Researching a bit I've realised that RFM12B is very popular between arduino fans There is even a library for it.
However, it is more difficult to find a project with a just transmitter and a receiver as RFM01 and RFM02.
I have found this library for these two components
With this library, can I have them working without configuring anything else? I mean, installing the library is enough? (using an ATmega328)
Does it worth it using this library instead of the one for RFM12B that is more popular just for saving some euros? (I suppose 2 RFM12B are more expensive than the other option)
Yes I know it. My dilemma is that I would like to use a library in C and it seems that the library for the transceiver is more popular and therefore probably more reliable.
I only want one-direction communication and I know using a transceiver is not coherent, but that library....
Why these connections? I mean, for example, the SCK from RF02 is connected to Arduino (with Atmega168) pin 9. This pin is PB1(OC1A/PCINT1). The datasheet says this about this pin:
OC1A/PCINT1 – Port B, Bit 1
OC1A, Output Compare Match output: The PB1 pin can serve as an external output for the Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A. The PB1 pin has to be configured as an output (DDB1 set (one)) to serve this function. The OC1A
pin is also the output pin for the PWM mode timer function.
PCINT1: Pin Change Interrupt source 1. The PB1 pin can serve as an external interrupt source.
So, it doesn't matter that the atmega has a pin with the funcion SCK? You can choose other pin and do by software your own "clock" signal?
Ok, I've realised that I am mixing everthing. The SCK pin is for SPI (Serial Peripherical Interface) and in this library they do not use I correct?