Good day! I hope somebody could help me with this. Here's what I wanna happen. I have LED as output (with MIDI interface also so that the as the LED turns on, the MIDI will play a sound ) and push button as input. I want to trigger the output(LED) ONLY at the rising edge. But with my codes, when I press the button for long then let go of it, the output will be triggered also which is at falling edge. How can I modify my codes for my output to trigger only at the rising edge??
#include <avr/io.h>
//void USART_Transmit( unsigned char data );
int ON = 100;//velocity of MIDI notes (between 0 and 127)
int OFF = 0;
int noteON = 153;//midi note on channel 10 percussion
int note;
volatile uint8_t statedetect = B11111111;
void setup()
//start = false;
DDRB = 0xFF; // Set port B as output
DDRD = 0x00; // Set port D as input
PORTD = 0x00; // Clear Port D pins
//Set MIDI baud rate:
void loop()
uint8_t changedbits;
changedbits= PIND ^ statedetect;
statedetect= PIND;
if ((changedbits & (1<<PD2))) //If switch1 is pressed
//while (changedbits & (1<<PD2))
note = 35;
MIDImessage(noteON, note, ON);
PORTB = 0x01; //Turns ON LED1
MIDImessage(noteON, note, OFF);
//Bass drum
if (changedbits & (1<<PD3)) //If switch2 is pressed
//Snare drum
note = 38;
MIDImessage(noteON, note, ON);
PORTB = 0x02; //Turns ON LED2
MIDImessage(noteON, note, OFF);
if (changedbits & (1<<PD4)) //If switch3 is pressed
//High Hat
note = 42;
MIDImessage(noteON, note, ON);
PORTB = 0x04; //Turns ON LED3
MIDImessage(noteON, note, OFF);
if (changedbits & (1<<PD5)) //If switch4 is pressed
//Crash cymbal
note = 49;
MIDImessage(noteON, note, ON);
PORTB = 0x08; //Turns ON LED4
MIDImessage(noteON, note, OFF);
if (changedbits & (1<<PD6)) //If switch5 is pressed
//right tom
note = 45;
MIDImessage(noteON, note, ON);
PORTB = 0x10; //Turns ON LED5
MIDImessage(noteON, note, OFF);
PORTB = 0x00; //Turns OFF LEDs
//send MIDI message
void MIDImessage(int command, int MIDInote, int MIDIvelocity)
USART_Transmit(command);//send note on or note off command
USART_Transmit(MIDInote);//send note number (determines what drum to play)
USART_Transmit(MIDIvelocity);//send velocity data
void USART_Transmit( unsigned char data )
// Wait for empty transmit buffer
while ( !( UCSR0A & (1<<UDRE0)) )
// Put data into buffer, sends the data
UDR0 = data;