Hi! This is my first time using the RFM9X LoRa module, and I'm trying to connect it to an Arduino Nano to set it up as an end device for TTN. I've been searching and experimenting for days but still haven't figured out the correct pin connections. Can you help? Thank you!
There are a few different boards that referenced by this name - Arduino Nano (classic), Arduino Nano Every, Arduino Nano ESP32 ....
What exact board do you using? If it is a classic Nano - why did you put the topic to the Nano Every category?
Yes I am using the classic Nano, i sincerely apologize for the category. This is the first time I asked in this forum. I really need help.
Use a "flag" icon under the message and create a message to moderator, asking him to move your topic to the appropriate category.
Your topic has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum.
Please show us what your tried. Schematic /wiring diagram (photo of handdrawn one is fine) and code (please don't forget to use code tags as described in How to get the best out of this forum).
Vin - 3.3V
G0 - D2
SCK - D13
MISO - D12
MOSI - D11
CS - D10
RST - D5
I'm not familiar with RFM9X modules. Which one do you have?
You might have created an unhealthy scenario for the module by using 3.3V as the power supply and 5V Arduino signals like MOSI, SCLK and CS.
I am using this one:
I wanted to post this earlier but if you were not using that board it might have confused you: Overview | Adafruit RFM69HCW and RFM9X LoRa Packet Radio Breakouts | Adafruit Learning System
Okay thanks! I will give this a try.
are you using the MCCI Arduino LoRaWAN Library to connect to the TTN network using LoRaWAN ?
not used a nano to connect to LoRaWAN but you need to connect DIO0 and DIO1
and specify them in the pinmap, e.g. ? in the code below
const lmic_pinmap lmic_pins = {
.nss = 10,
.rst = 5,
.dio = {?, ?, LMIC_UNUSED_PIN,}, //DIO0, DIO1 and DIO2 connected
for LoRaWAN no need to define DIO2
be careful - the RFM95 uses 3.3V logic the nano classic 5V logic - you should use a level converter