I plan to build a becon finding robot. My questionis how to se up a good and cheap beacon and receiver pair.
One aproach would be to use my HC-sr004s. http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=173414.0
I also have a pair of nrf24l01+. But with only a 1 bit "rssi" I think it is hardly usable. I would need to shield it extremely well from three sides. Not realistic .. I think.
Is there any other good and cheap method? IR is too short range I think. And too expensive if I want a wider beam.
I have a roomba virtual lighthouse. But I have no idea on how to detect it.
I confused a virtual wall for a lighthouse. The 500 hz square wave came from a virtual wall, not lighthouse.
I detected the signal with a phototransistor going to my scope.