RF TX 430-440mhz recomendation

Hi guys!

Beginer here, with few projects made totally on my own, so i have basic understanding of what am I doing.

I am in need of device, capable of transmiting radio message on a loop with set interval for my airsoft games.

Basically how it would for for players:

Pick up radio, set it to provided radio frequency, search for the signal. Find a message and decode it (ex. North 100m, new frequency).
Then proceed to another location and do the same, and so on.

Range: 20-50 meters(more is a bonus but I can work with anything)
Battery life wise, i'd love to power each one beacon with large 5v powerbank. I can provide multiple 18650 and work it from here.

My question is, can you recomennd any module, working on 430-440mhz(whatever works for me) capable of sending prerecorded analog signal to be picked up by ham radios.

So narrow band FM on that band. Could be difficult to find hobby style modules for that.

I dug through internet a bit and i found a lot of 430mhz communication between arduinos.

No arduino to ham radio which most likely would solve all of my problems

By analog do you mean voice? The communication you see between Arduinos is typically LoRa, FSK, other digital.

Maybe hack a cheap Chinese handy talkie.

Unless you already have a bunch of ham band receivers, you might rethink it to FRS HTs that have multiple channels, will operate over the range you need and are pretty cheap. You could control the transmitter with an Arduino and store the analog data on a DFPlayer. See ham TNC for a way to interface audio to a radio via computer control.

How, in your system, would the locations and distances be calculated ?

Sounds like the 'devices' need GPSs ?

Without an amateur license, you are not legally able to do what you ask. Also the length of time for each transmission is very limited and how frequently you can make a transmission on the band it also limited. And the power you can use is so very limited. More research is needed, don't you think?

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