My goal is to make a clock / timer using push buttons and an LED strip.
I can do everything myself except for the LED strip. (That is, I know how to perform date/time calculations, how to install an RTC, how to install and debounce push-buttons, that kind of thing.)
I need an LED strip whose LEDs are spaced at least, say, 15 mm apart. For ease of reading the time, I need them to be RGB LEDs. That way, I could command every 5th or 10th one to appear in a different color, that sort of thing, I haven't worked out the details yet.
Once I have the LED strip, I need to be able to command it. I need to be able to tell an individual LED to turn a certain color until further notice. I would much prefer not to have to multiplex anything manually. If the strip has built-in hardware so I need not do this in software, so much the better. If I cannot simply command one LED individually, but rather must command them all at once, that is fine with me: it being a clock/timer, I need not do so more than once or twice a second. As long as I can specify a different color for each LED to turn, that is all I need. (Example: "seven minutes" might be indicated by turning the first five LEDs blue, the sixth and seventh LEDs green, and the remaining LEDs off.)
What LED strip do I get and where do I get it? What software do I use to drive it?
Please do not recommend Adafruit. Their Web site is too animation-heavy and it locks up my computer.