There are lots of examples in the latest Roboclaw Arduino Library, but none of them show how to get these status bits. The one function,
uint16_t ReadError(uint8_t address,bool *valid=NULL);
gets a lot of different data from the roboclaw. Page 59 of The roboclaw user manual shows this:
90 - Read Status
Read the current unit status.
Send: [Address, 90]
Receive: [Status, CRC(2 bytes)]
Function Status Bit Mask
Normal 0x0000
M1 OverCurrent Warning 0x0001
M2 OverCurrent Warning 0x0002
E-Stop 0x0004
Temperature Error 0x0008
Temperature2 Error 0x0010
Main Battery High Error 0x0020
Logic Battery High Error 0x0040
Logic Battery Low Error 0x0080
M1 Driver Fault 0x0100
M2 Driver Fault 0x0200
Main Battery High Warning 0x0400
Main Battery Low Warning 0x0800
Temperature Warning 0x1000
Temperature2 Warning 0x2000
M1 Home 0x4000
M2 Home 0x8000
There's a number of this information I need. If someone could help me get the code syntax to check just one of these, may M1 Home, then I should be able to figure out how to do the others.
Here's my feeble attempt at it. (I added the & sign, 3rd line from the end, but not sure if it should be there).
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "RoboClaw.h"
SoftwareSerial serial(10, 11);
RoboClaw roboclaw(&serial, 10000);
#define address 0x80
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (M1_IsHome) Serial.println("M1 is home");
boolean M1_IsHome() { //return true if M1 microswitch is pressed
bool valid;
uint16_t reading = roboclaw.ReadError(address, &valid);
//get the bits out
//return true if M1 is home
To help, here's an example from the library on reading an encoder:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "RoboClaw.h"
SoftwareSerial serial(10,11);
RoboClaw roboclaw(&serial,10000);
#define address 0x80
void setup() {
void loop() {
uint8_t status1;
bool valid1;
int32_t enc1= roboclaw.ReadEncM1(address, &status1, &valid1);
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("invalid ");