RFID over RF and Conversion of Baud rates

Hi, im a bit stuck,
Ive hooked up an Arduino so that an RFID reader takes in a scanned tag number and sends it to the serial port of the computer(this worked fine), however im now changing it so that the device scans the number then sends it over an RF link to a second Arduino to make the device wireless.
Ive got two problems, the first is that the RFID reader runs at 9600 bps whereas the RF modules run at 2400 bps, can this be fixed?
Also i want the RF to constantly send values 10 - 99 so that there is a constant flow being picked up by the receiver to avoid giberish(which is done if the If statement and For loop are removed), so when a single byte from the RFID is sent then it can be picked out and recognized as the tag number, is there a way to do this so that the loop is only interupted when a tag is scanned? Im aware that the current code does not do that, instead it stops each time and waits for a scan before moving on.

I apologise if there is anything here that is simple to fix or just plain stupid, im relatively new to Arduinos and RF connectivity.

Ive included the code for the transmitting RF module. thanks!

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define rxPin 4
#define txPin 5
#define RFIDrx 2
#define RFIDtx 3
#define ledPin 9

byte val = 10;

SoftwareSerial rfSerial = SoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin);
SoftwareSerial rfidSerial = SoftwareSerial(RFIDrx, RFIDtx);

void setup() {

pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rxPin, INPUT);
pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RFIDrx, INPUT);
pinMode(RFIDtx, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

if(val >= 100)
val = 10;

if(rfidSerial.read() != NULL){
for (int i = 0; i <= 13; i++){ //13 bytes get inputted from the tag
rfSerial.print(rfidSerial.read(), BYTE);
Serial.println(rfidSerial.read(), BYTE);

Serial.println(val, DEC);
rfSerial.println(val, BYTE);

The differing baud rates shouldn't be a problem. Except that SoftwareSerial is obsolete. You should be using NewSoftSerial, instead.

The only issue you will have with NewSoftSerial is that only one instance can be active at a time. You want to keep the RFID instance active, so that you can detect a scan immediately.

I'm not sure why you need to keep sending a stream of data to the RF transmitter, though.

You might be better off using the hardware serial port for either the RFID reader or the RF transmitter.

Okay thanks, il get onto the NewSoftSerial straight away.

The reason fort sending a continuous stream is so that i can control what the receiver gets when not sending a tag number, because if it only sends when it has something to send then the receiver constantly gets random bytes so cant distinguish whats been sent by the transmitter and whats just background noise.

because if it only sends when it has something to send then the receiver constantly gets random bytes so cant distinguish whats been sent by the transmitter and whats just background noise.

So keeping the transmitter going is a bad solution to that problem. You need a decent packet format, one that you can validate before you take action on what is received. This will involve one or more different types of check sum.
This protects against going out of range as well.