RFID tag Hexa to Decimal relationship

RFID reader output using Wiegand library is as below.

Wiegand HEX = 6C3A5F, DECIMAL = 7092831
Wiegand HEX = 6BF284, DECIMAL = 7074436
Wiegand HEX = 65D376, DECIMAL = 6673270
Wiegand HEX = 619AE1, DECIMAL = 6396641
Wiegand HEX = 68F870, DECIMAL = 6879344
Wiegand HEX = 6934A7, DECIMAL = 6894759

What is the relationship between these hex values and the decimal. Normal Hexa to decimal conversion doesn't provide those decimal values.

Found the relationship these numbers are taken as Dwords. How to take these numbers as Dwords in Arduino and convert into Hex or Decimal number formats

these numbers are taken as Dwords.

I'll byte. What's a Dword?

Where is your code for reading the tags? Why do you need the decimal numbers?