Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, so sorry if its not!
Ive recently gotten into Arduino boards and need to use one to scan RFID tags, and just wondered if there were any relatively cheap readers which you could suggest which are compatible? The most popular reader seems to be the Parrallax, however the reader will be bought by my university for me to use, so spending around £40 on this seems a bit much.
Suggestions are welcomed for an alternative.
There are many different types of RFID card. You have to get a reader that is compatible with the type of card you are going to use. Do you know what the card type is?
I know £40 sounds expensive but it is quite cheap for an RFID reader. You can make your own for about £12 but you need to know what card you will use.
Not really sure of what card it will be, was just going to look for one which was compatible with the reader, maybe not the best idea but there we go.
I'd rather not make my own, as its going to be used in my dissertation, so ive got enough work on for it without having to try to make my own reader. haha
Have a look on Ebay, there are a number on there that are very cheap from Hong Kong (new). I managed to pick up a RFID reader for a door entry system and 2 tags for £6, and it works fine.