Rf24 master-slave problem

Hi everybody!
I am new to this forum and also relatively new to coding Arduino. My aim is to build a system to control different areas in my garden,pool area etc. I have started with RF24 Network library (BTW awesome work !) and I'm using the 'meshping' sketch as a template. I've managed to get communication between 2 Mega and 1 Uno to work without problems. Now I'm trying to implement that unit 00 works as a master, sending different commands to slaves and the slave acts depending of what ID sent (ex. 'Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx = unit D etc). That is master sends a broadcast to all connected slaves. I've googled and read all posts in this forum but can't figure out how to code this. With my current code I can send a string but it is received by master!. If I send a message to unit 2 it seems to receive but hangs in an infinite loop in 'M-header'. To be honest I don't have the brain to fully understand how the Network library works so I more or less do 'trial and terror' but without success. Has anyone done this or can give me a hint how to do it. I really appreciate if someone could help me out. In conclusion : how to send a broadcast message ? How to get slave respond back to master ?

My present code : (some original code deleted to make it shorter)

 Copyright (C) 2011 James Coliz, Jr. <maniacbug@ymail.com>

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

// Declarations etc DELETED for shorter code

void handle_T(RF24NetworkHeader& header);
void handle_N(RF24NetworkHeader& header);

void handle_M(RF24NetworkHeader& header);

void add_node(uint16_t node);

void setup(void)
  // Print preamble
  printf_P(PSTR("VERSION: %s\n\r"),program_version);
  // Pull node address out of eeprom 

  // Which node are we?
  this_node = nodeconfig_read();

  // Bring up the RF network

  network.begin(/*channel*/ 100, /*node address*/ this_node );

void loop(void)
   bool ok;
   uint16_t to;
  // Pump the network regularly

  // Is there anything ready for us?
  while ( network.available() )
    // If so, take a look at it 
    RF24NetworkHeader header;

    // Dispatch the message to the correct handler.
    switch (header.type)
    case 'T':
    case 'N':
      //Send string to connected nodes  from serial port connected to unit 00
    case 'M':
     stringComplete = false;
      Serial.println("M-handle");//for debug
      printf_P(PSTR("*** WARNING *** Unknown message type %c\n\r"),header.type);

  // Send a ping to the next node every 'interval' ms
  unsigned long now = millis();
  if ( now - last_time_sent >= interval )
    last_time_sent = now;

    // Who should we send to?
    // By default, send to base
    uint16_t to = 00;
    // Or if we have active nodes,
    if ( num_active_nodes )
      // Send to the next active node
      to = active_nodes[next_ping_node_index++];
    Serial.print("Current Node = ");
      // Have we rolled over?
      if ( next_ping_node_index > num_active_nodes )
	// Next time start at the beginning
	next_ping_node_index = 0;

	// This time, send to node 00.
	to = 00;

  // Normal nodes send a 'T' ping
    if ( this_node > 00 || to == 00 && ! stringComplete)
      ok = send_T(to);
    // Base node sends the current active nodes out
    else if(! stringComplete)
      ok = send_N(to);

    // Notify us of the result
    if (ok)
      printf_P(PSTR("%lu: APP Send ok\n\r"),millis());
      printf_P(PSTR("%lu: APP Send failed\n\r"),millis());

      // Try sending at a different time next time
      last_time_sent -= 100;
 // HOW TO BROADCAST TO ALL UNIT'S ????????????????????????
  //CHECK THIS LINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  //if ( this_node == 00 && stringComplete )
  else if (stringComplete )
  ok = send_M(to);// sending ok BUT message receieved by 00!!

  //ok = send_M(2);// hardcoded to unit 2. Unit 2 receives data but hangs in infinite loop in header.type = 'M'
if (ok)
stringComplete = false;
  stringComplete = false;


 // Send a 'T' message, the current time
 // Send an 'N' message, the active node list
 // Handle a 'T' message
 // Handle an 'N' message, the active node list

void serialEvent() {

     // Where in EEPROM is the address stored?
uint8_t* address_at_eeprom_location = (uint8_t*)10;

// What flag value is stored there so we know the value is valid?
const uint8_t valid_eeprom_flag = 0xdf;

// What are the actual node values that we want to use?
// EEPROM locations are actually just indices into this array
const uint16_t node_address_set[10] = { 00, 02, 05, 012, 015, 022, 025, 032, 035, 045 };

  while (Serial.available()) {
    // get the new byte:
    char inChar = (char)Serial.read(); 

    // check if we want to set address
    if ( inChar >= '0' && inChar <= '9' )
      // It is our address

      // And we are done right now (no easy way to soft reset)
      printf_P(PSTR("\n\rManually reset index to: %inChar, address 0%o\n\rPress RESET to continue!"),inChar,node_address_set[inChar-'0']);
    // add it to the inputString:
    inputString += inChar;
    // if the incoming character is a newline, set a flag
    // so the main loop can do something about it:
    if (inChar == '\n') {
      stringComplete = true;
//######################### END serialEvent #######################################

bool send_M(uint16_t to)
     RF24NetworkHeader header(/*to node*/ to, /*type*/ 'M' /*Message*/);
        Serial.println("SENDING...  ");
  inputString.trim();//remove CR
  char str_data[data_size]; 
  inputString.toCharArray(str_data, data_size);
  bool ok = network.write(header,str_data,data_size);
  if (ok)
      Serial.print("OK SENDING : ");
      Serial.println("Failed to send message");
//######################### END send_M #######################################

void handle_M(RF24NetworkHeader& header)
if ( msgtoread)
 char str_data[data_size];
  bool ok = network.read(header,str_data,data_size);
  if (ok)
 //printf_P(PSTR("%lu: NODE Received %lu from 0%o\n\r"),millis(),str_data,header.from_node);
Serial.print("NODE recieved : ");
Serial.print(" from : ");
 Serial.println("Failed to read message"); 

  // If this message is from ourselves or the base, don't bother adding it to the active nodes.
 //if ( header.from_node != this_node || header.from_node > 00 )
 //  add_node(header.from_node);


//######################### END handle_M #######################################

Regards Hucke