RFID Questions

I have 0 to none when is comes programming experience and attempting to become self taught I am sure after many cups of coffee and banging my head against the wall. How ever my 2 questions before I start this project is how close do the RFID tags have to be to the receiver in order or read? And is there away to write code to have the Arduino board do different things by reading two different RFID tags? Lets say I when i wave tag 1 it lights up blue but when I wave tag 2 it lights up green? Thank you in advanced

Buy a beginners Arduino kit to get started regarding both hardware and software beföre starting a more complex project like this.


A lot depends on the design of the reader and the type of rfid tag.
Most myfair tags have a range of about two inches.
For low frequency tags I have deigned readers with an 18 inch range.
For UHF tags you can get a range of about 12 feet.