RFID reader not reading work ID

I have an RFID reader and can read the identity of the little blue tag that came with the reader. What I'm really trying to do is to read my work ID card with the idea of cloning it onto the little blue keytag. I know my work ID has an RFID chip because I wave it over a keypad and the door opens.

Any ideas/suggestions?

Check your employment agreement, they may have verbiage prohibiting that or bypassing/defeating any security device. Depending on the company it could get you terminated.

Not all RFID/NFC devices work on the same frequencies. The common Arduino one is just that, common. I doubt that any such fob from your work uses that same frequency. I know my work fob doesn't work with the MFRC522 Arduino style RFID reader. Nor can I use the MFRC522 to scan my cat's veterinary ID chip.
There's a ton of NFC apps you can get for your phone to sort of muck about with what's compatible with what.

Thanks. I'll try that. I see plenty apps available. Not something I'd thought of.

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They might raise eyebrows but that's about it.

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You might think that is the case, but you are better off clearing it with your manager in advance. There are 125kHz tags and "high frequency" 13.56MHz (RFID and NFC). It might be that your employer is using a new 13.56MHz tag rather than the more common 125kHz tags. There are also many different protocols and types that operate at slightly different frequencies. There are even newer UHF devices that are operating in the old 900MHz ISM band that are more like passive radios.

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