digital circuits).
Try to get some distance between the receiver and the LED matrix mdules, and see what happens.

Seems like two independent projects.
The receiver with one LED, and the Arduino with the buttons and LED matrix.
They only share the 5volt supply.

Receivers like that are sensitive to interference (e.g. from digital circuits).
Try to get some distance between the receiver and the LED matrix mdules, and see what happens.

Yes the LED with the RF module is not connected to the Arduino (except for power). For troubleshooting purposes I separated it. Can I eliminate the interference in the circuit by adding a capacitor? I have no idea what size or location to position a capacitor within the circuit.

What I asked, did that make any difference?

Did not make any difference

This is simply a fault-finding exercise.

Try a 100uF decoupling cap across the supply of the RF module, near the RF module.

Maybe the RF module is happy with 3.3volt.
Try powering it from the 3.3volt pin (the LED might not be as bright)

From the picture it looks like you have one of the horrible superegen receivers.
They need 5V and it needs to be well regulated.