I just received my pn532, @Aliexpress I drive it via my arduino uno via the i2c protocol.
I uploaded the MifareClassic_memDump.ino @pastebin
In the upper part I changed the communications protocol, and the authenticated Boolean to true, I read my School card and I got this response:
Looking for PN532...
Found chip PN532
Firmware ver. 1.6
Waiting for an ISO14443A Card ...
Found an ISO14443A card
UID Length: 4 bytes
UID Value: 0x4E 0x22 0xCC 0xCD
Seems to be a Mifare Classic card (4 byte UID)
------------------------Sector 0-------------------------
Block 0 unable to read this block
Block 1 unable to read this block
Block 2 unable to read this block
Block 3 unable to read this block
------------------------Sector 1-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 4 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 1-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 5 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 1-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 6 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 1-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 7 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 2-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 8 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 2-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 9 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 2-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 10 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 2-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 11 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 3-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 12 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 3-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 13 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 3-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 14 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 3-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 15 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 4-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 16 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 4-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 17 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 4-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 18 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 4-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 19 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 5-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 20 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 5-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 21 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 5-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 22 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 5-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 23 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 6-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 24 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 6-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 25 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 6-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 26 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 6-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 27 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 7-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 28 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 7-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 29 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 7-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 30 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 7-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 31 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 8-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 32 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 8-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 33 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 8-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 34 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 8-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 35 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 9-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 36 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 9-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 37 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 9-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 38 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 9-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 39 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 10-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 40 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 10-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 41 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 10-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 42 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 10-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 43 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 11-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 44 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 11-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 45 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 11-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 46 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 11-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 47 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 12-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 48 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 12-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 49 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 12-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 50 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 12-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 51 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 13-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 52 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 13-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 53 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 13-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 54 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 13-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 55 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 14-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 56 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 14-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 57 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 14-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 58 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 14-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 59 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 15-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 60 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 15-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 61 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 15-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 62 unable to authenticate
------------------------Sector 15-------------------------
Authentication error
Block 63 unable to authenticate
Send a character to run the mem dumper again!
Does someone know how I am able to dump the memory from my card?
Also I want to write it to a blank card, like a rfid cloner can some one tell me how to do this.
I searched google wide and far, can't find examples for the pn532 chip. I am not that good in coding so I need some examples.
Hope you can may advice me or help me.
Sorry for some grammar/spelling issues I'm dutch so.
Thanks in advance.