Hi guys,
I am somewhat new to arduino. I was working on a thing in which i needed to operate 5 relays wireless from a distance of about 20-30 m. I got 2 arduino uno and a couple of high power nrf24l01 transeiver modules.
My question is that can i use the icsp pins of the uno instead of digital pin for the clock, miso and mosi? If yes, a schematic would be really appreciated!
Shure. The ICSP pins are connected to pins 13, 12 and 11 (on the Uno).
On Mega and Leonardo that is less confusing than looking up the pin numbers.
The schematic of the Uno is on this website.
Thanx for the reply. But i am awake that those connections can be made to digital pins 11-13. But i wanted to use icsp pins(look at the attachment) of my uno leaving those digital pins free for the other components.
You cant, its just the same. The pins are connected.
got it!
And what about the irq pin? Is it needed when i am to work with interrupts? If yes, then can they run on any other digital pin?
For hardware SPI on Uno 13, 12, 11, two arbitrary for CE and CSN and maybe 2 or 3 for IRQ.
The SPI pins are shared among all SPI devices.