RF Remote Control

Got inspired to make another remote control, only 5 buttons this time (vs 12 or 16) and to go in a nice case:

http://www.polycase.com/uploads/41361315577904.PDF page 5 is the board drawing of what fits.

So here's my version of the card, and the schematic.
Plug in a small LiPo battery,
and an inexpensive RF transmitter.
or maybe

Was thinking USB microB for power from USB port to charge the battery, wil have to see how diffcult it is to pop open & access the connector.
Requested a sample case, will do some playing with cardboard mockup of the card & see how things fit.
Looks like the battery under the buttons and either RF module under the uF would - will come down to height I think.
Drawing says 0.206" is available - which is 5.2mm?
Might have to keep looking!

Hmm - maybe go to 0.8mm thick PCB (vs 1.6mm), make it sit up off the base some & get 6mm underneath?

Cool! I would go with the itead wireless module. I have one of the receiver/transmitter pairs from Sparkfun and have had pretty inconsistent results. Although the crystal might be a little big, but it shouldn't be hard to deadbug an smd crystal onto the board I suppose, or maybe you could buy just the nRF24L01 chip and layout your own board.

Interested in seeing how this goes.

Okay, sample box from polycase arrived today.
Moved the micro-B connector to the side as there's no way plug in a charger cable under the keyring part (means new routing needed too).
Cut out my board, glued it on cardboard. Cut notches where the holes are since I don't have a punch that small.

Seems to me the board could be a little wider another 0.5mm all around.

Also think I need to find switches with more height to extend up into the rubber boot that goes over them.