I have the RF T4 receiver (purchased from Adafruit. Simple RF T4 Receiver - 315MHz Toggle Type : ID 1097 : $4.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits) connected to an arduino which controls a servo motor. Why is it that everything works as long as the arduino, which is powering the RF receiver, and the servo are connected to separate power supplies? Once I try to connect the arduino, the RF Receiver, and the servo to the same power supply the Reciever begins to not work properly. The servo behaves erratically and the RF Receiver will no longer work? Is there a way to run everything off one power supply and still have everything work properly? I am only using one tiny micro servo with no load on it so power is not an issue. There seems to be some sort of interference going on with the servo motor and the RF Receiver. I have tested it with serval different brand servos. All do the same thing. Please help.