I've been trying to get these things to work for the longest time. Can anyone help? I'm using the RF24 library and not the MiRF Library.
My radios have 10 pins:
my hookup ( "*" = not connected)
3V *
9 10
13 11
12 *
I cant even get the examples to work... Using the "Getting Started" example if I hit the reset button on the RX Arduino a couple of times (which is powered by an ESC to a 7.4 Lipo), there is a period of 4 lines or so where the modules seem to be communicating then the TX arduino goes back into a failed/timed out loop.
Using the Ardiuno Micro, I thought that the 3v output wasnt giving enough voltage, but i checked it with a multimeter when powered by the serial connection and the lipo and both read 3.3V on the dot.
My radios only have eight pins, and they look exactly like the ones shown here and work for me using the RF24 library when connected like this:
That looks like the older nRF24L01 rather than the '+' model.
A quick Google showed several boards using that chip with ten connectors but I didn't spot any explanation of what the ten pins were used for.
CE, CSN, SCK, MOSI, MISO, IRQ seem clear enough and your connections for them look correct according to my experience with the '+' model.
Instead of GND, VCC you have GND, GND, VDD, NC. The NC terminal does not correspond to any of the pin names on the chip and I can't guess what it's for. I suggest you try and find examples of connecting to the L01 but in the absence of any other info and if you were willing to risk damaging it by connecting to something you don't understand, I'd be tempted to apply 3.3V to VDD and NC and connect both GND pins to Arduino ground and see whether it responded to SPI.
Well, that seems to be the choice you're facing - research to find the answer, or trial and error and risk damaging something.
It might help you to know that the transceiver in question appears to be the nRF24L01 rather than the nRF24L01+, so that might help you narrow down your search.
Do you know what NC stands for? Not Connected.
Thank you for that bit of information (that I spent hours trying to find yesterday)!
I found what i was doing wrong. I wasn't using the correct MOSI,SDK and MISO pins for my Arduino Micro. I was following an example for an 8pin rf24 on an Uno...and I connected the other GND for the hell of it; still not sure if it did anything