RFID R?-522

Hello, in advance I bring apologies for use of the translator when writing post. Problem in the following, the other day I received the RFID module which name it is designated in the subject name, I downloaded library, but in examples there is no sketch for record of tags, look for such code some days, but unsuccessfully, I ask if someone has a sketch to lay out a code.
As faced a problem of transfer of system of calculation, it is necessary to remove a code in a denary format, but instead the code from different tags is displayed in a format from 12 to 15 figures.
My sketch assumes joint connection of lcd, the ds1307 module, a buzzer and actually rfid.
To a post I attach a code, I hope for the help.
Some comments to a code are written in Russian for convenience, but, I hope, it won't prevent you.
I apologize if created a subject in the improper section.

/*?????????? ??????????*/
#include <WProgram.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <DS1307.h>
#include <RFID.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#define SS_PIN 2 
#define RST_PIN 1
int buzzPin = 3;
// Setup variables:
    int serNum0;
    int serNum1;
    int serNum2;
    int serNum3;
    int serNum4;
    int i;

/*?????? ???????*/
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7);
void setup(){
 lcd.begin(16, 2); //??????? 16?2 
 lcd.setCursor(3, 0); //?????????? 3 ?????? 0 ??????
 lcd.print("Wellcome..."); // ??????? ??????? ???????? ARDUINO-RTC
 lcd.setCursor(2, 1); //?????????? 5 ?????? 1 ??????
 lcd.print("Arduino-Clock"); // ??????? ??????? ???????? DS-1307
 //delay(5000); // ?????????? ???????? 5 ??????
 lcd.clear(); // ??????? ???????

 RTC.set(DS1307_SEC,00); //?????????? ???????
 RTC.set(DS1307_MIN,21); //?????????? ??????
 RTC.set(DS1307_HR,04); //?????????? ????
 RTC.set(DS1307_DOW,07); //?????????? ???? ??????
 RTC.set(DS1307_DATE,25); //?????????? ????
 RTC.set(DS1307_MTH,8); //?????????? ?????
 RTC.set(DS1307_YR,13); //?????????? ???
void(* resetFunc) (void) = 0; //?????????? ?????? ? ?????? ?????, ??? ???? ??????? ?????????? ? ???? ????? ??????????? ?? ?????...
void loop()
  if (rfid.isCard()) 
        if (rfid.readCardSerial()) {
            if (rfid.serNum[0] != serNum0
                && rfid.serNum[1] != serNum1
                && rfid.serNum[2] != serNum2
                && rfid.serNum[3] != serNum3
                && rfid.serNum[4] != serNum4
                serNum0 = rfid.serNum[0];
                serNum1 = rfid.serNum[1];
                serNum2 = rfid.serNum[2];
                serNum3 = rfid.serNum[3];
                serNum4 = rfid.serNum[4];           
                lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
                lcd.print("CardInfo (DEC):");
                lcd.print(rfid.serNum[0],  DEC);
                lcd.print(rfid.serNum[1],  DEC);
                lcd.print(rfid.serNum[2],  DEC);
                lcd.print(rfid.serNum[3],  DEC);
                lcd.print(rfid.serNum[4],  DEC);
                //??????, ??????????? ???? ????? ???????...
                resetFunc(); //????????? ? ?????? ????...
               /* ???????, ??????? ????? ?? ?????????*/
               lcd.print("DETECT ERROR");
 lcd.setCursor(4, 0);
 lcd.print(RTC.get(DS1307_HR,true)); //read the hour and also update all the values by pushing in true
 lcd.print(RTC.get(DS1307_MIN,false));//read minutes without update (false)
 lcd.print(RTC.get(DS1307_SEC,false));//read seconds
 lcd.print(" "); // some space for a more happy life
 lcd.setCursor(3, 1);
 lcd.print(RTC.get(DS1307_DATE,false));//read date
 lcd.print(RTC.get(DS1307_MTH,false));//read month
 lcd.print(RTC.get(DS1307_YR,false)); //read year 
 //lcd.print("  D");