Rfid and anti collision

I am looking for a short range ( 1cm) reader that can read a stack of tags , say half a dozen, individually.
Tags need to be small about postage stamp size so no large aerials.

Any ideas please , it is an area i know little about.

Hi, what do you mean by "a stack of tags", if they are stacked together I don't think you can.
The reader requires only one rfid in range at a time.
You would need to feed them under the reader one at a time.

Tom..... :slight_smile:

I believe the term is bulk reading.
Stacked , yes i have read that elsewhere but spread out would be acceptable.

The newer 900 Mhz tags support this , i was wondering if the arduino shield can.
Some ISO 18000-3 chips support it but i dont know if the arduino one does.