Hey, this is my first self-designed project. It's a simple thing really.
This takes 16 inputs (from say a MOS 6502 microcontroller's address bus) and displays the value of the input on a 1x16 LCD. I'm planning on adding a toggle switch for switching between binary, decimal and hex modes.
The 16 inputs are coming into two 74HC165N's, which the Arduino can read out serially. I've added 10k resistors to each input line, because I don't know what's going to come in.
The Arduino in turn can output its data to the LCD (it's a Hitachi HD44780 compatible display). I've also added a trimmer for contrast.
There is also a simple circuit for adapting input power (says 9V, but can be anything from 6-9V I guess).
I would very much appreciate feedback on this design. Would this work? What did I miss? Where did I make mistakes?
I'm also still trying to figure out how to power the LED of the LCD (A/K ports). It should be hooked up to 5V, but I'm not sure if I can just hook it up to the 5V rails the IC's use.
(Mirror of the attached schematic: http://i.imgur.com/g6Nk2Qs.png )